Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where did you people learn to drive?
What a week this has been out on the highway! I drive for a living, usually right around 3000 miles per week in a semi truck and I have to say after all I experienced this week is, where the fuck did you people learn to drive?! It seems that many were not taught any common courtesy nor common sense! I have been driving big rigs full time for the last 13 years. I have racked up over 1.3 MILLION ACCIDENT and TICKET free miles (I AM a PROFESSIONAL!) and to say I have seen alot of ignorance and outright stupidity out on the road is a massive understatement, but lately all this stupidity seems to be getting far worse! Don't think I am only chastising the car drivers out there, because some of these big truck drivers are just as bad if not worse but I will get to their stupidity later. I want to address the most egregious stupidity I see on a nightly basis first.
Take this week for example. We had pretty severe thunderstorms roll through the area with some very heavy rain. It seems that the rain made folks forget anything they once knew about safe driving because some of the dumbest things I have ever seen occured while trying to get out of the grasp of the moronic jack asses that were creating a large traffic jam. It seems that no one remembers the concept of MOVING to the right when moving slow! For 30 miles, the ignorant fucks decided that 35-45 mph was fast enough and they were going to make sure no one moved any faster because they were blocking ALL 3 lanes of an interstate highway! Before I go any further, let me say that I am not one of those truck drivers whom thinks anyone that goes slow in a rain storm is an idiot, a jack ass or anything else derogatory. I slow down somewhat myself when visibility is reduced. However, when one feels the need to slow down significantly in inclement weather, PLEASE have the fucking common sense to move to the right and GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! Try to remember, those of us in big trucks have much better visibility and much better traction in bad weather so we do not need to slow down as much as you do, so again, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!!
On this same particular evening, I witnessed a real darwin prize winner trying to back up on the shoulder of this same interstate trying to get back to the exit he/she had just passed! What made this escapade even more unbelievable was that this fucking retard wasn't staying on the shoulder of this interstate highway, this fucking dumb ass was also weaving into the road on their way back to the exit causing even more of a traffic jam as the idiots that were already going slow had to slow down even more to get around this fuck head. Why do so many of you people think it's a good idea to back up on an interstate highway just because you are a retard and missed your exit?! Here's an idea for you idiots! GO TO THE NEXT EXIT! I can here you morons now, but I'm not from around here so I'm not sure where to go if I go to the next exit! Cry me a fucking river! Get a fucking map, or as seems so popular these days, a GPS device that will, like big brother, tell you where to go since you are obviously too fucking stupid to figure it out on your own or even bother to read a map! I also can here this gem. But what if I get off on an exit in a "bad" neighborhood? I say, GOOD! Maybe darwin will prevent you from passing on your stupid genes and the world will no longer have to deal with your stupidity nor the stupidity of any offspring you may have had!
One of my favorites in the stupidity files is when someone passes me at a high rate of speed and then decides to jam on their brakes to make it onto the next exit ramp! A little lesson on big truck stopping distance for you morons seems to be in order: This is from Here it is:
Stopping Distance.
Inertia is a prime factor in the difference in braking distance between a car and a heavy truck. A fully loaded semi truck has the gross vehicle weight, depending on its cargo, of up to 80,000 pounds. (Compare this to an average car's weight of 4,000 pounds.) At a speed of 55 m.p.h., a semi truck's stopping distance is 100 yards--the length of a football field. A mid-size automobile traveling at the same speed can stop within half of that distance. Read more: What Is the Stopping Distance of Tractor Trailers? this some serious thought before exercising this dangerous and potentially life threatening move of stupidity! It could get you killed!
I know I may sound a bit harsh and maybe even a little jaded, but afterall, think about this. The highway is my office. Would you want me coming into your office and fucking things up so you couldn't do your job efficiently or safely? I'm sick and tired of all these assholes who don't regard safe driving as their number one priority when they are behind the wheel of their vehicle! I have seen some fucked up shit in my days, I have also seen the results up close and personal of the consequences of someone driving like an idiot! I have seen women applying makeup, I have seen people drifting all over the road while trying to text/talk on their cell phones. I have had drunks nearly run me off the road due to their inability to keep thier car in their own lane! I have witnessed sexual acts being performed upon the driver of vehicles. I have even seen one especially retarded individual trying to eat a bowl of cereal while driving, I'm not kidding! This bran dead jack ass almost side swiped me requiring me to blow my rather loud air horn to get his attention back on the road, which made him spill his cereal all over his lap. He then has the nerve to flip me off! Think about what the fuck you are doing out there folks!
Now, don't think I forgot to talk about all the fucked up shit I see big trucks doing out there. I have not, I have alot to say about these assholes as well. I remember a time when truck drivers USED to be the knights of the highway, when common courtesy, common sense and respect prevailed. That seems like long ago days gone by based upon all I have witnessed over my career, especially lately. It seems a very large number of truck drivers have the me first mentality about them, as is the same with much of society.
Truck drivers, I have this to say. I hear lots of you bitching and complaining about not being paid like other professionals and I hear you bitching about not being treated like other professionals. Why do you think the general public thinks we "supposed" professional drivers are a bunch of morons? BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTIONS BEHIND THE WHEEL!!!! Tailgating, excessive speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and in general, not paying attention to what the fuck you are doing makes all of us in this profession look like the negative public image! If you want to be treated as a professional then act like one! I have another little piece of advice for those truck driving tailgaters out there. STAY OFF MY BUMPER!!! You will not make me speed up nor cut off the person I'm passing, in fact, you may well make me SLOW DOWN!! There is no fucking excuse what so ever for tailgating, EVER! If you have to drive like that to make your deadline, you need a different job or maybe even a new career because obviously you do not have the proper mentality for a career with so much responsibility.
This career entails a very large amount of responsibility, we hold the lives of hundreds or thousands of folks in our hands every day or night. As professionals it is up to us to be prepared to respond to any and all changing conditions out on the road and most importantly, we have to be prepared for anything the braindead idiots in any vehicle may do. I almost witnessed a tragic accident that did not occur because I was prepared, I was paying attention and luckily, the driver of the car woke up in time! I came upon a very slow moving car in the right lane, there was another big truck in the left lane so I slowed down early to let the big truck pass me before I reached the slow car. Just about the time the other big truck was upon the slow car, he, (the car) decided to apply large amounts of brake pedal pressure, turned on his LEFT turn signal and started to move into the path of the speeding truck to his left. Needless to say, I slowed down even more as the car realized his fuck up and came back to the right lane. He (the car) probably shit himself upon realizing how close he had just came to dying because of his own stupidity!
Just pay attention to what the fuck you are doing out there folks! Let's all get where we're going safely and most importantly ALIVE!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

As I peruse various blogs on this here Internet thingy I can't help but wonder what happened to the rugged individualism that once made America great? The more I read, the more I see folks whining and complaining that our government doesn't do enough to "help" people. Really? It is not now, nor has it ever been the government's job to make any one's life easier. Now I do have to say I do agree with most on the left railing about the government bailing out corporations and giving away money to foreign countries. The amount of money, money we the tax payers are responsible for paying back given away to foreign nations and corporations is criminal at best. However, those on the left miss the real insanity by claiming that our government should be spending that money here. What they SHOULD be saying is that the government SHOULD NOT be spending this money! This is money our government does not have, money our government is borrowing from foreign nations, money our government is "borrowing" from our federal reserve (printing more), money we the tax payers are responsible for paying back. Shouldn't our government be CUTTING spending when they do not have the money available to spend? That is what we the tax payers have to do. When our income goes down and it is going to go down significantly even more than it already has when chairman maobama's tax increases go into effect next January, we HAVE to cut our spending. We cannot just run to our basements and print more money, it's a felony when we do that! We just cannot keep borrowing more money, WE HAVE TO CUT SPENDING!

I am not merely bashing the left here with this rant. The right has been doing the same damn thing when they are in power. One only needs to look at former president bush and his congress for six years to see that they are just as bad as the left when it comes to spending money we do not have as a nation. Running up massive debts is a way of life for the criminals that "lead" us.

Yet, sadly, pathetically, the voters still only see their choices as the right or the left. I cannot understand the willingness of the voting public to continue with the business as usual crowd whom have gotten us into this financial disaster we are in. Some would say, it's not really a disaster we find ourselves in right now. Really? I say look at economic indicators, housing, un-employment, government debt, consumer debt, the number of folks on public assistance, the list goes on and on. All these indicators are showing depression, not recession type numbers. Take un-employment for instance, the government is claiming we have 9.8% of our citizens out of work. If one factors in the real numbers of folks we have out of work whom have quit looking for a job because there just aren't many out there to get, the number, the real number of un-employed folks we have jumps up to closer to where it really is, nearly 20% or more of our citizens are out of work. If one factors in the number of folks that are under employed, meaning taking jobs that do not pay what they were making, the numbers jump exponentially! To put that in perspective, the first full year of the great depression, 1930, the un-employment numbers were 8.9%, rising every year, in 1931 the numbers were 15.9% and climbing until the economy reached a trough in 1933 where un-employment numbers were 24.9%. So our current un-employment numbers are higher now than they were in the first year of the great depression and yet no-one sees a problem?!

Wake up America! Throw the bums up for re-election out on their asses, elect Libertarians! There are very few politicians from either party that are worthy of our vote. Most have been playing the game in the district of criminals as they all always have because WE THE PEOPLE, WE THE TAXPAYERS have allowed this to happen by continuing to vote for these bastards year after year! When will America see that almost every single one of these politicians are part of the problem, not part of the solution?! Are they all corrupt? Certainly not, but the number of those whom are worthy of our vote is infinitesimal at best.

Americans HAVE to understand and believe that our government is not the answer to our problems. Generally our government is the CAUSE of MOST of the troubles that ail our nation! How can anyone truly believe that an entity that causes a problem should be the entity charged with fixing said problem? That is just plainly insane! Look at all the government institutions that are corrupt, bankrupt, and ill managed. Look at amtrack, the post office, the military paying $500 for a stinking toilet seat one could buy at Home Depot for $20, look at the welfare and medicaid/medicare debacle. Both are hemorrhaging money, full of graft and corruption. Look at so called social security, a ponzi scheme of epic proportions that has stolen trillions of dollars from the American public under the guise of providing a retirement plan for folks whom are too stupid to realize that SSI was never set up to be a retirement plan. Look it up! SSI was merely set up as old age insurance, meaning that if one got lucky and outlived the national average age, one got a stipend for outliving most! The point is our federal government simply cannot be left in charge of any parts of our economy for it has proven to have no clue what the hell it is doing!

Again to all the lefties whom think government is the answer: WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOTS!!!!! Do a bit of research into the "wonderful" things your government has done and continues to do! All I expect from my federal government is to protect our borders (EPIC FAIL there), protect us from invasion by foreign entities, (again EPIC FAIL- see protecting the borders) and provide a trustworthy monetary system (again EPIC FAIL!). That's it, no more, no less. Yet, the politicians think that if they aren't spending all their time in the district of criminals creating fixes for problems that do not exist or problems they themselves created they think they aren't doing their "jobs". I say to every politician, read the CONSTITUTION and see how little job responsibilities you really have! I believe our government needs to go back to part time status, congress should merely convene a few times a year to do the little work actually required by them as laid out in the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!
Elect small government LIBERTARIANS this fall to send those scumbags in d.c. the message that we are mad as hell and we won't take it anymore!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Please take time today to remember our veterans. Our veterans are THE reason for this day. Without our veterans, those few among us willing to risk it all, we would not know freedom today. I find it reprehensible that our so called commander in chief has decided to by pass honoring our veterans whom have paid the ultimate price for us. You see chairman maobama, without the very veterans you chose to ignore today at Arlington National Cemetery, you would not have been able to get where you are today. Some leader you are mr. chairman. You are a pathetic usurper whom has no right nor business even stepping foot in the "peoples" house let alone being "in charge" of the greatest fighting force in the world!
Some on the side of the chairman are spinning this egregious slap in the face to our veterans as the chairman is just making good on his promise to return to chicago and with his hectic schedule this weekend was the only time he could fit a trip in. RIGHT!! He can't find time to be in the area for the ceremony at Arlington National, but he can find time to be there for a Paul McCartney concert?!! This so called leader of the free world has already played more golf in his first 18 months in office than former president bush did in 8 years! Wow, sounds like a hectic schedule to me. This usurper in chief is rarely ever at the whitehouse, he has spent most of his time in office travelling around the country campaigning for his marxists policies he is trying to cram down the throats of America and not in the whitehouse! Wake up sheeple!
Go honor our veterans today since our so called president won't!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do We Really Embrace Marxism?

The "outrage" over the Arizona immigration bill just continues to get more ridiculous as time goes by. From our so-called "president" and his crony political hack appointees to other politicians even in the republicrat party, the virtiol is getting ludicrous at best. Sadly, these brain dead jerk offs have had the audacity to admit in public that they HAD NOT even read the bill BEFORE commenting about how horrible it is!!!
The insanity of these moronic hacks' position becomes quite clear when one looks at the oath of office all the libretarded fools take upon their swearing in to elected or appointed office. They avow to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, part of which includes to protect We the People from invasions and yet they believe that Arizona's law is a bad thing. The Arizona law is actually MORE lenient than the current federal law! Arizona's new law can be found here:
Here's where you can find the national law to compare:

So protecting our own legal citizens against invading criminals bent upon crime against said legal citizens is terrible? What the hell is wrong with these and so many other folks in our country? Are they/you insane? Do they/you really want gang bangers coming criminally into our nation and plying their trade of thuggery and barbarity? Do you/they really want more folks coming here looking for a handout instead of folks whom would CONTRIBUTE to society. I find it VERY hard to believe that many American citizens would like their hard earned tax dollars being spent on those whom refused to come here legally!

I really do see what this "outrage" is all about, it's all about votes and securing a voting block for the marxists currently in power. They believe, rightly, that if they stand with the legal Americans of mexican descent citizens whom are decrying Arizona's brave stand to try to save their state, that flocks of American's of mexican descent will run to the demoncratic party. The demoncrats see this as their last stand to remain in power as they have infuriated so many American citizens with their heavy handed government first, government knows best policies, that trying to get the criminal invaders "legalized" by hook or by crook will give them absolute power over all those they wish to oppress and Arizona's stand is an affront to that goal.
Just a little insight for those whom may be stupid enough to buy into their bullshit: They will oppress EVERYONE! You will not be special just because you were/are mentally deficient enough to support chairman maobama and his merry band of marxists. They do not care about you, they do not care about the poor, they do not care about senior citizens, they do not care about these supposed down trodden criminal immigrants either. No, chairman maobama and his cronies only care about one thing. The ONE thing they care about is power, absolute power over We the People of these United States of America! They wish to control every single aspect of our lives. All one has to do is use some common sense when looking at proposed legislation or even legislation our worthless congress has passed already. The so called health care "reform" bill has several provisions for controlling We the People. From dietary restrictions to forced vaccinations to forcing folks to have medical insurance all the while taxing employers that actually give their employees medical insurance so egregiously that the employers will find that it makes far more economic sense to drop their employee health care insurance in favor of paying a fine which conveniently for the government costs less than paying the tax. Well then what are We the People supposed to do if our employers drop our coverage? Oh, that's right, big daddy government will "give" us medical coverage, kind of. There will be restrictions and limits placed on that as well decided by some government flunky bureaucrat.

The cap and trade legislation is another UN-Constitutional power grab from the American people. This legislation actually regulates what kind of light bulbs we will have to use! Stock up on incandescents folks! It will regulate how warm or cool we keep our homes via "smart meters and thermostats". If we use too much electricity the government will swoop in and save the planet from us by regulating when and how much we can use! I must not forget to inform you that we also get to pay an additional tax based upon the amount of energy we use. So Al Goreleoni dreams up the internet and then his coup de grace, global warming....oops, it's not really warming anymore?? Well, then we humans have caused global climate change! That's right, ole Al has fooled enough folks into believing that the earth's NATURAL warming and cooling cycles have been caused by us humans... You people are fucking idiots! Do you brain dead sheeple realize how rich ole Al Goreleoni has gotten off his scam?? Was man around at the time of the dinosaurs? Seems to me it would have to be VERY warm to support life for large reptiles in northern climates! Let's not forget the many ice ages that occurred as well. I find it pretty hard to believe that man, his industries and autos caused any of those events! Get a grip on reality you greenie whack jobs!
I am truly baffled that so many American citizens are joining on this marxist band wagon. Ask anyone whom has escaped a marxist/communist regime their feelings on the subject. You will be enlightened, maybe, if you can get away from your feel good libretarded social justice bullshit indoctrination. "Social justice" that the libretards talk about sounds good in theory until one looks at what they are really talking about with an eye leaning towards common sense. They claim the government should be able to make things "more fair" for everyone. What they don't tell you, is that to create "justice" for one group means that you must also create an INJUSTICE for another group. Again I said one has to us common sense! Even still, the libretards claim, so what? If the rich are denied some of their egregious profits then that's good for EVERYONE, but the rich. Well, think about this. Whom creates jobs in this nation? Is it the poor? Is it the government? (This could be debated given the amount of new federal agencies created in the past few years!) Is it the middle class? NO! It is the rich that so many wish to demonize whom employ people. So tell me what exactly does one expect the rich to do if they are to be taxed to death by those wishing for their "social justice"? I'll tell you what many rich will do. They will pack up and leave. They will refuse to participate in a system that takes their earnings to give to those whom have not earned it. We are on the verge of an economic revolution in this nation.
The top 1% of tax payers paid 33.7% of all income tax! The the top 5% of tax payers paid 53.8% of ALL income taxes in the whole fucking country! The top 50% pay virtually ALL income taxes! These aren't my made up numbers, these are the U.S. government's own numbers, see here:
More interesting numbers from our own government, same link. Bush's tax cuts that supposedly went only to rich break down like this. The average tax rate for the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers fell by 27 percent as compared to a 13 percent decline for taxpayers in the top 1 percent. You see the propaganda machines of the libretards and marxists want us to believe that the "rich" are the problem so folks won't actually blame what is truly responsible for our recent decline. What is truly responsible for this nightmare scenario we are currently witnessing is and will always be caused by too much government interference! Period! We the People have had enough government intrusion to last many lifetimes and only wish for some actual patriots to be elected to reverse the avalanche of marxism before we go off the cliff!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I had another awesome Sunday spent with my lovely wife and mother nature, even without the bike again. The weather was a bit cool but that isn't the reason we didn't ride today. I planned a day out for my wife and myself last Monday and even managed to keep it a secret from her until Saturday night, an impressive feat for me as I have a terrible time keeping surprises secret. I have to give my wife credit though, she was quite creative in her questioning of me to find out what my plans were. She even resorted to using my feelings about keeping secrets against me! I held firm and did not break until last night.
We went to the Butterfly House outside of Whitehouse, Ohio, and it has to be quite warm in there, duh, around 80 degrees so wearing bike appropriate clothing would have been stifling in there and the other plans I had for the day required comfy shoes. We arrived at the Butterfly House and there was hardly a soul there, again our great timing comes through! We watched the butterflies and took a ton of pictures. I love our digital camera! Set it on macro and the closeups are awesome! We spent about 40 minutes there until a bunch of people and their brats showed up so we hit the road. I was planning on going to the Whitehouse Inn for lunch but it was way too busy and full of people so we headed towards a fireplace dealer in the area we've been meaning to get to. Unfortunately for us, the dealer isn't open on Sundays so we decided to head towards Toledo for some eats. We agreed on Max and Erma's as we have eaten there before a got good food. Well, they have changed their menu, and their food quality as well. We ate our rather unremarkable lunch and my AWESOME wife asks me if I wanted to go to Bass Pro in Perrysburg to try to get some ammo for my .45 acp Glock. Obviously, I was up for that since our local wally world always ammo for her handguns but never for mine.
We got a few hundred rounds for my Glock and a couple of hard cases for our AK's and my AR. I got a shirt with Old Glory and the Bill of Rights on it, we got our dogs some doggie treats and we got some really awesome fudge in regular chocolate and peanut butter! Yummy! We looked around for a bit, I'm STILL looking for a new camo ball cap, none of them they had struck my fancy so my search continues, kind of. I'm not really looking that hard, it's not that important, but I will look at them when I see them. Maybe one day I will find one I like.
We left Bass Pro and went to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, as we haven't been there for a couple of years. We walked, and walked, checking out the trails without really seeing anything except some birds in the woods and near the lake shore. We saw alot of geese, Blue Herons, Egrets, and what I think were Trumpeter Swans in the wetlands surrounding the drive into the park. The alleged trumpeter swan is the large bird with the reddish colored head in the picture. I have read that sometimes their necks and heads take on a reddish rusty color because of the ferrous metals in the soil that exists on the bottom of the wetlands where they feed. We got back to the truck, ready to be done walking. Hiking in the woods with no maps nor clue where you really are is an adventure that I enjoy, but I will go to the visitors center first next time to get trail maps. There are usually things to see on the map that one doesn't sometimes know about otherwise. We were leaving Ottawa and my wife asked if we could run over to Maumee Bay State Park to try to see some deer.
I told her that was a good idea so off we went. We arrived and were somewhat surprised that they have let some areas of the park go back to nature, meaning they were actually letting nature take it's course by growing all kinds of plants, bushes and trees in areas that used to be kept mowed. I prefer that in a park that is supposed to be celebrating nature. We drove a few of the roads where we have seen deer in the past with no luck, until we came upon four deer just edging out of the woods to feed. We sat for a bit, tried to get some pictures and did get a few, but the deer were beyond the limits of our digital cameras zoom range so detail is pretty lacking. We went and turned around to get another look see at them and try for some more pictures. One of the does was a bit closer to the road but not by much. I asked my wife if she had ever seen deer on the other side of the park by the golf course and the cottages. She told me she hadn't looked on that side so off we went. We had almost reached the turn around area at the edge of the park when I spotted fives bucks feeding off the trees. We got slightly better pictures this time and decided to go to the turnaround to let the folks behind us get some viewing time. After turning around we stopped and took the deer in again.
Again, another Sunday spent with my totally awesome wife! If the weather is conducive next Sunday we are planning a ride on the bike so she doesn't start feeling left out of all our fun.

Criminal invasion law shows us the trouble we are in!

I have waited to comment on Arizona's new immigration law until I could read the whole law and understand it. Upon inspection of the bill, I don't quite understand what some folks are so pissed off about. All the Arizona law does is give the state of Arizona's law enforcement agencies the right to enforce federal illegal (henceforth to be called what it is; Criminal Immigration) laws that the federal government has most often times refused to enforce. What's wrong with that? Oh, the pro criminal immigrant crowd is spewing bullshit about this will lead to racial profiling. BULLSHIT! The law specifically states, if those on the other side of geopolitics would take the time to read it ( that's the fucked up part, those that bitch about something like this never take the time to read what it says) that an enforcement officer CANNOT ask anyone for ID unless they have been stopped under suspicion for some other crime. Last time I checked anytime an officer is questioning you for suspicion of a crime they are required to seek your identity. I am a legal native born American citizen whom also is a concealed hand gun license holder and I am required BY LAW to cooperate with law enforcement during any interaction. Furthermore to that point, an enforcement officer has the right and duty to ask folks for ID when driving a car because, driving a car is a privilege not a right and most states require folks to carry their operators license to operate said vehicle thus, forcing those bitching about getting asked for the "papers" to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The Arizona law has caused much strife for the criminal immigrants and their supporters. So much so that they have taken to the streets protest the "horrible" law. The scumbags have the nerve to come here illegally, therefore making themselves criminals and then they have the nerve to complain that a state (Arizona, in case some aren't following along)) in a nation already in the throes of bankruptcy has the balls to say no more, we will make sure folks are legal to be here. I have covered the egregious costs associated with harboring all these criminals before so I won't do it again. Common sense tells any rational person that if folks come here with no skills, education, or money that society will have to foot the bill because these folks have nothing to offer an "educated" society except to lower the standard of living for everyone.

But, it gets even worse than that. A high school in California had a day to "celebrate" cinco de mayo, a mexican holiday, look it up, I'm not telling you. A few students decided to wear shirts emblazoned with American flags on this day to school and the school gave those students the choice of taking off, or turning inside out the shirts, or going home. The kids were sent home as all refused to alter their dress. The school actually was considering suspending these kids but after the massive public outcry the school backed off.
The school claimed some students were offended..... If you are offended by the flag of this nation, I have four words for you: GET THE FUCK OUT!!! If you wish to celebrate another nation's holiday that's fine but you have to allow the same courtesy to those whom celebrate the grand experiment that is the United States of America on ANY day, this is after all, AMERICA! These criminals think it's o.k. to fly the mexican flag here in America but knock an American flag to the ground because someone had the balls to carry an American flag to protest them. Check this bullshit out! Again, I'm sure these criminals were "offended" by Old Glory. Fuck off! Get the fuck out if you don't like it!

So today in America it is o.k. to celebrate a mexican holiday but not o.k. to show ones American pride on the same day? BULLSHIT! If one's home country is so damn great why the fuck are folks criminally invading this country??? But the California high school story is not the worst of the stories involving protests against Arizona's law. Check out this so called California high school history teacher rant and rave about a mexican revolution here in America! I can just imagine what this guy "teaches" in his class all the while being paid by the AMERICAN tax payers!

When my ancestors came to this country from Hungary and Germany, they did it legally through Ellis Island. They worked shit jobs, learned and spoke the language and built their lives from nothing becoming AMERICAN citizens. It seems as though the criminal immigrants have no intention nor desire to become Americans. They want to retain their culture, their ways of life, and their language. That just will not work in a society that is supposed to be the melting pot. Shame on pansy assed Americans for putting up with this shit! Come here legally, work, pay taxes, learn and speak English and we will welcome you with open arms, but come here illegally and refuse to become Americans and there will be and is trouble brewing.

At least we do have SOME folks willing to stand for their country. This is an old clip, but this guy has balls. Balls that every American should have! I would do the exact same thing if I spotted any other flag atop of Old Glory! For those whom may not know.... It is actually illegal to fly any other flag atop of the American flag! We as American citizens have to stand together or we will be doomed.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Moron pathetically apathetic Americans

Well, well, well Ohio. What a fine job your citizens did Tuesday May 4th. What was may 4th one may ask? Don't feel bad, 77.70% of your fellow citizens didn't know or care what May 4th was either. You see, May 4th, 2010, Ohio held a primary election to help the various political parties voter's choose candidates they will run for the November 2, 2010 national election AND to vote on state and local ballot issues, for example; Ohio has what they call a third frontier program which supporters say help jobs come to Ohio. I have a different take of course, I see this and programs like it merely as corporate welfare. You see, the state, desperate to get corporations to set up shop here, decided to set up this fund, fueled by state bonds to bribe corporations to come here, by offering them lowered tax rates. Problems with this kind of scam are, 1) the bonds eventually come due and the tax payers are on the hook for the money which means the state raises various and sundry taxes to pay for them and, 2) the corporations use this very scam against the state by forcing the state to renew tax breaks in perpetuity on the threat of the corporation moving out of state so the state never receives full tax compensation from the corporations leading to even more burden placed upon the citizens.

Ohio had another statewide issue on the ballot as well. Issue 2 was an amendment to the Ohio Constitution to allow Penn Gaming to change the location of a planned casino in Columbus. Why the language that allowed Ohio to get casinos in the first place was set up to require statewide participation in a very local issue such as placement of a casino is beyond me, what a waste of ink on all those ballots , not to mention advertising dollars that had to be spent to promote this issue to rest of the state that really does not care where Columbus puts their casino! The issue did pass so they can change the location of the planned casino.

School districts love using the primary election to try to pass more levies because they feel their chances are better with a smaller voting block, which is actually the main point of my diatribe today that I will return to in a bit. Our local school district tried to scam the voters into voting themselves a 1% income tax increase with the promise of reducing property taxes. I found upon closer inspection of this scam that, while yes, they were going to lower our property taxes, by 1/2 to 3/4% meaning that overall, voters would have been voting themselves an 1/4% tax increase initially, however, when your income goes up so does your income tax so it would be an even higher increase that would rise forever, as long as you kept getting raises. Fortunately the voters of our district overwhelmingly voted against their ruse, by nearly a three to one margin. now on to the main reason for my diatribe this day.

Ohio had 8,017,517 eligible registered voters on May 4, 2010. Yet only 1,787,952 of them decided to show up! So 22.3% of the people get to decide issues for the whole state?! WTF?! All this complaining and hand wringing I've been hearing since chairman maobama and his communist cohorts somehow got the retards of this nation to elect them in 2008, and only 22.3% of Ohioans show up in the first election since the obamanation?! I don't want to hear any more tea partier's saying a word. If those folks alone would have showed up the numbers wouldn't have been so even as far whom voted for republicrats and democans. Furthermore, if those tea party folks are so truly sick of BOTH parties then why didn't the Libertarian party do better? The numbers for the Libertarians, whom did field quality candidates, were abysmal at best. In my own congressional district 67,732 votes were cast and only 380 went to the Libertarian candidates and the rest being pretty evenly split between the usual suspects from the republicrats and the demoncans! So, tea partiers, STFU! If you folks truly want a change in politics then vote Libertarian, it is after all, the party closest to our Founding Fathers own philosophy, if you choose to read true history about our genius founders! Our brilliant founders also had the fore site to predict that an apathetic uninformed populace would lead to the demise of our once great free nation. How right they were! We are well on our way to becoming a third world shit hole and if our government is not stopped, that will happen sooner not later! My own county only came in slightly better than the state numbers with a whopping 24% turnout, neighboring Lucas county came in at an abysmal 16.6%, but the winner, actually loser of the apathetic Ohioans contest is Lawrence county with a pathetic 10.1% turnout.

Our government has amassed debt that is truly unimaginable! We will never be able to pay it off especially if the people do not have the will to remove the politicians responsible for continuing this cycle of borrowing and spending. Does anyone realize that our federal government is already borrowing money just to service the debt. That means, they are borrowing money JUST to pay the interest on our debt. So many morons out there are clamoring for nationalized health care, nationalized this and that, that it makes me sick to think where this will actually lead. As the great Margaret Thatcher (for the many that don't know- she was the brilliant former prime minister of Great Britain) once said: " Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money"! Truer words have not been spoken, unfortunately none of our own politicians are saying it. They are continuing to spew their bile of vote for us and we will give you more of someone else's money, knowing full well the hell that will lead us to eventually. I do understand that our politicians truly do not care about our people nor our nation. They only are concerned with getting re-elected so they can remain living off the fat of the land provided for them by those whom have no power to take it back from them, because it seems the majority of pathetically apathetic Americans won't stop them if their lives depended on it. So what the hell is your problem America? Look around the world, every nation whose people think their governments should "take care of them" from the cradle to the grave are failing and failing miserably, look at the strife in Greece. What's that all about? Well, for decades the government, chosen by the people has been "taking care" of the people from cradle to grave and now they are out of money. So in steps the international community. The internationalists tell the Greek government that if Greece wishes to receive any bailout funds that they will have to go on a diet so to speak. That means, the welfare programs have to be massively cut or they will receive no help. What happens is predictable by anyone with a modicum of common sense. The folks that have been on the receiving end of the something for nothing socialist program are pissed because they still want their free hand outs, they "deserve" the handouts. So, since the Greek government has told them no more, they are rioting, destroying their own cities. THIS WILL COME TO AMERICA IF WE DON'T CHANGE OUR GOVERNMENT FOLKS! Believe me when I say, I am in no means telling folks to vote for republicrats! They have had just as big a role in creating this mess as the democans! I am saying only vote for candidates that support and will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America! It really is that simple. But as I see Ohio as a microcosm of the nation, 20-25% of folks will turn out in the primaries nationwide to continue the same old republicrat/demoncan song and dance and we will become Greece sooner rather than later!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First ride of the season turned into a nice drive.

The first ride of the season my wife and I had "kind of" planned ended up being a nice drive with absolutely perfect company. The plan was to saddle up after 2 p.m. as the forecast had called for spotty showers until around 2 p.m. and it was pretty stinking chilly in the morning. So I'm online checking the weather, and I see the radar still showing showers where we are heading. Now, I don't mind a shower or two when it's 80 degrees or hotter but with temps barely climbing above 50, I'll err on the side of staying dry everytime. I told my wife that I didn't really care if we rode the bike or not, I just wanted to get away for a few hours so let's just go in the truck.

We get to Port Clinton to find out our favorite mexican place, Mendoza's is closed, we figured they must have closed for the off season. We head through town thinking, o.k., we really had our hearts set on mexican grub, so now what? We went past the frisch's and both looked at each other and said, we may as well eat there because there really isn't anything else we were in the mood for. We had our rather unremarkable lunch and hit the road.

We first stopped at East Harbor State Park, a stop on a good number of our rides in this area and the spot where I proposed to my awesome wife nearly 6 years ago. We walked along the lake shore just basking in each other and the beautiful although chilly day. We stopped at a couple of other spots in the park and took some pictures. The first picture here is along the lake shore looking towards the Marblehead Peninsula, and the other is from the wet lands across from the lake. There are actually two swans in that photo but the glare and the distance we were from them makes them impossible to see. We left East Harbor to go to Marblehead.

We stopped at a road side park on Catawaba Island, ( it's a peninsula! NOT an island!) and walked along the nature trail there. When the trees and flowers there start blooming it will be a beautiful walk, but this time of year it was just a walk in the woods with not much to see. We left and tried to go to the African Lion Safari Park, the wife loves it, but they had just closed for the day. Undeterred, we pressed on to Marblehead. We arrived to find the grounds very nearly empty. The lighthouse doesn't open up for tours until June, so folks are pretty sparse until then, just the way we like it. We walked the grounds, took some pictures, and my wife played with our new 10X binoculars. Wow, those things are really cool! The picture contains the keeper's house with the lighthouse in the background. This keeper's house is not the house the keeper used for some years. The keeper lived a mile from the lighthouse and rode his horse to work everynight. He did end up moving his family into the keeper's house some years later and remained there until his retirement.
All in all it was a great day away from everything with my wife. The weather did end up cooperating although it still would have been pretty chilly on the bike with the wind coming right off the lake, helping to cool things down even more than farther inland.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stupid Apathetic Americans

I write this with a heavy heart because I believe our Nation is doomed. Our Nation is doomed to spend eternity in mediocrity due to the stupidity of her own citizens. From the masses of morons thinking maobama really wasn't a socialist/marxist/wanna be dictator, to those thinking our rights come from the government and not GOD. We are doomed to repeat the mistakes of all others whom tried socialism/marxism/dictatorships and have found not only does it not work, but it bankrupts nations. Chairman maobama is well on his way to bankrupting our once great Nation, he continues to introduce and pass more legislation that further restricts citizens rights and steal more of our money.

Stupid people did not bat an eye when president gw bush enacted the so called patriot act. When this happened, freedom took a major hit, yet even republicrats supported this abomination claiming it will make us safer.. Need I remind anyone that, he whom gives up essential liberties for temporary security deserves neither liberty nor security. Not only has the patriot act NOT kept us safer, it has created more federal departments in our government that are helping to bankrupt her and infiltrate her citizen's lives and strip their rights on a daily basis.

Our Nation's so called education system has been taken over by a bunch of marxist union thugs that are more interested in forcing their radical marxist agenda down our kids throats than actually teaching the young about how and why our Nation was founded and the things that made her great. No, they prefer to teach how great a guy che was, what a great job mao did in China. For those with a public school indoctrination, che was one of fidel castro's thug hit men, his executioner, he helped castro's communist regime take power. Mao was a communist revolutionary whom killed, directly or indirectly through communist policies, millions of his fellow chinese. Sound like great guys to look up to doesn't it?! Yet the marxists in our "education" system idolize these criminals and point to America as the heart of the world's problems.

So how can the government get away with all this egregious liberty robbing tax dollar stealing crap? Because Americans as a majority are apathetic and worse yet, just plain fucking stupid! Don't believe me? Listen to these recordings from some man on the street interviews. In one, folks actually signed a petition to repeal the 1st Amendment! Again for those with a public school indoctrination, the 1st Amendment guarantees our right to free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. Another one is from Howard Stern's show of all places. He sent his guys to Harlem before the '08 election to see if folks there were merely voting for maobama because he was black, the people claimed no, but I believe the recordings tell a much different story! Again, stupidity on full display for the whole world to see! There is one out there I didn't link that has folks in line in Detroit for a welfare payment claiming it was from maobama, they was there to get their maobama cash, from his personal stash because he cares about us peoples! Any wonder we are on a fast track to the hell of third world nation status? The truly scary part about these morons is, what are they going to do when big daddy government runs out of money, and it WILL, leaving those with their hands out begging for some thing that will no longer be there. So what then? Where will they get their hand outs from?

Warning: Do not watch these links if you are easily angered! Repeal the 1st Amendment Howard Stern Hannity's man on the street.

I just had to edit this post because a shining example of American stupidity just became available last evening. The link below comes from OUR house of representatives, shameful as it is to say. BUT, I fear to think of how retarded the voters are in this district if a total fucking moron such as this can get elected. This definitely proves my point that stupid Americans must shoulder a large amount of blame for how fucked up our Nation is currently!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Patriots Day Out

A Patriots Day Out
My wife and I traveled to Deleware State Park to meet some folks we are in contact with on some Patriot boards this Saturday. We met at the State Park shooting range to chat and most importantly shoot. We all met up, chatted for a bit then decided to shoot at some clay pigeons since both the handgun and rifle ranges were jammed packed full. I borrowed a deluxe mechanical clay thrower from a buddy so we would have an easier time of getting those evil orange birds up in the air. I hadn't fired my 12 ga. shotgun since I installed a new recoil absorbing pistol grip stock and I must say that thing really does reduce the felt recoil. I was also concerned about the accuracy being affected because some say the pistol grip does not afford the quick handling necessary for shooting clays. I found this to be no problem what so ever, once I quit "leading" those evil little bastards I did not miss. Us guys shot up a couple of boxes of shells each and decided to pack the shotties away to try to get on the handgun range since the ladies really, really wanted to shoot too. Don't ask why they didn't want to shoot the shotguns.... ; )
We got on the handgun range after BSing with the ODNR range safety officer for a bit and found it to be adequate but VERY muddy. Undeterred, we placed our targets and proceeded to have large fun watching the mud splatter behind our targets. We shot around 100 rounds each, helped out one gal solve her pistol jamming issue, she was "weak wristing" it, and chatted until the range closed. We all had a very good time and look forward to doing again very soon!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stupid Americans want MORE government?!

So, how many stupid Americans really understand what they are getting with maobama "care". To call this scam reform or care is a travesty of epic proportions. This scam will not improve anyone's "care", in fact it will make our health care system so much worse it is almost unfathomable, not to mention our economy as a whole, which is STILL in the shit house.

Did I mention that these scum sucking bastards are planning on raising taxes to pay for this scam immediately upon passage, yet their great and wonderful plan doesn't start to give "care" until 2014. So, they are going steal even more money from us tax payers in an already shitty economy to pay for something they aren't even going to dole out benefits from for years ahead. The criminals claim they are going to put the money in a "lockbox" so it will be there to pay for their scam, but how can anyone believe a word that comes out of their filthy mouths when socialist security and medicare are SUPPOSED to have "lockboxes" to pay the promised benefits and yet both programs are effectively bankrupt merely being propped up by more deficit spending. Our government is so far in debt that our grandchildren will still be paying on it when they have children. That of course is assuming that our economy just doesn't totally collapse from within from it's own weight. This will be the more likely scenario which will fundamentally change the face of our nation. Folks will be fighting for food and water. The government will strive to take total control of every aspect of society, likely martial law or even force us into a police state.

This bill will increase costs because as any SANE and RATIONAL person knows without doubt, any thing the government controls is wasteful, corrupt, and inefficient. So naturally the costs for healthcare will skyrocket, the level of care will go down, Doctors will quit because of decreased payments to them from this massively engorged federal bureauracy, and people will die waiting for a federal bureaucrat to decide if they are worthy for coverage.

I will give this administration some credit though because they have done a good enough job of selling it to enough of the braindead retarded sheeple out there that it is still alive and even has a good chance of being passed, although they may well have to resort to parliamentary trickery to do it. I do believe if the criminals in d.c. resort to this trickery to get something a large as the health care scam passed the country will be on the verge of an explosion. We the People are sick and tired of not being listened to. What part of NO do these scumbags not understand? They believe we are stupid and don't know what's good for us. They are living their dream of 60's radical communists, planning on finally getting rid the "evil" America of their youth. This "evil" America the libretards hate is the country that has saved the world from despots and dictators for centuries and now we are being corrupted from within by those we fought to rid the world of.

We the People have been standing against this takeover of the best healthcare system in world since it's inception and yet the criminals still are bent on forcing this upon us. It makes one think that they have even more nefarious plans afoot in the very near future. Can anyone say dictatorship? I say, try it. We already have seen the slaughter brick and it is just the beginning. The resolve of American Patriots to save our nation is far greater than anyone could ever have anticipated.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My fix for illegal immigration

With our non-representing representatives pandering the need for immigration reform about in the media I thought I would write down my thoughts on this divisive issue. my views are a "bit" extreme for some but I really don't care what most think anyway. If the scumbag republicrats can find the balls to force these ideas into any legislation that comes, it will show the pro-illegal crowd for who they are. Power hungry scumbags not really caring about our nation but only caring about trying to secure more votes for their own re-election.

My first steps to immigration reform would be to:


2) Allow our CITIZENS to protect their property, period.

3) Vigorously defend and protect our borders! Allow our border patrol to do it's job! A large wall
would be a very good idea.

Now onto the parts that will make the libretards really wet their britches....

Any amnesty would HAVE to come with conditions placed upon those whom receive it. Remember, those whom will receive amnesty have broken our laws to come here so a penalty MUST be paid to the society they have invaded.

1) Any amnestied immigrant shall pay a $1000 fine.

2) Any amnestied immigrant shall be placed on probation for a period of not less than 3 years.

3) Any amnestied immigrant shall learn, speak, and use ENGLISH in any and all transactions
outside his/her residence.

4) Any amnestied immigrant shall not be allowed to vote until such time the conditions of their
probation have been met, not less than 3 years.

5) Any amnestied immigrant shall fully participate in any and all tax paying duties that all
citizens are forced into.

6) Any amnestied immigrant shall not be eligible for ANY form of governmental assistance
during their probationary period, not less than 3 years.

7) Any amnestied immigrant shall not receive legal citizenship status for any children born
before or during the probationary period and shall pay a $1000 fine for each child.

8) Any amnestied immigrant that invades our nation with a child or children shall pay a $1000
fine for each child.

9) Any amnestied immigrant shall take and pass the same citizenship test that legal immigrants
take to become citizens. The test must be passed proir to the end of the 3 year probationary
period and can be taken at anytime during said probation.

10) Any amnestied immigrant that does not meet these requirements within the 3 year
probationary period will be subject to immediate deportation.

Whew! We needed that! Gun Powder Therapy

I decided to take a break from my political ramblings and write about a great Sunday afternoon my wife and I had.

What an awesome afternoon we had! My wife and I decided to go to our favorite firearms range near our home. We have both gotten new pistols for carrying concealed and had yet had the time to fire them to test them out. All I can say is WOW! My Glock 30 in 45 ACP, sub compact, is an incredible shooter. I have been hearing in various places that that sub compact size makes the larger 45 ACP round tough to manage from a recoil stand point in such a small weapon. All I can say to those that think the 45 ACP has too much recoil, especially in a sub compact weapon, you must be pussies. My wife shot the 45 without any problems, she wasn't terribly accurate with it but she held her rounds in the kill zone. My shots with the 45 were another story. The light recoil and good (standard Glock) sights helped me to keep 90% of my shots in the 8 and 9 rings with most targets returning to the firing line with the bulleyes shot out of them. This accuracy came from at the closest 7 yards, standard average defensive hand gun range to 25 yards. I am very pleased with the Glock 30 as my defensive carry weapon.My wife got a Ruger SR9, 9mm, for her concealed carry license. The SR9 is almost a full size weapon. We figured since she always carries her purse, and purse carrying is legal, she didn't need to have to worry about possible recoil issues that can crop up for women from using smaller handguns. To say she is happy with her Ruger is an understatement. Her accuracy was not as good as it used to be with her full sized 357 magnum, but #1) she kept all of her shots in the kill zone on all of her targets and #2) Her accuracy improved with every magazine fired as she got used to the 3 dot sights. She really loves having 17 rounds available for her defense per magazine, I pity the fool that would try to rob her.She also shot her 357 magnum and I also shot my 44 magnum to try to stay fairly accurate with both of these weapons as well. We haven't been shooting much lately because ammo has been pretty scarce around here and the prices have been ridiculously high. Rumors abound on the internet about chairman maobama coming after the Second Amendment, and I believe he will in time so it's best to always replace what you shoot and don't waste alot of ammo. Use what you need to stay accurate. The days of shooting for fun and therapy are over for the foreseeable future and maybe forever if the criminals on capital hill have their way with us.So I have to say that it was an awesome afternoon spent with my wife and gun powder. There is just something about a beautiful woman using a firearm that really does it for me! We both needed the therapy session to blow off some steam that has been building up these past months.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Can we keep it?

I haven't been as active on my blog lately because I am just pretty much fed up with our politicians and our citizens. Our politicians continue their back room deals, their outright bribery, their work for lobbyists, their destruction of our Constitution and their treasonous activities in general. A large portion of our citizens seem to have their heads inserted so far up into their rectums that there really appears to be no chance from removal. They go through life grazing on what scraps of freedom the government allows them have and seem happy to do so. It is becoming painfully obvious that a large number of our sheeple do not care about the freedoms we have already lost nor the freedoms chairman maobama's agenda is planning to take away.

We will have no future as a free nation if our citizens won't fight for it. It reminds me of Ben Franklin's statement when being thanked for helping to found our nation, about being able to keep our newly gained free republic. He said, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT. What he was saying was, we would have to work hard to keep our republic every single day if we expected it to last as the founders intended. Man is a flawed being and no matter how good his intentions, he is fallible and needs constant oversight when in any position of power over other people. We the people as a whole lost our will to oversee those we elect to "lead" us more than a century ago. Some would argue that this started essentially as soon as our nation was founded, and to a point they would be right. But I believe that this usurpation of our rights began in earnest during Lincoln's administration because I believe Lincoln's war of northern aggression against the southern states was an outright attack upon liberty and our Constitution. The 10th Amendment guarantees the states to have power OVER the federal government not the other way around. Some argue, incorrectly, that Lincoln's war was to end slavery, which it did in the long run. However if that statement is true, why did Lincoln allow slavery to continue in certain states that agreed to align with the federal government (the north) and why didn't Lincoln issue the emancipation proclamation at the beginning of his hostile actions towards the south? School teachers hate folks teaching their kids those and other "little" facts about why the war of northern aggression was fought, (I know from experience). These are a few of the reasons I believe this era was the beginning of the end of our free republic.

This regressions away from freedom continued with teddy roosevelt, woodrow wilson, and franklin roosevelt just to name a few of the better known usurpers. They all, regardless of political affiliation have been in on the process of leading us down the road of nannystatism. Don't think for a minute that I believe republicrats are our knights in shining armor. Republicrats are just as much to blame as the democans are. One only needs to look at the administration of george w. bush to see a massive hemorrhage of liberty at his hands. Ever heard of the "patriot act"? That one bill allowed the largest usurpation of our freedoms than any other bill in recent history. The outright attacks upon the Constitution that the patriot act brings forth are numerous and onerous. The fact that these criminals had the nerve to call this travesty the patriot act is even more insane. Ben Franklin said, " They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

So where will we end? Will we end up still being a free nation? Some would argue, that we are not a free nation anymore already. I do agree with that statement to a point as we have ever increasing laws and regulations controlling everything we do. Chairman maobama's administration is on track to taking even more control, such as; regulating the internet, wanting to bring back the "fairness" doctrine which essentially places strict limits upon talk radio's content, his merry band of criminals has taken over parts of the auto industry, and parts of the banking industry. Chairman maobama and congress are in the process of taking over our health care system. The chairman's policies looks toward regulating how we heat and cool our homes. The chairman himself has admitted that our utility bills would necessarily skyrocket and the coal industry would be bankrupted because of his policies. When an elected public official has the nerve to come out and openly say what his plans are and ignorant idiotic folks still elect him, it shows the great peril our nation is in. Now the chairman's poll numbers are tanking, even his most ardent supporters are jumping ship. They claim this isn't the "change" they voted for. I say to them that this is exactly the change you morons voted for because he told us what he was going to do to this country PRIOR to being elected! And yet the fools still claim to be shocked. STFU! You're getting what you voted for!

Many of us have been sounding the alarm about where our nation was heading no matter whom has been in charge for years. But no-one wants to hear about how bad an administration or congress are when "their" folks are in charge. I have actually heard folks say that at least my guys are taking our rights slower! That kind of statement almost makes me speechless. So, these fools are saying that it's o.k. to give up essential liberties as long as it's done slowly?! Again, STFU! Only now that chaiman maobama's agenda is so aggressive are people waking up to what has been going on. I only fear that it is too late. But what I fear even more is the republicrats gaining majorities back in congress because I believe many of the "enraged" sheeple will go back to sleep because, again, "their" guys are in charge only taking rights slowly. I would prefer a rebirth of liberty in both parties, won't happen, but that's what will save our nation.

A third party will only split the "conservative" vote and help to keep democan's in charge. Third party candidates may actually win a couple of seats but I believe the majority of sheeple are not going to stray from the two main parties that have brought us to where we are. I know it sounds insane to think that folks wouldn't want to try someone new when the ones they have been voting for for years have had a direct hand in killing our nation, but mark my words, a third party will not win for the foreseeable future. By the time the sheeple will take a chance on someone else, our country will be nothing like any of us knew growing up.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy F'ing New Year!

In this, my first blog of 2010 I must start of by saying Happy New Year. There, that's done, now I can get on to pontificating about why I do not believe 2010 will be a happy year for most Americans.

Our government is still trying to get socialized medicine shoved down our throats. Although it seems on the surface that reconciliation may not happen regarding socialized medicine, I wouldn't put any kind of shenanigans past these corrupt bums. Our congress has backed off from legislatively doing anything about their global climate change scam, however, the epa (environMENTAL pussification agency) has taken up the cause by determining that carbon is a harmful substance. So, what comes from that determination? More draconian rules from the epa, an UN-ELECTED body filled with rejects chairman maobama has foisted upon us without a vote. That being said, it makes it much harder for We the People to fight against said draconian regulations because the rejects populating the epa answer only to congress (big joke there) and the chairman himself (an even bigger, less funny joke).

So with cap and trade legislation essentially dead in congress they have shifted their focus to giving amnesty to millions of CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS. That is their true panacea. We the People fought back against this when John (I'm really not a republican) McCain and Teddy (So what I killed a girl in my car?) Kennedy tried getting it passed a few years ago. We the People put enough pressure on congress to stop it dead in it's tracks. However, now that the libretard democans have super majorities in both houses the fight may not go as well this time. The libretard democans really need CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS to be legalized because it gives them about 20-30 million new voters effectively quashing the voices of We the People, guaranteeing them majorities forever and the ability to cram through any UN-CONSTITUTIONAL BS they want to foist upon us. And of course, chairman maobama could become dictator rather easily, think I'm crazy? Look at his political heroes, marx, mao, chavez, etc.
Then look at a couple more facts. The CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS that are coming here are under/UN educated and they take more from our social services than they put in. It's not a long reach to think they wouldn't keep voting for those whom will promise them more public assistance!

If any of this legislation gets the chairman's signature we will be relegated to third world status as our middle class will disappear through egregious taxes, fees and penalties. So there will only be the rich and the poor left with the poor FAR outnumbering the rich.

So America, the ball is in your court. You can continue to sit on your lazy asses deeming sports or American idol to be more important than what is going on in the district of criminals and in your state capitals or you can wake up, get educated, and get involved. Don't say your voice doesn't matter! Our voices DO matter, why do you think they haven't been able to get a bill to chairman maobama's desk even with super majorities in both houses of congress? Because We the People have been making our voices heard, we have been writing and calling our elected employees every chance we get to remind them that they are supposed to work for US not the special interest groups that pour millions into their campaigns!