Sunday, November 15, 2009

Will our Nation survive?

Our Nation's elected officials, whom preferred to be called our "leaders", are systematically dismantling our most basic founding principles in the name of the "people". They will say that the "people" just do not understand why we should allow them to do what they are doing, We the People are just not smart enough to understand the workings of the government. Well, I'll give them that, I do not understand the way the are "working" the government to trample individual liberties and freedoms at every level while claiming that they are doing it for us!? To me it is VERY EASY to understand. Our elected officials swore an oath of office which requires them to UPHOLD and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION above all. Yet it is not inconceivable to believe that a large portion of our "leaders" have not read nor understand the very document they swore to uphold! Our founders warned about a governmental authority seizing the power from the people to these ends!

Our elected officials have willingly and egregiously ignored the Constitution at every turn for decades and unfortunately, We the People have stood by and let them do it. I believe We the People really weren't watching them as closely as we should have been because the government's expansion has happened incrementally for decades, slowly growing larger and more powerful even at the hands of the supposed small government "fiscally conservative" republican party. Only in the last 15 years has the train began to pick up speed, heading to the derailment of our once strong free Nation.

For this we owe a debt to our forefathers that we may not be able to repay. You see, our forefathers saw the possibility of all that has been occurring and did try to warn us, read what they wrote. Our great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, and ourselves were not listening. Add to this the decades long indoctrination policies of our education system teaching our children revisionist history, "social justice" policies, tolerance for any and every UN-AMERICAN belief they can espouse and worst of all teaching our kids that holding the AMERICAN belief of working hard to earn your way is just plain wrong. They teach that the government is the answer for all problems in our Nation. What they refuse to tell the children is that, the government is the CAUSE of the majority of problems our Nation faces!

I don't know if I believe that we can turn back the tide of governmental intrusion and control peacefully at the ballot box. We have so many undereducated, ignorant, indoctrinated, socialist people that it is going to be a very large undertaking to return to our Constitutional beginnings. I may be wrong, we may well turn things around in the next election but many "man on the street" interviews tell me a different story. We are a Nation of idiotic marxists! I may be further off base than that. It may already too late and the sheeple will have to be dragged back to the Constitution by force. I pray that is not where we will have to go, but I fear we will have no choice. I know there are many that will not give up their freedoms willingly nor easily! To that end I have to wonder if the government has the stomach for that? We the People do! We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees, subjects of an overbearing government!

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