In this, my first blog of 2010 I must start of by saying Happy New Year. There, that's done, now I can get on to pontificating about why I do not believe 2010 will be a happy year for most Americans.
Our government is still trying to get socialized medicine shoved down our throats. Although it seems on the surface that reconciliation may not happen regarding socialized medicine, I wouldn't put any kind of shenanigans past these corrupt bums. Our congress has backed off from legislatively doing anything about their global climate change scam, however, the epa (environMENTAL pussification agency) has taken up the cause by determining that carbon is a harmful substance. So, what comes from that determination? More draconian rules from the epa, an UN-ELECTED body filled with rejects chairman maobama has foisted upon us without a vote. That being said, it makes it much harder for We the People to fight against said draconian regulations because the rejects populating the epa answer only to congress (big joke there) and the chairman himself (an even bigger, less funny joke).
So with cap and trade legislation essentially dead in congress they have shifted their focus to giving amnesty to millions of CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS. That is their true panacea. We the People fought back against this when John (I'm really not a republican) McCain and Teddy (So what I killed a girl in my car?) Kennedy tried getting it passed a few years ago. We the People put enough pressure on congress to stop it dead in it's tracks. However, now that the libretard democans have super majorities in both houses the fight may not go as well this time. The libretard democans really need CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS to be legalized because it gives them about 20-30 million new voters effectively quashing the voices of We the People, guaranteeing them majorities forever and the ability to cram through any UN-CONSTITUTIONAL BS they want to foist upon us. And of course, chairman maobama could become dictator rather easily, think I'm crazy? Look at his political heroes, marx, mao, chavez, etc.
Then look at a couple more facts. The CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS that are coming here are under/UN educated and they take more from our social services than they put in. It's not a long reach to think they wouldn't keep voting for those whom will promise them more public assistance!
If any of this legislation gets the chairman's signature we will be relegated to third world status as our middle class will disappear through egregious taxes, fees and penalties. So there will only be the rich and the poor left with the poor FAR outnumbering the rich.
So America, the ball is in your court. You can continue to sit on your lazy asses deeming sports or American idol to be more important than what is going on in the district of criminals and in your state capitals or you can wake up, get educated, and get involved. Don't say your voice doesn't matter! Our voices DO matter, why do you think they haven't been able to get a bill to chairman maobama's desk even with super majorities in both houses of congress? Because We the People have been making our voices heard, we have been writing and calling our elected employees every chance we get to remind them that they are supposed to work for US not the special interest groups that pour millions into their campaigns!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
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