Please take time today to remember our veterans. Our veterans are THE reason for this day. Without our veterans, those few among us willing to risk it all, we would not know freedom today. I find it reprehensible that our so called commander in chief has decided to by pass honoring our veterans whom have paid the ultimate price for us. You see chairman maobama, without the very veterans you chose to ignore today at Arlington National Cemetery, you would not have been able to get where you are today. Some leader you are mr. chairman. You are a pathetic usurper whom has no right nor business even stepping foot in the "peoples" house let alone being "in charge" of the greatest fighting force in the world!
Some on the side of the chairman are spinning this egregious slap in the face to our veterans as the chairman is just making good on his promise to return to chicago and with his hectic schedule this weekend was the only time he could fit a trip in. RIGHT!! He can't find time to be in the area for the ceremony at Arlington National, but he can find time to be there for a Paul McCartney concert?!! This so called leader of the free world has already played more golf in his first 18 months in office than former president bush did in 8 years! Wow, sounds like a hectic schedule to me. This usurper in chief is rarely ever at the whitehouse, he has spent most of his time in office travelling around the country campaigning for his marxists policies he is trying to cram down the throats of America and not in the whitehouse! Wake up sheeple!
Go honor our veterans today since our so called president won't!!!!!
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