If your head has been buried up your ass for the past few years I will clue you in. Our financial system is on the verge of collapse, our government is on the verge of collapse, our society is on the verge of collapse. Our citizens continue to be pushed to the breaking point. We the People continue to write, call, and scream at our non-representing representatives and it does seem we are affecting the elected scumbags somewhat as they still haven't been able to get their communist agenda passed even with super majorities in both houses of congress. However, our pressure is not stopping them from continuing to try to twist arms, bribe and otherwise force members of congress to get this communist agenda through. We cannot quit the fight! We must continue to be the squeaky wheel to remind them that they ARE SUPPOSED to work for US which means they are supposed to LISTEN to what WE tell them to do. We the People do not want the government to run any more parts of our lives than what they already are illegally interfering with! We the People want the government to get out of our lives and return to the limited form of government we were originally set up with! The government is counting on the stupidity of Americans to support this ANTI-AMERICAN agenda! DON'T BE A "STUPID" AMERICAN!
Our Founding documents spell out clear and concise LIMITS on federal governmental power. Unless our government returns to this system of governance, our government will collapse under it's own weight and our society will follow suit. Our government has mortgaged our children's and grand children's futures to the point that we have a debt that we will never be able to repay! What happens when our creditors come a calling for repayment? Will our government default? Will our government give up our sovereignty to satisfy our creditors? No-one truly knows the answers to these questions yet one theory seems reasonable to think about. Total societal collapse.
Total societal collapse is a very real possibility. If one takes the time to think about what could happen when the government runs out of money or We the People refuse to support the government with our tax dollars. Does anyone really think that if our government takes control of our health care system that everyone will just bend over and take it? Does anyone believe that if they pass the cap and tax bill, We the People will bend over and take their egregious tax increases and over bearing control into our daily lives, telling us how warm or cool our homes can be? Does anyone truly believe that We the People will tolerate legalizing millions of CRIMINAL immigrants thus hastening the bankrupting of our nation and changing our demographics forever?! I don't think so. One must be prepared to deal with the fall of society when any of these usurpation's occurs.
How can you prepare? Well, you have to look at where you live. Do you live in the city, the suburbs or the country? Do you have neighbors you can trust? Do you have the means to feed yourself for any length of time should the grocery stores be closed or out of food? Do you have a means to get water if your water supply is cut off or rendered undrinkable? Do you have the means and the will to defend you and yours should someone try to take what you have? Do you have the ability to get home should a collapse happen while you are away at work? Do you have the means to heat and light your home if the power should be cut? Basically all I am asking is, DO YOU HAVE THE MEANS AND THE WILL TO SURVIVE WITHOUT ANY MODERN CONVENIENCES??
I ask this because the route our government is taking makes many believe that there will be no stopping our total collapse as a nation.
What can you do?
Prepare! Prepare yourself and as many family members who will listen and get on board. Be prepared to make a horrible decision as well. You will have to make the decision of whom you will or will be able to help of those whom did not prepare. This is a horrific decision you may have to make as your own preparations will only last so long, and adding extra mouths to feed will only deplete your stores faster. It's a shitty decision but one to give some serious thought to, especially if you have tried to warn others, including family.
Location will have a large bearing on what you have to prepare for. If you live in a city or suburb, I would recommend finding a spot in the country to bug out to as the cities and suburbs will be the first to fall due to the large amount of sheeple whom have had their heads up their asses and not done one bit of preparing. So, what do you think will happen if society collapses and you can't go to a grocery store to get food? Grocery stores only keep about 2-3 days of food on the shelves at one time. Societal collapse would lead to no more trucks coming in to refill the shelves. Did anyone see the post Katrina videos. Do you really think that won't happen where you live? City dwellers have yet another strike against them as they are hooked up to a municipal water system. A municipal water system can be turned off at will by the municipality leading you to not having ANY water.
Water is the most important part of preparing as you can live much longer without food than you can without water. If you do not have the means to get out of the city/suburbs look into safe water storage. Many online retailers sell food grade barrels of various sizes to store water in on a long term basis. Many online websites have recommendations for the proper steps to take to store water properly. For those of us lucky enough to live in the country with a well we have our own set of problems to deal with, but as a whole, fewer problems than city/suburban dwellers. The primary concern for those of us with wells is losing electricity because without power, we can't pump our water out of the ground. If you don't have to pull your water very far up out of the well you can retrieve it rather cheaply without electricity. For about $100, I purchased a well head hand pump and all the necessary pipe and connectors that allows me to get water out of my well without power. Not every well owner can do it this as cheaply but it still can be done.
Another concern for well owners is well contamination, therefore a quality water test kit is highly recommended (NECESSARY!). Make sure to test for the normal things, pH, alkalinity, hardness, nitrates, nitrites, etc., but also test for bacteria and viruses. Most "experts" say you will need 2 gallons per person per day of water storage so plan accordingly. Date your water containers and rotate them as necessary.
Food storage is an area anyone can do and do relatively inexpensively. When you go to the grocery store, buy one or two extra of every item of can goods you already buy. Watch the expiration dates and rotate accordingly. Vacuum sealers are a God send to those on the preparing bandwagon. You can extend the shelf life of a variety of food stuffs merely by vacuum sealing them. Rice, beans, flour, sugar, coffee, and a whole host of other foodstuffs can be sealed giving them a much longer than normal shelf life. There are also plenty of online retailers selling dehydrated food for extra long term storage, MRE's, and long shelf life canned stored foods. I haven't tried any of the dehydrated products yet as I prefer MRE's because they are about the same price and shelf life and have their own in the bag heater. I have a problem with the dehydrated foodstuffs because, they REQUIRE your precious water to make! I do plan on giving them a try as we do have a good supply of water and it never hurts to have more variety of food on hand. However, if your water supply is in question, then it would be wise to rely on food that doesn't require water to prepare.
Can you get home if you are at work when the collapse comes? How aware are you of other routes to your primary residence or bug out location should there be road blocks, or just mass rioting making travel unsafe or impossible through your area. Are you prepared to get out on foot? Do have enough supplies for the 2-3 days it will take you to get home on foot if you live more than a couple miles from work? Do you have a make shift shelter for such a trip? Do you have food and water available for this trip? This is where the filtered water bottles are life savers. That way, as long as you can locate a water supply, you can filter it to be safe and this lessens the amount of gear you need to carry. You still should carry some water as it may be hard to find depending on your location. This is where MRE's also are handy to have as they have their own heaters, and nothing builds confidence and morale like a hot meal. Do you have a way to get a fire going if you need warmth? Can you and are you willing to defend yourself along your way home? Do you have the gear in your personal vehicle to support an extended walk home? Do you even have the most basic emergency gear in your vehicle should you just be stranded for hours? Ask some folks whom just sat for 18 hours or longer in the blizzard along the east coast how bad it sucked not being prepared for even that relatively minor scenario.
Are you prepared to defend yourself, your family, and your home should society collapse? Are you prepared to kill those whom would want to take what you have and possibly harm you and yours to get it? Yes, it may well come to this. This is why I mentioned the horrific question above, you may have family members trying to take what you have. You have to arm yourself to the best of your abilities and then practice with each firearm to know you can hit what you are aiming at. You have to prepare yourself for the possibility that you may have to take someones life to defend your own. You have to have enough ammuntition on hand for an extended struggle in case that is the situation we find our selves in. Common wisdom states that you should have at LEAST 1000 rounds per rifle and handgun you have. You should also have several hundred shot gun shells varying buckshot, bird shot, and slugs for your shotgun/s.
Do you know how to field dress wild game? Do you know how to prepare that wild game after you kill it? Do you have seeds to start a garden when season appropriate? Do you know what plants are edible and what aren't?
There are forces at work within our government which are seeking to fundamentally change our nation for the worst. We have a duty to be prepared for whatever they decide to throw our way. We the People cannot and will not allow them to herd us like sheep to the slaughter, We will stand and We will push back against their agenda as We the People have the right AND the DUTY to throw off the chains of an evil and oppressive government that is hell bent on enslaving US!
In closing, I have not listed everything you will need to prepare yourself for what will be coming, but hopefully this will wake some up whom are not giving any of this any thought at all. Because, one cannot expect anyone whom saw the writing on the wall and LISTENED to what is happening to provide for those whom ignored our warnings! I almost feel sorry for those whom have the attitude that they will take what they want when we fall. They may get away with it for a short time but, they will eventually try to take from the wrong folks and it will be the last time they think about taking ANYTHING!
Keep your powder dry and PREPARE!
Friday, December 18, 2009
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