Sunday, April 11, 2010

First ride of the season turned into a nice drive.

The first ride of the season my wife and I had "kind of" planned ended up being a nice drive with absolutely perfect company. The plan was to saddle up after 2 p.m. as the forecast had called for spotty showers until around 2 p.m. and it was pretty stinking chilly in the morning. So I'm online checking the weather, and I see the radar still showing showers where we are heading. Now, I don't mind a shower or two when it's 80 degrees or hotter but with temps barely climbing above 50, I'll err on the side of staying dry everytime. I told my wife that I didn't really care if we rode the bike or not, I just wanted to get away for a few hours so let's just go in the truck.

We get to Port Clinton to find out our favorite mexican place, Mendoza's is closed, we figured they must have closed for the off season. We head through town thinking, o.k., we really had our hearts set on mexican grub, so now what? We went past the frisch's and both looked at each other and said, we may as well eat there because there really isn't anything else we were in the mood for. We had our rather unremarkable lunch and hit the road.

We first stopped at East Harbor State Park, a stop on a good number of our rides in this area and the spot where I proposed to my awesome wife nearly 6 years ago. We walked along the lake shore just basking in each other and the beautiful although chilly day. We stopped at a couple of other spots in the park and took some pictures. The first picture here is along the lake shore looking towards the Marblehead Peninsula, and the other is from the wet lands across from the lake. There are actually two swans in that photo but the glare and the distance we were from them makes them impossible to see. We left East Harbor to go to Marblehead.

We stopped at a road side park on Catawaba Island, ( it's a peninsula! NOT an island!) and walked along the nature trail there. When the trees and flowers there start blooming it will be a beautiful walk, but this time of year it was just a walk in the woods with not much to see. We left and tried to go to the African Lion Safari Park, the wife loves it, but they had just closed for the day. Undeterred, we pressed on to Marblehead. We arrived to find the grounds very nearly empty. The lighthouse doesn't open up for tours until June, so folks are pretty sparse until then, just the way we like it. We walked the grounds, took some pictures, and my wife played with our new 10X binoculars. Wow, those things are really cool! The picture contains the keeper's house with the lighthouse in the background. This keeper's house is not the house the keeper used for some years. The keeper lived a mile from the lighthouse and rode his horse to work everynight. He did end up moving his family into the keeper's house some years later and remained there until his retirement.
All in all it was a great day away from everything with my wife. The weather did end up cooperating although it still would have been pretty chilly on the bike with the wind coming right off the lake, helping to cool things down even more than farther inland.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stupid Apathetic Americans

I write this with a heavy heart because I believe our Nation is doomed. Our Nation is doomed to spend eternity in mediocrity due to the stupidity of her own citizens. From the masses of morons thinking maobama really wasn't a socialist/marxist/wanna be dictator, to those thinking our rights come from the government and not GOD. We are doomed to repeat the mistakes of all others whom tried socialism/marxism/dictatorships and have found not only does it not work, but it bankrupts nations. Chairman maobama is well on his way to bankrupting our once great Nation, he continues to introduce and pass more legislation that further restricts citizens rights and steal more of our money.

Stupid people did not bat an eye when president gw bush enacted the so called patriot act. When this happened, freedom took a major hit, yet even republicrats supported this abomination claiming it will make us safer.. Need I remind anyone that, he whom gives up essential liberties for temporary security deserves neither liberty nor security. Not only has the patriot act NOT kept us safer, it has created more federal departments in our government that are helping to bankrupt her and infiltrate her citizen's lives and strip their rights on a daily basis.

Our Nation's so called education system has been taken over by a bunch of marxist union thugs that are more interested in forcing their radical marxist agenda down our kids throats than actually teaching the young about how and why our Nation was founded and the things that made her great. No, they prefer to teach how great a guy che was, what a great job mao did in China. For those with a public school indoctrination, che was one of fidel castro's thug hit men, his executioner, he helped castro's communist regime take power. Mao was a communist revolutionary whom killed, directly or indirectly through communist policies, millions of his fellow chinese. Sound like great guys to look up to doesn't it?! Yet the marxists in our "education" system idolize these criminals and point to America as the heart of the world's problems.

So how can the government get away with all this egregious liberty robbing tax dollar stealing crap? Because Americans as a majority are apathetic and worse yet, just plain fucking stupid! Don't believe me? Listen to these recordings from some man on the street interviews. In one, folks actually signed a petition to repeal the 1st Amendment! Again for those with a public school indoctrination, the 1st Amendment guarantees our right to free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. Another one is from Howard Stern's show of all places. He sent his guys to Harlem before the '08 election to see if folks there were merely voting for maobama because he was black, the people claimed no, but I believe the recordings tell a much different story! Again, stupidity on full display for the whole world to see! There is one out there I didn't link that has folks in line in Detroit for a welfare payment claiming it was from maobama, they was there to get their maobama cash, from his personal stash because he cares about us peoples! Any wonder we are on a fast track to the hell of third world nation status? The truly scary part about these morons is, what are they going to do when big daddy government runs out of money, and it WILL, leaving those with their hands out begging for some thing that will no longer be there. So what then? Where will they get their hand outs from?

Warning: Do not watch these links if you are easily angered! Repeal the 1st Amendment Howard Stern Hannity's man on the street.

I just had to edit this post because a shining example of American stupidity just became available last evening. The link below comes from OUR house of representatives, shameful as it is to say. BUT, I fear to think of how retarded the voters are in this district if a total fucking moron such as this can get elected. This definitely proves my point that stupid Americans must shoulder a large amount of blame for how fucked up our Nation is currently!