Thursday, November 26, 2009

What is our military supposed to do?!

Once again our proud brave military men are under attack by their own superior officers and the very government that sent them into harms way! Elite special forces operators tracked down and captured a terrorist pig. I don't care what the scumbag's name is, it's not important, he has been wanted for years! OUTSTANDING! Our brave soldiers did what they were trained to do! Don't get too excited, unfortunately this story may well not have a happy ending. You see, this pig sucking vermin of the lowest class complained that he had been "roughed up" by the soldiers that captured him. Wouldn't you know it, our military brass whom hasn't had their ass in the shit for decades, if ever, decided that these soldiers whom are fighting an enemy that is responsible for killing thousands of American CIVILIANS and thousands more of our brave sons and daughters in ashcanistan and iraq are now to be courts martialed because of their "harsh" treatment of this piece of terrorist pig shit! This terrorist got a fat lip at the hands of our troops. Oh my GOD! A fat lip, really, that's horrible! I wonder if the terrorist mentioned that he resisted being taken captive and THAT resulted in his receiving the fat lip?! I'll bet he conveniently left that part out of his sob story. He complains about a fat lip and yet he and his ilk have no qualms about cutting some one's head off slowly will a dull knife! I believe our leaders need to see a beheading video to truly understand the level of depravity our enemy is capable of and balance any arguments of mistreatment against that! To further add insult to injury, chairman maobama's administration is going to make our troops read those scumbags their Miranda rights when we catch them! Miranda rights are supposed to be for U.S. citizens arrested in the U.S.A. to protect the CITIZENS! Why would a "commander in chief" force the military to act like policemen on a foreign battlefield? What's next? Shoot to wound so they can be arrested?! WTF?! This is totally insane! But I guess that's what happens when folks put a feel good 60's era progressive libretard in charge.

Don't think that I'm about to go on an anti chairman maobama rant, because I'm not. Yes chairman maobama's policies are going to lead to the death of many more brave soldiers but the good chairman's policies are not that different than former president gw bush's policies regarding our troops behavior in a battle zone. Former president gw bush brought charges against our troops also, again, merely for doing the job they were trained to do. No, the rant I'm going to go on merely points out the totally insane way our troops are forced to wage war. Our Armed Forces are the best trained and best equipped (when our government sends the equipment!) military in the world. Therefore, "little" skirmishes such as ashcanistan and iraq should have been walks in the park, so to speak, if our troops were only allowed to fight to win! But, no, our politicians and military brass decided to try to fight politically correct wars to win the hearts and minds of the natives. Yep, that's worked out just great now hasn't it. Eight years and still counting with no sign of victory or more importantly withdrawal. For example, if our troops are fired upon by the terrorist scumbags and said scumbags run into a mosque, our troops have to let them go! My grandfather fought in WWII and believe me, if the germans ran into a church after an attack, that church disappeared under the rubble caused by liberal use of high explosives!

This insanity has to stop! Our military leaders train our soldiers to be the best killing machines on the planet, so let them fight to win! Are there going to be some "issues" that arise? Of course, but before one goes off half cocked, think seriously about the situation out troops are in. They have been trained to win wars, so our politicians send them to war against an enemy that wears the uniform of the every day native citizen, so, sometimes, some non-combatants will be unfortunately killed, that is the price of war. But by all means you can't put blame on our troops in every case. What would you do in the same situation? Your patrol comes under attack, remember, by terrorists whom look just like the native population, you see men running away, what would you do? Would you just let them run away to possibly come back to kill more of your buddies or would you take them out on the spot? I'm betting that the majority of folks would shoot first and ask questions later! We the People have to send a very clear message to the district of criminals: Let our troops fight to win and obliterate the enemy or bring them home immediately!

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