With the current crop of republikrats being touted, the only thing I can see is chairman maobama getting another term. I am not a republikrat nor demoncrap, I am a registered Libertarian which I believe MANY American's truly are if they would only look deep into their beliefs. So why won't more support the Libertarian party? Stupidity? Ignorance? I'm not quite sure. I am sure though that conservatives cannot wrap their minds around the true freedoms that the Libertarian Party supports merely because of their ideologies. Yet those same ideologies when looked at honesty are typically hypocritical. For instance, conservatives generally support nation building wars in the name of spreading democracy to those whom wouldn't know what to do with it that kills thousands of men, women, children and thousands more our own troops yet they are totally against a woman's right to choose in the name of "killing" a fetus. Hmm, see what I mean? Conservatives claim to be patriotic freedom loving Americans, yet they do not support the freedom of folks marrying whom they wish. I could go on, but I believe any rational person can see the differences between those whom TRULY support freedom and those who merely pay freedom lip service.Now on to talking about those republikrats whom are being touted as candidates for the run against chairman maobama.Former governor Mike Huckabee.
Here are perhaps a few problems for Mr. Shuckabee:
The pardon problem: Huckabee's pardon commutation of the sentence of Maurice Clemmons, a man who murdered four police officers in Seattle, Washington in 2009
The CATO Institute gave Huckabee an "F" in its 2006 fiscal policy report card -- one of only two Republican governors to earn that "distinction".
Huckabee did raise taxes -- including the sales tax -- during his time as governor. That isn't going to be easy to reconcile with MOST Americans especially during these hard times.
Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich. Newt: Mr. family values guy whom can't seem to keep it in his pants- Cheated on his wife during her cancer treatment and then cheated on his mistress.... Just a bit of a hypocrite maybe? Good luck with trying to convince anyone but especially those ultra right wing christian nut jobs that he's a changed man.
Governor Tom Pawlenty WHO? He seems to be a fiscal conservative but "who is he?" will be the mantra when folks go to the polls.
Mit Romney Mr. Romneycare isn't any different than any other big government republikrat. Many "christians" will not support him because of his mormonism.
And I saved the best for last.
Former governor Sarah Palin Get real, she is likeable enough by some but hated too much by others, even in her own party to stand a remote chance of getting the nomination. If by some miracle, more likely back room dealings, she gets the nomination, maobama will clean her clock because so many Americans abhor her and there still seem to be many questions about her performance during her very short term tenure as Alsaka's governor. She is far too conservative for me, as I see conservatives as controlling big government folks whom should not be supported. Mrs. Palin is nice to look at as long as she does not open her mouth.
Some will say that I left out Ron Paul. I did not leave out Ron Paul, I only listed those whom have a chance of getting the republikratic nomination as I see it by who I'm hearing about on the radio, and Mr. Paul doesn't stand a chance of that happening. While I believe Mr. Paul to be the best possible choice to vote for and if he gets on the ballot, likely as an independent, preferably as a Libertarian I will vote for him. However, he does not stand a chance of winning unless MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans wake up and see that the establishment politicians (from EITHER party) are just that, for the ESTABLISHMENT and NOT for the American people nor our Nation.
So I guess, the conservatives will be able to "blame" me and many others for helping to get chairman maobama re-elected because we will refuse to vote for any of the establishment politicians. We will vote Libertarian when possible and vote other third parties when neccessary.
It is up to us, We the People to effect change in our Nation. If we do not have the backbone to take on this task we will be left with the same as we have always had and then many will bitch about why those politicians aren't listening to us. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the most basic definition of INSANITY. As a cute little self help exercise guru used to say, "STOP THE INSANITY!!!"
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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