Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pledge for Freedom

I have sent this pledge to all my elected non-representing representatives to let them know where I stand, what line I will not allow to be crossed, and my commitment to defending my God given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Our Founding Fathers warned us that if we became lax in our attention to what our government was up to that we would fall to tyranny. I urge like minded patriots to send this along to their elected employees, but more importantly, LIVE IT!

As an American, born of freedom and Liberty, I make this Pledge that is not all inclusive nor limiting. This pledge extends to : The Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Any sanctioned U.N. Treaty any administration shall pledge to support, sign or ratify, and any Un-Constitutional laws our elected officials choose to enact.

The pledge:

I will not abide by this law,

I will not recognize this law.

I will openly oppose this law.

I will not pay the associated taxes within this law.

I will not pay the fines associated with this law.

I will not go to jail.

I will come to the aid of any other patriot whom also pledges.

So I pledge without hesitation and with faith.

Signed __________________________________ Date _________

Licentia Natu Vox - Liberty by Birth Right.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and will distribute copies at my area's upcoming Alarm and Muster meeting next week. I'll sign one, and I'm sure most others there will as well.

    There's going to be a fight; LET'S WIN!
