Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our extra long working weekend

So what did we do on our long weekend?? We had 4 cords of firewood delivered of which I had to re-cut @2.5 cords of. Our supplier likes to cut his wood long, 18-20 inches. The problem is that our wood stove is only 16 inches deep and wide, so most of what he brought us will not even come close to fitting, grrr!! I cut just about all of the 2.5 cords when my awesome wife whom was stacking it all while I was cutting it, had had enough and decided to just pile up the remaining wood for cutting at a later date. I must mention just how awesome my wife is! She stacked nearly ALL the 3.5 cords we got put up by herself as I was re-cutting the rest of it! I was cutting it one piece at a time with my power miter saw when my awesome wife suggested piling the wood up on timbers over a ratchet strap, tightening it up to hold it all together and cutting it en masse with the big chainsaw. I am going to try that at a later date as we also had a friend from work out to try to cut down our dying walnut tree.

Our friend had said he'd probably be able to cut it down without a bucket lift but after cutting 3-4 big limbs off having one clip the power line coming to the house, he re-evaluated this decision and told us he needed a bucket, we agreed, no harm no foul ;o) He agreed to sell me one of his small chiansaws, a 14" bar McCulloch 130. This little saw is going to save my back when limbing out trees that are coming down as now all I have is Poulan 20" bar monster that gets pretty heavy when working with smaller limbs, etc... He also agreed to bring me out his wood chipper so I could start chipping up the mountainous pile of brush I have piled up from our basswood tree that came down last fall. My original idea was to save the brush to cut into small enough pieces to use for kindling to light our fires with..... I worked about an hour one day a couple weekends ago on that idea and let's just say that plan was a bust as I simply do not enough time nor patience to try and accomplish that goal.

I spent the whole next day splitting and stacking all the wood from the limbs and cutting, splitting and stacking more big wood we had out back. All total, I cut, split, and stacked @ another half cord. We now have @ 3 full cords out back seasoning, our friend thinks we probably have @ another 2 cords in the walnut tree to add to that in a few weeks. We have a bunch, 4-50 gallon trash cans FULL of end cuts from the @2.5 cords I had to cut to length so we decided to cook our steaks over it that evening. AWESOME! I had never had a steak cooked over hardwood before, but now we know we will be able to use all those end cuts eventually. I also plan to try my hand at making homemade charcoal with some of that stuff.

Yesterday I spent the day cleaning up all the brush and bark that was left over from the walnut limbs and 4 cords we had delivered.... Then my friend showed up with his brush chipper and the small saw I bought. He helped me chip up a bit of the brush just to show me how everything operates and of course we chatted for a while ;o) He took off and I finally was able to get my mowing done and of course as usual, crazy neighbor had to drive his car on his property to be sure I hadn't mowed over the property line..... Yes, he is a douche and then some, it's a long story I won't get into here.

Now that I have a chipper here I would really like to be able to take the rest of the week off to get the brush all done but, I guess I'll have to try to get at it on the weekends. The way the forecast looks for the upcoming weekend, I'll not be able to get anything done outside as it's saying there's a 60% chance of rain ;o((...... So again, we had an extra long weekend that we spent working, not vacationing ;o) I suppose that's the price we pay for wanting to be prepared ;o)

Friday, April 6, 2012

So you say you believe in freedom... Do you really?

Since the election of chairman maobama I've been hearing folks yelling about getting government out of our lives and that chairman maobama is creating a dictatorship. His actions would definitely incline many to believe he is indeed on the path to creating such an environment. However, one must look at the amount of power and control our government's, federal, state and local, have been allowed to accumulate over the generations by the only folks supposedly with the power to stop it, We the People. This did NOT start under chairman maobama's reign. This downward slide into tyranny began long ago while our great grandparent's, grandparent's and parent's were in charge of keeping our once great and free republic FREE. Little by little as life became more complicated they lost track of what it meant and what it took be a free citizen of this Representative Republic that was so ingeniously formed by our Founding Fathers. Our Founders REQUIRED participation and education of our citizens in our political process. They rightly believed that the only way a republic could be maintained was for the PEOPLE to know what was going on and PARTICIPATE in deciding issues of the day. How far we have fallen from that model. Hell these days MOST of our "citizens" cannot even name those that they send to the capitals to represent them. So again, why are we sliding into the deep, dark, black hole of tyranny?

Besides citizen inaction, non-participation, and general apathy one would have to look at what our citizens consider freedom. For some it means anarchy, for some it means no limit on governmental authority, for some it means something in between. Sadly far too few of our citizens ESPECIALLY those in the patriot movement have had an honest discussion with themselves as to what they believe freedom means. I've even heard Libertarians, the so called vanguards of the liberty movement, state that the government should legalize then REGUALTE marijuana..... Yes, that's right, those who claim to believe in limited government want to give the government MORE power by allowing it to regulate a common weed anyone can grow for themselves in their back yard or basement! I've also had Libertarians ban me from their facebook pages for merely asking a question on their pro gay marriage postings. I asked if the gay marriage legislation they were supporting was going to include language regarding those whom believe in plural marriages (similar to polygamy) as well ? What was the answer I received? Any guesses? I received NO answer, I was merely banned from commenting on that person's posts, a person by the way, running for elected office as a Libertarian and whom I voted for in the primary! Thus the title of this posting here. Do you REALLY believe in freedom?

It is not just the Libertarians whom have this inconvenient problem with their positions when it comes to freedom. The republikrats are possibly the worst of the bunch. They all espouse their belief of freedom yet pass laws that restrict freedoms of certain groups they deem not deserving of freedom.... The last few election cycles of republikrats (think bush and his merry band of usurpers) are even worse than the damn demoncraps (at least the demoncraps tell us they plan to restrict our freedoms). Passing such freedom robbing laws like the un-patriot act that created the department of homeland security and the tsa were the most Un-Constitutional power grabs in recent American history yet because the republikrats did it "for own safety" no-one bats an eye at this most egregious transgression!

So the question stands.

Do you really believe in freedom?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to have more than one wife?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to smoke a little herb in the privacy of my own home on my off time?

Do you think a woman should be "allowed" to choose to have an abortion or not?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to plant a garden in my FRONT yard?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to shoot my firearms on my own property as long as I'm doing it safely regardless of where I live?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to let my grass grow as long as I want to provide cover for mother natures creatures and allow wildflowers to grow?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to euthanize a pet dog of mine if said dog is old, sick, and in pain?

Do you think I should be "allowed" to keep dogs WITHOUT paying the county for a license to keep them?

If you answered no to any of the questions, why? I could write more questions asking about what some believe is freedom, but I think my point has been made. So ask yourself....... Do you REALLY believe in freedom? I believe that far too many of our citizens do NOT believe in freedom. All we have to do is look at the assbag our citizens seem hell bent on electing..... Romneycare? Seriously? WTF?!

Just remember when our republic slides the rest of the way off the cliff into tyranny, smile and say thanks because you brought it upon yourselves and all of the rest of us!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wasting Your Vote!

I hear all sorts of folks claiming that those of us whom have refused to play the maitain the status quo game regarding our elections are wasting our votes if we do not support either of the two major parties. I counter this statement with, if status quo is working so well, why is the republic all but lost, why our nation teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and why do our freedoms continue to be eroded? Republikrats and demoncraps alike steal our freedoms and flagrantly waste our tax dollars. Do some research, get some facts to enlighten yourself to the reality of the situation we are really in. Our country is broke, it borrows over 40 cents of every dollar it spends. That SHOULD tell any sane and reasonable people to STOP SPENDING! But, hell no, our politicians refuse to do that. They are more concerned with getting re-elected and maintaining their power over we the people than doing what truly needs to be done to save our republic. They are beholden to the money powers that lurk in the shadows behind the scenes convincing the American people that they are not the problem, not the cause for our pain and worse, not the cause of the terrible strife and tribulation that will eventually have to come when the shell game known as our monetary system runs it's course. What's that saying? The greatest lie ever told was told by the devil convincing people he didn't exist..... We are in the same situation now, we have been in this situation for generations, it has incrementally gotten worse. Our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents dropped the ball. They lost sight of what it takes for the people to be truly represented in our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. Now we are left with a populace that has no clue about how our founding documents were penned to LIMIT the central government's power and allow our citizens to be free to make their own decisions, even bad ones..... Even worse our populace has no clue that for our republic to be successful they are REQUIRED to be involved and educated about the process!
So go ahead and tell me and others like me that we are wasting our vote by voting third party. It's o.k.. But when the status quo continues to make things even worse and you find yourself in dire straits, look in the mirror because the only person to blame is staring back at you.....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Good luck America!

I've been away from this for quite some time now and I figured since I was leaving facebook in about a week because of their new profile bullshit I'd start writing again here.

Now, on to business. WTF is up with the still retarded American people? Have they still not been able to see how things are only becoming more and more fucked up in our country? Have they not stopped sucking off the teat of big media and big government? About half our citizens (those nearly 50% getting a check from government) think chairman maobama is doing a great job (idiots) and the other half think he's doing a horrible job. Those that believe maobama is fucking things up however, are now casting their lot in with the same tired old republikratic establishment assholes whom have helped put our republic in this position to begin with! Seriously, romneycare, sanitorium, or gringrich (yes dolts, I know the names are mispelled, it's on purpose)? Really? That's the best these assholes could come up with?

These jackasses are the exact type of republikrats that helped get chairman maobama elected in the first place. Doesn't anyone remember dubya's failed "conservatism"? That's right, dubya took pages right out of the demoncraps play book but getting the patriot act passed which created 2 whole new massively expensive and freedom robbing agencies, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration, it has made patriots enemies of the state. Let us not forget the "conservative" medicare prescription drug program, we'll be paying for that boondoggle for generations if the nation lasts that long. Let us recall the original TARP bailouts, $700 BILLION going to the very bankers that the government allowed to cause the trouble to begin with! Remember dubya's infamous proclamation? He was abandoning the free market to save the free market? Talk about political double speak!

Back to the topic. How can folks truly believe that romenycare has a snow balls chance in hell at defeating maobama. Just romneycare's state government run mandatory health care fiasco should be enough to disqualify him from consideration to anyone whom has half a brain. But add to that his signing of a PERMANENT assault weapons ban in Massachusetts and the un-electability of this boob by those who truly believe in freedom goes through the roof. Good luck with maobama for another 4 years.

Now on to sanitorium..... Little ricky is a big hit with the bible thumpers whom wish to tell the rest of us how to live. Let me just say that I believe in religious freedom and the freedom to speak about your religion or lack there of. However, when one uses that religion to dictate to others how to live their lives it becomes a problem. Freedom requires all us to be allowed to do what we want as long as we aren't infringing upon the rights of others. Just because something offends you does not mean you have the right outlaw/ban said behavior. You do NOT have the right to NOT be offended. GET OVER IT!

And finally the last of the establishment republikratic hacks is newtster gringrich. This guy hasn't found a problem yet that can't be solved by a bigger and more intrusive federal government. Add to that the ethics investigations levied (politically motivated for sure but the masses won't care about that) upon him while he was in the house of representatives and he becomes an even more unattractive candidate. I wouldn't normally mention anyone's illict extra-marital affairs, but since this ass hat is running as the "conservative" alternative to romneycare I believe it must be mentioned. The same bible thumpers I mentioned above while talking about sanitorium will certainly NOT support a known multiple adulterer over even a morman who has been married for 20+ years to the same woman.

The only other republikrat and frankly the only one deserving of support by freedom loving folks is Dr. Ron Paul. However, the establishment and the media have doomed him to also ran staus. The media and the establishment are afraid of Dr. Paul removing their easy meal ticket created by back rooms politics. Dr. Paul knows the trouble we are in and actually has plans to address the issues we face, but his message falls on the deaf ears of those too stupid or ignorant to understand it. Our nation is in a world of hurt folks. We cannot continue to print money that is backed by worse than nothing, it is backed by DEBT. Dr. Paul understands this, but no-one wants to hear it, I believe because no-one has the balls to be the one whom takes responsibility to solve the problems that have been created by those who refuse govern based upon the Constitution. Were you wondering when I'd get around to mentioning that sacred document? Governing based upon the limits placed upon the government by the Constitution would solve all the problems we face but, it will not happen because far too many folks have gotten used to allowing the government to do all government does because they are afraid of the responsibility to run their own lives.

In short we're fucked, good luck America!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why I see chairman maobama getting another term.

With the current crop of republikrats being touted, the only thing I can see is chairman maobama getting another term. I am not a republikrat nor demoncrap, I am a registered Libertarian which I believe MANY American's truly are if they would only look deep into their beliefs. So why won't more support the Libertarian party? Stupidity? Ignorance? I'm not quite sure. I am sure though that conservatives cannot wrap their minds around the true freedoms that the Libertarian Party supports merely because of their ideologies. Yet those same ideologies when looked at honesty are typically hypocritical. For instance, conservatives generally support nation building wars in the name of spreading democracy to those whom wouldn't know what to do with it that kills thousands of men, women, children and thousands more our own troops yet they are totally against a woman's right to choose in the name of "killing" a fetus. Hmm, see what I mean? Conservatives claim to be patriotic freedom loving Americans, yet they do not support the freedom of folks marrying whom they wish. I could go on, but I believe any rational person can see the differences between those whom TRULY support freedom and those who merely pay freedom lip service.Now on to talking about those republikrats whom are being touted as candidates for the run against chairman maobama.Former governor Mike Huckabee.

Here are perhaps a few problems for Mr. Shuckabee:

The pardon problem: Huckabee's pardon commutation of the sentence of Maurice Clemmons, a man who murdered four police officers in Seattle, Washington in 2009
The CATO Institute gave Huckabee an "F" in its 2006 fiscal policy report card -- one of only two Republican governors to earn that "distinction".
Huckabee did raise taxes -- including the sales tax -- during his time as governor. That isn't going to be easy to reconcile with MOST Americans especially during these hard times.

Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich. Newt: Mr. family values guy whom can't seem to keep it in his pants- Cheated on his wife during her cancer treatment and then cheated on his mistress.... Just a bit of a hypocrite maybe? Good luck with trying to convince anyone but especially those ultra right wing christian nut jobs that he's a changed man.

Governor Tom Pawlenty WHO? He seems to be a fiscal conservative but "who is he?" will be the mantra when folks go to the polls.

Mit Romney Mr. Romneycare isn't any different than any other big government republikrat. Many "christians" will not support him because of his mormonism.

And I saved the best for last.

Former governor Sarah Palin Get real, she is likeable enough by some but hated too much by others, even in her own party to stand a remote chance of getting the nomination. If by some miracle, more likely back room dealings, she gets the nomination, maobama will clean her clock because so many Americans abhor her and there still seem to be many questions about her performance during her very short term tenure as Alsaka's governor. She is far too conservative for me, as I see conservatives as controlling big government folks whom should not be supported. Mrs. Palin is nice to look at as long as she does not open her mouth.

Some will say that I left out Ron Paul. I did not leave out Ron Paul, I only listed those whom have a chance of getting the republikratic nomination as I see it by who I'm hearing about on the radio, and Mr. Paul doesn't stand a chance of that happening. While I believe Mr. Paul to be the best possible choice to vote for and if he gets on the ballot, likely as an independent, preferably as a Libertarian I will vote for him. However, he does not stand a chance of winning unless MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans wake up and see that the establishment politicians (from EITHER party) are just that, for the ESTABLISHMENT and NOT for the American people nor our Nation.

So I guess, the conservatives will be able to "blame" me and many others for helping to get chairman maobama re-elected because we will refuse to vote for any of the establishment politicians. We will vote Libertarian when possible and vote other third parties when neccessary.
It is up to us, We the People to effect change in our Nation. If we do not have the backbone to take on this task we will be left with the same as we have always had and then many will bitch about why those politicians aren't listening to us. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the most basic definition of INSANITY. As a cute little self help exercise guru used to say, "STOP THE INSANITY!!!"

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where did you people learn to drive?
What a week this has been out on the highway! I drive for a living, usually right around 3000 miles per week in a semi truck and I have to say after all I experienced this week is, where the fuck did you people learn to drive?! It seems that many were not taught any common courtesy nor common sense! I have been driving big rigs full time for the last 13 years. I have racked up over 1.3 MILLION ACCIDENT and TICKET free miles (I AM a PROFESSIONAL!) and to say I have seen alot of ignorance and outright stupidity out on the road is a massive understatement, but lately all this stupidity seems to be getting far worse! Don't think I am only chastising the car drivers out there, because some of these big truck drivers are just as bad if not worse but I will get to their stupidity later. I want to address the most egregious stupidity I see on a nightly basis first.
Take this week for example. We had pretty severe thunderstorms roll through the area with some very heavy rain. It seems that the rain made folks forget anything they once knew about safe driving because some of the dumbest things I have ever seen occured while trying to get out of the grasp of the moronic jack asses that were creating a large traffic jam. It seems that no one remembers the concept of MOVING to the right when moving slow! For 30 miles, the ignorant fucks decided that 35-45 mph was fast enough and they were going to make sure no one moved any faster because they were blocking ALL 3 lanes of an interstate highway! Before I go any further, let me say that I am not one of those truck drivers whom thinks anyone that goes slow in a rain storm is an idiot, a jack ass or anything else derogatory. I slow down somewhat myself when visibility is reduced. However, when one feels the need to slow down significantly in inclement weather, PLEASE have the fucking common sense to move to the right and GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! Try to remember, those of us in big trucks have much better visibility and much better traction in bad weather so we do not need to slow down as much as you do, so again, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!!
On this same particular evening, I witnessed a real darwin prize winner trying to back up on the shoulder of this same interstate trying to get back to the exit he/she had just passed! What made this escapade even more unbelievable was that this fucking retard wasn't staying on the shoulder of this interstate highway, this fucking dumb ass was also weaving into the road on their way back to the exit causing even more of a traffic jam as the idiots that were already going slow had to slow down even more to get around this fuck head. Why do so many of you people think it's a good idea to back up on an interstate highway just because you are a retard and missed your exit?! Here's an idea for you idiots! GO TO THE NEXT EXIT! I can here you morons now, but I'm not from around here so I'm not sure where to go if I go to the next exit! Cry me a fucking river! Get a fucking map, or as seems so popular these days, a GPS device that will, like big brother, tell you where to go since you are obviously too fucking stupid to figure it out on your own or even bother to read a map! I also can here this gem. But what if I get off on an exit in a "bad" neighborhood? I say, GOOD! Maybe darwin will prevent you from passing on your stupid genes and the world will no longer have to deal with your stupidity nor the stupidity of any offspring you may have had!
One of my favorites in the stupidity files is when someone passes me at a high rate of speed and then decides to jam on their brakes to make it onto the next exit ramp! A little lesson on big truck stopping distance for you morons seems to be in order: This is from Here it is:
Stopping Distance.
Inertia is a prime factor in the difference in braking distance between a car and a heavy truck. A fully loaded semi truck has the gross vehicle weight, depending on its cargo, of up to 80,000 pounds. (Compare this to an average car's weight of 4,000 pounds.) At a speed of 55 m.p.h., a semi truck's stopping distance is 100 yards--the length of a football field. A mid-size automobile traveling at the same speed can stop within half of that distance. Read more: What Is the Stopping Distance of Tractor Trailers? this some serious thought before exercising this dangerous and potentially life threatening move of stupidity! It could get you killed!
I know I may sound a bit harsh and maybe even a little jaded, but afterall, think about this. The highway is my office. Would you want me coming into your office and fucking things up so you couldn't do your job efficiently or safely? I'm sick and tired of all these assholes who don't regard safe driving as their number one priority when they are behind the wheel of their vehicle! I have seen some fucked up shit in my days, I have also seen the results up close and personal of the consequences of someone driving like an idiot! I have seen women applying makeup, I have seen people drifting all over the road while trying to text/talk on their cell phones. I have had drunks nearly run me off the road due to their inability to keep thier car in their own lane! I have witnessed sexual acts being performed upon the driver of vehicles. I have even seen one especially retarded individual trying to eat a bowl of cereal while driving, I'm not kidding! This bran dead jack ass almost side swiped me requiring me to blow my rather loud air horn to get his attention back on the road, which made him spill his cereal all over his lap. He then has the nerve to flip me off! Think about what the fuck you are doing out there folks!
Now, don't think I forgot to talk about all the fucked up shit I see big trucks doing out there. I have not, I have alot to say about these assholes as well. I remember a time when truck drivers USED to be the knights of the highway, when common courtesy, common sense and respect prevailed. That seems like long ago days gone by based upon all I have witnessed over my career, especially lately. It seems a very large number of truck drivers have the me first mentality about them, as is the same with much of society.
Truck drivers, I have this to say. I hear lots of you bitching and complaining about not being paid like other professionals and I hear you bitching about not being treated like other professionals. Why do you think the general public thinks we "supposed" professional drivers are a bunch of morons? BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTIONS BEHIND THE WHEEL!!!! Tailgating, excessive speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and in general, not paying attention to what the fuck you are doing makes all of us in this profession look like the negative public image! If you want to be treated as a professional then act like one! I have another little piece of advice for those truck driving tailgaters out there. STAY OFF MY BUMPER!!! You will not make me speed up nor cut off the person I'm passing, in fact, you may well make me SLOW DOWN!! There is no fucking excuse what so ever for tailgating, EVER! If you have to drive like that to make your deadline, you need a different job or maybe even a new career because obviously you do not have the proper mentality for a career with so much responsibility.
This career entails a very large amount of responsibility, we hold the lives of hundreds or thousands of folks in our hands every day or night. As professionals it is up to us to be prepared to respond to any and all changing conditions out on the road and most importantly, we have to be prepared for anything the braindead idiots in any vehicle may do. I almost witnessed a tragic accident that did not occur because I was prepared, I was paying attention and luckily, the driver of the car woke up in time! I came upon a very slow moving car in the right lane, there was another big truck in the left lane so I slowed down early to let the big truck pass me before I reached the slow car. Just about the time the other big truck was upon the slow car, he, (the car) decided to apply large amounts of brake pedal pressure, turned on his LEFT turn signal and started to move into the path of the speeding truck to his left. Needless to say, I slowed down even more as the car realized his fuck up and came back to the right lane. He (the car) probably shit himself upon realizing how close he had just came to dying because of his own stupidity!
Just pay attention to what the fuck you are doing out there folks! Let's all get where we're going safely and most importantly ALIVE!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

As I peruse various blogs on this here Internet thingy I can't help but wonder what happened to the rugged individualism that once made America great? The more I read, the more I see folks whining and complaining that our government doesn't do enough to "help" people. Really? It is not now, nor has it ever been the government's job to make any one's life easier. Now I do have to say I do agree with most on the left railing about the government bailing out corporations and giving away money to foreign countries. The amount of money, money we the tax payers are responsible for paying back given away to foreign nations and corporations is criminal at best. However, those on the left miss the real insanity by claiming that our government should be spending that money here. What they SHOULD be saying is that the government SHOULD NOT be spending this money! This is money our government does not have, money our government is borrowing from foreign nations, money our government is "borrowing" from our federal reserve (printing more), money we the tax payers are responsible for paying back. Shouldn't our government be CUTTING spending when they do not have the money available to spend? That is what we the tax payers have to do. When our income goes down and it is going to go down significantly even more than it already has when chairman maobama's tax increases go into effect next January, we HAVE to cut our spending. We cannot just run to our basements and print more money, it's a felony when we do that! We just cannot keep borrowing more money, WE HAVE TO CUT SPENDING!

I am not merely bashing the left here with this rant. The right has been doing the same damn thing when they are in power. One only needs to look at former president bush and his congress for six years to see that they are just as bad as the left when it comes to spending money we do not have as a nation. Running up massive debts is a way of life for the criminals that "lead" us.

Yet, sadly, pathetically, the voters still only see their choices as the right or the left. I cannot understand the willingness of the voting public to continue with the business as usual crowd whom have gotten us into this financial disaster we are in. Some would say, it's not really a disaster we find ourselves in right now. Really? I say look at economic indicators, housing, un-employment, government debt, consumer debt, the number of folks on public assistance, the list goes on and on. All these indicators are showing depression, not recession type numbers. Take un-employment for instance, the government is claiming we have 9.8% of our citizens out of work. If one factors in the real numbers of folks we have out of work whom have quit looking for a job because there just aren't many out there to get, the number, the real number of un-employed folks we have jumps up to closer to where it really is, nearly 20% or more of our citizens are out of work. If one factors in the number of folks that are under employed, meaning taking jobs that do not pay what they were making, the numbers jump exponentially! To put that in perspective, the first full year of the great depression, 1930, the un-employment numbers were 8.9%, rising every year, in 1931 the numbers were 15.9% and climbing until the economy reached a trough in 1933 where un-employment numbers were 24.9%. So our current un-employment numbers are higher now than they were in the first year of the great depression and yet no-one sees a problem?!

Wake up America! Throw the bums up for re-election out on their asses, elect Libertarians! There are very few politicians from either party that are worthy of our vote. Most have been playing the game in the district of criminals as they all always have because WE THE PEOPLE, WE THE TAXPAYERS have allowed this to happen by continuing to vote for these bastards year after year! When will America see that almost every single one of these politicians are part of the problem, not part of the solution?! Are they all corrupt? Certainly not, but the number of those whom are worthy of our vote is infinitesimal at best.

Americans HAVE to understand and believe that our government is not the answer to our problems. Generally our government is the CAUSE of MOST of the troubles that ail our nation! How can anyone truly believe that an entity that causes a problem should be the entity charged with fixing said problem? That is just plainly insane! Look at all the government institutions that are corrupt, bankrupt, and ill managed. Look at amtrack, the post office, the military paying $500 for a stinking toilet seat one could buy at Home Depot for $20, look at the welfare and medicaid/medicare debacle. Both are hemorrhaging money, full of graft and corruption. Look at so called social security, a ponzi scheme of epic proportions that has stolen trillions of dollars from the American public under the guise of providing a retirement plan for folks whom are too stupid to realize that SSI was never set up to be a retirement plan. Look it up! SSI was merely set up as old age insurance, meaning that if one got lucky and outlived the national average age, one got a stipend for outliving most! The point is our federal government simply cannot be left in charge of any parts of our economy for it has proven to have no clue what the hell it is doing!

Again to all the lefties whom think government is the answer: WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOTS!!!!! Do a bit of research into the "wonderful" things your government has done and continues to do! All I expect from my federal government is to protect our borders (EPIC FAIL there), protect us from invasion by foreign entities, (again EPIC FAIL- see protecting the borders) and provide a trustworthy monetary system (again EPIC FAIL!). That's it, no more, no less. Yet, the politicians think that if they aren't spending all their time in the district of criminals creating fixes for problems that do not exist or problems they themselves created they think they aren't doing their "jobs". I say to every politician, read the CONSTITUTION and see how little job responsibilities you really have! I believe our government needs to go back to part time status, congress should merely convene a few times a year to do the little work actually required by them as laid out in the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!
Elect small government LIBERTARIANS this fall to send those scumbags in d.c. the message that we are mad as hell and we won't take it anymore!