So, how many stupid Americans really understand what they are getting with maobama "care". To call this scam reform or care is a travesty of epic proportions. This scam will not improve anyone's "care", in fact it will make our health care system so much worse it is almost unfathomable, not to mention our economy as a whole, which is STILL in the shit house.
Did I mention that these scum sucking bastards are planning on raising taxes to pay for this scam immediately upon passage, yet their great and wonderful plan doesn't start to give "care" until 2014. So, they are going steal even more money from us tax payers in an already shitty economy to pay for something they aren't even going to dole out benefits from for years ahead. The criminals claim they are going to put the money in a "lockbox" so it will be there to pay for their scam, but how can anyone believe a word that comes out of their filthy mouths when socialist security and medicare are SUPPOSED to have "lockboxes" to pay the promised benefits and yet both programs are effectively bankrupt merely being propped up by more deficit spending. Our government is so far in debt that our grandchildren will still be paying on it when they have children. That of course is assuming that our economy just doesn't totally collapse from within from it's own weight. This will be the more likely scenario which will fundamentally change the face of our nation. Folks will be fighting for food and water. The government will strive to take total control of every aspect of society, likely martial law or even force us into a police state.
This bill will increase costs because as any SANE and RATIONAL person knows without doubt, any thing the government controls is wasteful, corrupt, and inefficient. So naturally the costs for healthcare will skyrocket, the level of care will go down, Doctors will quit because of decreased payments to them from this massively engorged federal bureauracy, and people will die waiting for a federal bureaucrat to decide if they are worthy for coverage.
I will give this administration some credit though because they have done a good enough job of selling it to enough of the braindead retarded sheeple out there that it is still alive and even has a good chance of being passed, although they may well have to resort to parliamentary trickery to do it. I do believe if the criminals in d.c. resort to this trickery to get something a large as the health care scam passed the country will be on the verge of an explosion. We the People are sick and tired of not being listened to. What part of NO do these scumbags not understand? They believe we are stupid and don't know what's good for us. They are living their dream of 60's radical communists, planning on finally getting rid the "evil" America of their youth. This "evil" America the libretards hate is the country that has saved the world from despots and dictators for centuries and now we are being corrupted from within by those we fought to rid the world of.
We the People have been standing against this takeover of the best healthcare system in world since it's inception and yet the criminals still are bent on forcing this upon us. It makes one think that they have even more nefarious plans afoot in the very near future. Can anyone say dictatorship? I say, try it. We already have seen the slaughter brick and it is just the beginning. The resolve of American Patriots to save our nation is far greater than anyone could ever have anticipated.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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