If your head has been buried up your ass for the past few years I will clue you in. Our financial system is on the verge of collapse, our government is on the verge of collapse, our society is on the verge of collapse. Our citizens continue to be pushed to the breaking point. We the People continue to write, call, and scream at our non-representing representatives and it does seem we are affecting the elected scumbags somewhat as they still haven't been able to get their communist agenda passed even with super majorities in both houses of congress. However, our pressure is not stopping them from continuing to try to twist arms, bribe and otherwise force members of congress to get this communist agenda through. We cannot quit the fight! We must continue to be the squeaky wheel to remind them that they ARE SUPPOSED to work for US which means they are supposed to LISTEN to what WE tell them to do. We the People do not want the government to run any more parts of our lives than what they already are illegally interfering with! We the People want the government to get out of our lives and return to the limited form of government we were originally set up with! The government is counting on the stupidity of Americans to support this ANTI-AMERICAN agenda! DON'T BE A "STUPID" AMERICAN!
Our Founding documents spell out clear and concise LIMITS on federal governmental power. Unless our government returns to this system of governance, our government will collapse under it's own weight and our society will follow suit. Our government has mortgaged our children's and grand children's futures to the point that we have a debt that we will never be able to repay! What happens when our creditors come a calling for repayment? Will our government default? Will our government give up our sovereignty to satisfy our creditors? No-one truly knows the answers to these questions yet one theory seems reasonable to think about. Total societal collapse.
Total societal collapse is a very real possibility. If one takes the time to think about what could happen when the government runs out of money or We the People refuse to support the government with our tax dollars. Does anyone really think that if our government takes control of our health care system that everyone will just bend over and take it? Does anyone believe that if they pass the cap and tax bill, We the People will bend over and take their egregious tax increases and over bearing control into our daily lives, telling us how warm or cool our homes can be? Does anyone truly believe that We the People will tolerate legalizing millions of CRIMINAL immigrants thus hastening the bankrupting of our nation and changing our demographics forever?! I don't think so. One must be prepared to deal with the fall of society when any of these usurpation's occurs.
How can you prepare? Well, you have to look at where you live. Do you live in the city, the suburbs or the country? Do you have neighbors you can trust? Do you have the means to feed yourself for any length of time should the grocery stores be closed or out of food? Do you have a means to get water if your water supply is cut off or rendered undrinkable? Do you have the means and the will to defend you and yours should someone try to take what you have? Do you have the ability to get home should a collapse happen while you are away at work? Do you have the means to heat and light your home if the power should be cut? Basically all I am asking is, DO YOU HAVE THE MEANS AND THE WILL TO SURVIVE WITHOUT ANY MODERN CONVENIENCES??
I ask this because the route our government is taking makes many believe that there will be no stopping our total collapse as a nation.
What can you do?
Prepare! Prepare yourself and as many family members who will listen and get on board. Be prepared to make a horrible decision as well. You will have to make the decision of whom you will or will be able to help of those whom did not prepare. This is a horrific decision you may have to make as your own preparations will only last so long, and adding extra mouths to feed will only deplete your stores faster. It's a shitty decision but one to give some serious thought to, especially if you have tried to warn others, including family.
Location will have a large bearing on what you have to prepare for. If you live in a city or suburb, I would recommend finding a spot in the country to bug out to as the cities and suburbs will be the first to fall due to the large amount of sheeple whom have had their heads up their asses and not done one bit of preparing. So, what do you think will happen if society collapses and you can't go to a grocery store to get food? Grocery stores only keep about 2-3 days of food on the shelves at one time. Societal collapse would lead to no more trucks coming in to refill the shelves. Did anyone see the post Katrina videos. Do you really think that won't happen where you live? City dwellers have yet another strike against them as they are hooked up to a municipal water system. A municipal water system can be turned off at will by the municipality leading you to not having ANY water.
Water is the most important part of preparing as you can live much longer without food than you can without water. If you do not have the means to get out of the city/suburbs look into safe water storage. Many online retailers sell food grade barrels of various sizes to store water in on a long term basis. Many online websites have recommendations for the proper steps to take to store water properly. For those of us lucky enough to live in the country with a well we have our own set of problems to deal with, but as a whole, fewer problems than city/suburban dwellers. The primary concern for those of us with wells is losing electricity because without power, we can't pump our water out of the ground. If you don't have to pull your water very far up out of the well you can retrieve it rather cheaply without electricity. For about $100, I purchased a well head hand pump and all the necessary pipe and connectors that allows me to get water out of my well without power. Not every well owner can do it this as cheaply but it still can be done.
Another concern for well owners is well contamination, therefore a quality water test kit is highly recommended (NECESSARY!). Make sure to test for the normal things, pH, alkalinity, hardness, nitrates, nitrites, etc., but also test for bacteria and viruses. Most "experts" say you will need 2 gallons per person per day of water storage so plan accordingly. Date your water containers and rotate them as necessary.
Food storage is an area anyone can do and do relatively inexpensively. When you go to the grocery store, buy one or two extra of every item of can goods you already buy. Watch the expiration dates and rotate accordingly. Vacuum sealers are a God send to those on the preparing bandwagon. You can extend the shelf life of a variety of food stuffs merely by vacuum sealing them. Rice, beans, flour, sugar, coffee, and a whole host of other foodstuffs can be sealed giving them a much longer than normal shelf life. There are also plenty of online retailers selling dehydrated food for extra long term storage, MRE's, and long shelf life canned stored foods. I haven't tried any of the dehydrated products yet as I prefer MRE's because they are about the same price and shelf life and have their own in the bag heater. I have a problem with the dehydrated foodstuffs because, they REQUIRE your precious water to make! I do plan on giving them a try as we do have a good supply of water and it never hurts to have more variety of food on hand. However, if your water supply is in question, then it would be wise to rely on food that doesn't require water to prepare.
Can you get home if you are at work when the collapse comes? How aware are you of other routes to your primary residence or bug out location should there be road blocks, or just mass rioting making travel unsafe or impossible through your area. Are you prepared to get out on foot? Do have enough supplies for the 2-3 days it will take you to get home on foot if you live more than a couple miles from work? Do you have a make shift shelter for such a trip? Do you have food and water available for this trip? This is where the filtered water bottles are life savers. That way, as long as you can locate a water supply, you can filter it to be safe and this lessens the amount of gear you need to carry. You still should carry some water as it may be hard to find depending on your location. This is where MRE's also are handy to have as they have their own heaters, and nothing builds confidence and morale like a hot meal. Do you have a way to get a fire going if you need warmth? Can you and are you willing to defend yourself along your way home? Do you have the gear in your personal vehicle to support an extended walk home? Do you even have the most basic emergency gear in your vehicle should you just be stranded for hours? Ask some folks whom just sat for 18 hours or longer in the blizzard along the east coast how bad it sucked not being prepared for even that relatively minor scenario.
Are you prepared to defend yourself, your family, and your home should society collapse? Are you prepared to kill those whom would want to take what you have and possibly harm you and yours to get it? Yes, it may well come to this. This is why I mentioned the horrific question above, you may have family members trying to take what you have. You have to arm yourself to the best of your abilities and then practice with each firearm to know you can hit what you are aiming at. You have to prepare yourself for the possibility that you may have to take someones life to defend your own. You have to have enough ammuntition on hand for an extended struggle in case that is the situation we find our selves in. Common wisdom states that you should have at LEAST 1000 rounds per rifle and handgun you have. You should also have several hundred shot gun shells varying buckshot, bird shot, and slugs for your shotgun/s.
Do you know how to field dress wild game? Do you know how to prepare that wild game after you kill it? Do you have seeds to start a garden when season appropriate? Do you know what plants are edible and what aren't?
There are forces at work within our government which are seeking to fundamentally change our nation for the worst. We have a duty to be prepared for whatever they decide to throw our way. We the People cannot and will not allow them to herd us like sheep to the slaughter, We will stand and We will push back against their agenda as We the People have the right AND the DUTY to throw off the chains of an evil and oppressive government that is hell bent on enslaving US!
In closing, I have not listed everything you will need to prepare yourself for what will be coming, but hopefully this will wake some up whom are not giving any of this any thought at all. Because, one cannot expect anyone whom saw the writing on the wall and LISTENED to what is happening to provide for those whom ignored our warnings! I almost feel sorry for those whom have the attitude that they will take what they want when we fall. They may get away with it for a short time but, they will eventually try to take from the wrong folks and it will be the last time they think about taking ANYTHING!
Keep your powder dry and PREPARE!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What will they do next?!
What is our government going to do next? What is the "goal" they have in mind for our once proud and strong Nation? We the People have been enraged to the point of a million plus marching in the capitol, untold millions writing and calling our NON-representing representatives and thousands showing up on short notice to the halls of congress to get our point across face to face to protest the marxist health care "reforms" being forced down our throats, and yet, they still find the gall to pass it out right in the house and pass it for "debate" in the senate thanks to blatant bribery of a senator whom held her yes vote to get tax payer money for her state. One of my own senators, sherrod brown, claimed in correspondence with me that he would NOT vote for any plan that included tax hikes affecting any Ohioans. Well, as usual, mr. brown lied! The senate version of the bill has 16 different tax hikes inserted! That does not include the tax hikes that are in the house version! I asked mr. brown about the Constitutionality of any of these bills in my correspondence with him and he only states the tired party line talking points AND that he would not support any bill with tax increases, even after he voted to pass this bloated, illegal piece of "legislation". This is further evidence that those we elect do not feel they have to listen to those whom pay their salaries. Their elitism is beyond pale, they seem to feel that the money they STEAL from us through taxation is actually their money to spend as they see fit regardless of what We the People think they should be spending it on.
So what Un-Constitutional crap will they force down our throats next? Will it be cap and tax? Will it be rewarding millions of criminal immigrants for breaking our laws? Will it be signing on to a u.n. global climate scam treaty that is in the works in copenhagen, denmark? As a side note, denmark is supposed to have the happy people in the world. Why is that? Well, they say, it's because the government provides for it citizens from cradle to grave. What they don't say is that the government also TAKES over 50% of the citizens money in taxes! If one is to add all the taxes we pay in the U.S., we already pay 50% plus in taxes. Don't believe me? Keep track of every tax you pay and add them all up. Sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, drivers licenses, car registrations, building permits, hunting/fishing licenses, luxury taxes, death taxes, capitol gains taxes, dog licenses, school taxes, fire/police taxes, and the list goes on and on. So, we are already paying over 50% of our income to taxes and yet the services we receive are no where on par with that of socialist countries of europe unless one happens to be part of an underclass that pays no income taxes to begin with. Obviously our government cannot handle the responsibility of dispersing the tax money they steal from us, so they need to cease and desist. Totally reform our political and taxation system now before they succeed in destroying our Nation.
Cap and tax, (cap and "trade" for you libretards) will just be another nail in the coffin of what was the United States. We are enduring one of the worst economies since the great depression (maobama's own words!!) and yet the elected elitists think it would be a good idea to raise EVERYONES taxes and cause massive rises to our utility bills at the same time, excepting those whom already don't pay any taxes and get assistance to pay their utility bills, whom I might mention, also are the ones that vote for the elitist libretards. Coincidence? I know better than that. Chairman maobama himself said that our utility bills would necessarily sky rocket because of cap and tax! So, the elitist libretards want to raise our utility bills and taxes with un-employment numbers continuing to rise, and raise more taxes due to the health care "scam" tax increases?! It looks to me as though they are trying to destroy this country on purpose! What sane rational people would even consider raising taxes in this economy? None that are sane and rational! Only those bent on the government taking over every segment of our lives would ever think the route they are on is the way to go. Don't believe me? The cap and tax and the health care bills have many "new" agencies and departments in them that give the government more control over our lives, in short, telling us what we should be eating, smoking or not, how warm or cool our homes can be, what kind and how much health care insurance we should have, and the list goes on and on.
Can anyone show me where exactly in the Constitution of the United States of America that it says the government is allowed to do any of this crap?! You can look if you want, but you will not find anything in our Constitution that allows the government to do 90% of the crap it has been doing and still wants to do.
Now we talk about criminal immigrant amnesty that is being pushed again by the libretards. They tried this a few years ago with the help of that traitor so called republican and presidential election losing john mccain and We the People stood up and told them no way, no how! So the libretards put the issue on the back burner for then but here it comes again! Legalizing millions of criminal immigrants would be the death of our Nation as we know it. Strictly in a financial sense this is a dangerous move. Millions more of criminal immigrants added to the medicaid, welfare, and ssi system would destroy those already bankrupt systems. Yes, those government programs are essentially bankrupt. All one has to do is look at the funding coming in compared to the promised expenses going out. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Without massive cuts to those programs they will collapse under their own weight and adding millions more people to them will merely hasten their death.
Now on to the argument that the criminal immigrants only come here to do the work Americans won't do. Let's look at this logically and break it down. The jobs Americans won't do statement is flawed because it doesn't mention the KEY part the idea. Yes criminal immigrants do those jobs Americans won't do at the SLAVE wages that the criminals will. And since the criminal immigrants are not paying taxes nor social security, they can afford to do those jobs for far less pay than American workers can or will. My second point to this argument is that once the criminal immigrants are granted citizenship, does anyone really believe they will do those jobs Americans won't do for the pay Americans refuse to accept since they will now be "citizens" and paying taxes? Where would that lead? I believe that would lead to an incredible increase in further criminal immigrant invasions to fill the gap left by the "new" citizens, because as has been proven in the past, our government does not have the will nor desire to close our borders and enforce our immigration laws!
I see our government's lack of enforcement due to two reasons; One is that the corporations and businesses that are in the bed with the government do not want the flow of cheap labor curtailed in any way. Two is that those in elected office see that their policies have awakened We the People and if they are to hold on to power they have to create a massive, unbeatable voting block that will support usurpers forever. That being said, it is not a stretch of the imagination to think that once they get their unbeatable block of voters that they wouldn't be above suspending elections forever. We are on a road that will possibly change our Nation forever! If we do not stand up, speak out, and force our elected officials into bending to the will of We the People we will have no one but ourselves to blame when we find ourselves fighting for our very survival!
So what Un-Constitutional crap will they force down our throats next? Will it be cap and tax? Will it be rewarding millions of criminal immigrants for breaking our laws? Will it be signing on to a u.n. global climate scam treaty that is in the works in copenhagen, denmark? As a side note, denmark is supposed to have the happy people in the world. Why is that? Well, they say, it's because the government provides for it citizens from cradle to grave. What they don't say is that the government also TAKES over 50% of the citizens money in taxes! If one is to add all the taxes we pay in the U.S., we already pay 50% plus in taxes. Don't believe me? Keep track of every tax you pay and add them all up. Sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, drivers licenses, car registrations, building permits, hunting/fishing licenses, luxury taxes, death taxes, capitol gains taxes, dog licenses, school taxes, fire/police taxes, and the list goes on and on. So, we are already paying over 50% of our income to taxes and yet the services we receive are no where on par with that of socialist countries of europe unless one happens to be part of an underclass that pays no income taxes to begin with. Obviously our government cannot handle the responsibility of dispersing the tax money they steal from us, so they need to cease and desist. Totally reform our political and taxation system now before they succeed in destroying our Nation.
Cap and tax, (cap and "trade" for you libretards) will just be another nail in the coffin of what was the United States. We are enduring one of the worst economies since the great depression (maobama's own words!!) and yet the elected elitists think it would be a good idea to raise EVERYONES taxes and cause massive rises to our utility bills at the same time, excepting those whom already don't pay any taxes and get assistance to pay their utility bills, whom I might mention, also are the ones that vote for the elitist libretards. Coincidence? I know better than that. Chairman maobama himself said that our utility bills would necessarily sky rocket because of cap and tax! So, the elitist libretards want to raise our utility bills and taxes with un-employment numbers continuing to rise, and raise more taxes due to the health care "scam" tax increases?! It looks to me as though they are trying to destroy this country on purpose! What sane rational people would even consider raising taxes in this economy? None that are sane and rational! Only those bent on the government taking over every segment of our lives would ever think the route they are on is the way to go. Don't believe me? The cap and tax and the health care bills have many "new" agencies and departments in them that give the government more control over our lives, in short, telling us what we should be eating, smoking or not, how warm or cool our homes can be, what kind and how much health care insurance we should have, and the list goes on and on.
Can anyone show me where exactly in the Constitution of the United States of America that it says the government is allowed to do any of this crap?! You can look if you want, but you will not find anything in our Constitution that allows the government to do 90% of the crap it has been doing and still wants to do.
Now we talk about criminal immigrant amnesty that is being pushed again by the libretards. They tried this a few years ago with the help of that traitor so called republican and presidential election losing john mccain and We the People stood up and told them no way, no how! So the libretards put the issue on the back burner for then but here it comes again! Legalizing millions of criminal immigrants would be the death of our Nation as we know it. Strictly in a financial sense this is a dangerous move. Millions more of criminal immigrants added to the medicaid, welfare, and ssi system would destroy those already bankrupt systems. Yes, those government programs are essentially bankrupt. All one has to do is look at the funding coming in compared to the promised expenses going out. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Without massive cuts to those programs they will collapse under their own weight and adding millions more people to them will merely hasten their death.
Now on to the argument that the criminal immigrants only come here to do the work Americans won't do. Let's look at this logically and break it down. The jobs Americans won't do statement is flawed because it doesn't mention the KEY part the idea. Yes criminal immigrants do those jobs Americans won't do at the SLAVE wages that the criminals will. And since the criminal immigrants are not paying taxes nor social security, they can afford to do those jobs for far less pay than American workers can or will. My second point to this argument is that once the criminal immigrants are granted citizenship, does anyone really believe they will do those jobs Americans won't do for the pay Americans refuse to accept since they will now be "citizens" and paying taxes? Where would that lead? I believe that would lead to an incredible increase in further criminal immigrant invasions to fill the gap left by the "new" citizens, because as has been proven in the past, our government does not have the will nor desire to close our borders and enforce our immigration laws!
I see our government's lack of enforcement due to two reasons; One is that the corporations and businesses that are in the bed with the government do not want the flow of cheap labor curtailed in any way. Two is that those in elected office see that their policies have awakened We the People and if they are to hold on to power they have to create a massive, unbeatable voting block that will support usurpers forever. That being said, it is not a stretch of the imagination to think that once they get their unbeatable block of voters that they wouldn't be above suspending elections forever. We are on a road that will possibly change our Nation forever! If we do not stand up, speak out, and force our elected officials into bending to the will of We the People we will have no one but ourselves to blame when we find ourselves fighting for our very survival!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What is our military supposed to do?!
Once again our proud brave military men are under attack by their own superior officers and the very government that sent them into harms way! Elite special forces operators tracked down and captured a terrorist pig. I don't care what the scumbag's name is, it's not important, he has been wanted for years! OUTSTANDING! Our brave soldiers did what they were trained to do! Don't get too excited, unfortunately this story may well not have a happy ending. You see, this pig sucking vermin of the lowest class complained that he had been "roughed up" by the soldiers that captured him. Wouldn't you know it, our military brass whom hasn't had their ass in the shit for decades, if ever, decided that these soldiers whom are fighting an enemy that is responsible for killing thousands of American CIVILIANS and thousands more of our brave sons and daughters in ashcanistan and iraq are now to be courts martialed because of their "harsh" treatment of this piece of terrorist pig shit! This terrorist got a fat lip at the hands of our troops. Oh my GOD! A fat lip, really, that's horrible! I wonder if the terrorist mentioned that he resisted being taken captive and THAT resulted in his receiving the fat lip?! I'll bet he conveniently left that part out of his sob story. He complains about a fat lip and yet he and his ilk have no qualms about cutting some one's head off slowly will a dull knife! I believe our leaders need to see a beheading video to truly understand the level of depravity our enemy is capable of and balance any arguments of mistreatment against that! To further add insult to injury, chairman maobama's administration is going to make our troops read those scumbags their Miranda rights when we catch them! Miranda rights are supposed to be for U.S. citizens arrested in the U.S.A. to protect the CITIZENS! Why would a "commander in chief" force the military to act like policemen on a foreign battlefield? What's next? Shoot to wound so they can be arrested?! WTF?! This is totally insane! But I guess that's what happens when folks put a feel good 60's era progressive libretard in charge.
Don't think that I'm about to go on an anti chairman maobama rant, because I'm not. Yes chairman maobama's policies are going to lead to the death of many more brave soldiers but the good chairman's policies are not that different than former president gw bush's policies regarding our troops behavior in a battle zone. Former president gw bush brought charges against our troops also, again, merely for doing the job they were trained to do. No, the rant I'm going to go on merely points out the totally insane way our troops are forced to wage war. Our Armed Forces are the best trained and best equipped (when our government sends the equipment!) military in the world. Therefore, "little" skirmishes such as ashcanistan and iraq should have been walks in the park, so to speak, if our troops were only allowed to fight to win! But, no, our politicians and military brass decided to try to fight politically correct wars to win the hearts and minds of the natives. Yep, that's worked out just great now hasn't it. Eight years and still counting with no sign of victory or more importantly withdrawal. For example, if our troops are fired upon by the terrorist scumbags and said scumbags run into a mosque, our troops have to let them go! My grandfather fought in WWII and believe me, if the germans ran into a church after an attack, that church disappeared under the rubble caused by liberal use of high explosives!
This insanity has to stop! Our military leaders train our soldiers to be the best killing machines on the planet, so let them fight to win! Are there going to be some "issues" that arise? Of course, but before one goes off half cocked, think seriously about the situation out troops are in. They have been trained to win wars, so our politicians send them to war against an enemy that wears the uniform of the every day native citizen, so, sometimes, some non-combatants will be unfortunately killed, that is the price of war. But by all means you can't put blame on our troops in every case. What would you do in the same situation? Your patrol comes under attack, remember, by terrorists whom look just like the native population, you see men running away, what would you do? Would you just let them run away to possibly come back to kill more of your buddies or would you take them out on the spot? I'm betting that the majority of folks would shoot first and ask questions later! We the People have to send a very clear message to the district of criminals: Let our troops fight to win and obliterate the enemy or bring them home immediately!
Don't think that I'm about to go on an anti chairman maobama rant, because I'm not. Yes chairman maobama's policies are going to lead to the death of many more brave soldiers but the good chairman's policies are not that different than former president gw bush's policies regarding our troops behavior in a battle zone. Former president gw bush brought charges against our troops also, again, merely for doing the job they were trained to do. No, the rant I'm going to go on merely points out the totally insane way our troops are forced to wage war. Our Armed Forces are the best trained and best equipped (when our government sends the equipment!) military in the world. Therefore, "little" skirmishes such as ashcanistan and iraq should have been walks in the park, so to speak, if our troops were only allowed to fight to win! But, no, our politicians and military brass decided to try to fight politically correct wars to win the hearts and minds of the natives. Yep, that's worked out just great now hasn't it. Eight years and still counting with no sign of victory or more importantly withdrawal. For example, if our troops are fired upon by the terrorist scumbags and said scumbags run into a mosque, our troops have to let them go! My grandfather fought in WWII and believe me, if the germans ran into a church after an attack, that church disappeared under the rubble caused by liberal use of high explosives!
This insanity has to stop! Our military leaders train our soldiers to be the best killing machines on the planet, so let them fight to win! Are there going to be some "issues" that arise? Of course, but before one goes off half cocked, think seriously about the situation out troops are in. They have been trained to win wars, so our politicians send them to war against an enemy that wears the uniform of the every day native citizen, so, sometimes, some non-combatants will be unfortunately killed, that is the price of war. But by all means you can't put blame on our troops in every case. What would you do in the same situation? Your patrol comes under attack, remember, by terrorists whom look just like the native population, you see men running away, what would you do? Would you just let them run away to possibly come back to kill more of your buddies or would you take them out on the spot? I'm betting that the majority of folks would shoot first and ask questions later! We the People have to send a very clear message to the district of criminals: Let our troops fight to win and obliterate the enemy or bring them home immediately!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pledge for Freedom
I have sent this pledge to all my elected non-representing representatives to let them know where I stand, what line I will not allow to be crossed, and my commitment to defending my God given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Our Founding Fathers warned us that if we became lax in our attention to what our government was up to that we would fall to tyranny. I urge like minded patriots to send this along to their elected employees, but more importantly, LIVE IT!
As an American, born of freedom and Liberty, I make this Pledge that is not all inclusive nor limiting. This pledge extends to : The Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Any sanctioned U.N. Treaty any administration shall pledge to support, sign or ratify, and any Un-Constitutional laws our elected officials choose to enact.
The pledge:
I will not abide by this law,
I will not recognize this law.
I will openly oppose this law.
I will not pay the associated taxes within this law.
I will not pay the fines associated with this law.
I will not go to jail.
I will come to the aid of any other patriot whom also pledges.
So I pledge without hesitation and with faith.
Signed __________________________________ Date _________
Licentia Natu Vox - Liberty by Birth Right.
As an American, born of freedom and Liberty, I make this Pledge that is not all inclusive nor limiting. This pledge extends to : The Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, Any sanctioned U.N. Treaty any administration shall pledge to support, sign or ratify, and any Un-Constitutional laws our elected officials choose to enact.
The pledge:
I will not abide by this law,
I will not recognize this law.
I will openly oppose this law.
I will not pay the associated taxes within this law.
I will not pay the fines associated with this law.
I will not go to jail.
I will come to the aid of any other patriot whom also pledges.
So I pledge without hesitation and with faith.
Signed __________________________________ Date _________
Licentia Natu Vox - Liberty by Birth Right.
Monday, November 23, 2009
So the scumbags voted to debate?
Saturday night, again, under cover of the darkness of a populace enjoying their weekend trying to "get away" from the day to day struggles of watching their nation being ripped apart from within by our elected employees, those same elected employees voted to allow their version of "health care reform" to go to senate floor for "debate". We the People had spoken, we wrote, we called, we attended tea parties, town hall meetings, and the march on the mall on 9/12, all the while, screaming to those criminal elected officials that we wanted nothing to do with our corrupt, inept government taking over our health care system, 1/6 of our nation's large economy. We the People pointed out to those criminal elected officials the largess, corruption, and waste already teeming in every single government run program and department and yet our employees decided again to ignore We the People.
The criminals in the district even went as far as bribing their own members to vote for their Un-Constitutional bill. Yes, they bribed one of their own members. The "fine" senator from Louisiana stated she was "on the fence" about which way she was going to vote on this bill. Senate leadership wrote 13 pages into the bill which specifically without naming Louisiana gave the state $100,000,000 for hurricane katrina "relief", which as it actually turns out, is $300,000,000. First of all, I want to know where the BILLIONS of dollars went that have already been given for katrina relief and why does New Orleans still look like a dump? Secondly, why aren't the citizens from the rest of the country screaming at the district for so openly bribing a member of their club, taking millions of tax payer money to give one particular senate district just to get a vote their way? Thirdly, how can the citizens of Louisiana continue to re-elect such an obvious political whore? Yes, I said it, she is a political whore. She wasn't really on the fence, she was merely holding out for the bribe she ended up getting for selling her vote.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that most politicians are upstanding citizens, actually, I believe that most politicians are just as smarmy as lawyers. Yes, there are a very few that are actually doing the work of their constituents based upon the Constitution, but that number is shrinking rapidly. The district of criminals has been so full of corruption, bribery, and outright thievery that I believe there is no way out of this position they have put We the People without extreme civil disobedience. Change your with holding, don't buy government bonds, don't support the criminal's thievery any longer! The time has come to act good citizens! If we do not get our Nation back now, we will lose it for ever!
The criminals in the district even went as far as bribing their own members to vote for their Un-Constitutional bill. Yes, they bribed one of their own members. The "fine" senator from Louisiana stated she was "on the fence" about which way she was going to vote on this bill. Senate leadership wrote 13 pages into the bill which specifically without naming Louisiana gave the state $100,000,000 for hurricane katrina "relief", which as it actually turns out, is $300,000,000. First of all, I want to know where the BILLIONS of dollars went that have already been given for katrina relief and why does New Orleans still look like a dump? Secondly, why aren't the citizens from the rest of the country screaming at the district for so openly bribing a member of their club, taking millions of tax payer money to give one particular senate district just to get a vote their way? Thirdly, how can the citizens of Louisiana continue to re-elect such an obvious political whore? Yes, I said it, she is a political whore. She wasn't really on the fence, she was merely holding out for the bribe she ended up getting for selling her vote.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that most politicians are upstanding citizens, actually, I believe that most politicians are just as smarmy as lawyers. Yes, there are a very few that are actually doing the work of their constituents based upon the Constitution, but that number is shrinking rapidly. The district of criminals has been so full of corruption, bribery, and outright thievery that I believe there is no way out of this position they have put We the People without extreme civil disobedience. Change your with holding, don't buy government bonds, don't support the criminal's thievery any longer! The time has come to act good citizens! If we do not get our Nation back now, we will lose it for ever!
Friday, November 20, 2009
What's next? Back alley botox?
Tomorrow, our "esteemed" elected officials in the senate will vote whether to take their corrupt version of "health care" reform to the floor for "debate". While debate is what should be done prior to taking this monstrosity of an abortion to the floor, that's not the way this is working. They demoncats want to vote on debating it?! Majority leader, whore house harry reid is still busy BRIBING members "on the fence" with special little earmarks for their districts to get them to vote for "debating" this bill. Yes I said BRIBING! What do you call a $100 million piece of pork specifically aimed at one senator's district because she was on the fence. Or the rino senator snowe saying that she was willing to negotiate with whore house harry but he came a calling with EMPTY HANDS?! This bill is so full of new taxes and convoluted rules that, in the end, EVERYONE will be forced to enroll in the government plan. Just imagine, all those whom get botox injections and plastic surgery will be required to pay a tax on that procedure. Oh, the humanity, what's next, back alley botox clinics?! All whom have health insurance will pay a tax on it, employers that provide insurance for their employees will be taxed on the plans they provide, and pre-tax health savings accounts will also be taxed. Wait a minute, I thought PRE-TAX health savings accounts were just that PRE-TAX?! Well they WERE! The criminals have to be stopped before our Nation becomes a mere footnote on the ash heap of history!
I have asked my representatives just how can the government be expected to run our health care system efficiently and without corruption when every single other program and department is a bench mark for WASTE, INEFFICIENCY and CORRUPTION? The answer I receive is always a blank stare and a thank you for your interest. Thank me for my interest you piece of crap?! Are you f'ing kidding me?! The Constitution of the United States DOES NOT give these criminals the right to take over ANY segment of our privately held economy! It really is not that hard to understand! The citizens DO have the power to throw off the chains of a tyrannical government and replace it with one of our liking!
That sounds pretty straight forward to me. Let these criminals know that their reign of tyranny is over and that we are taking our government back with them or without them! The time to stand is now!
I have asked my representatives just how can the government be expected to run our health care system efficiently and without corruption when every single other program and department is a bench mark for WASTE, INEFFICIENCY and CORRUPTION? The answer I receive is always a blank stare and a thank you for your interest. Thank me for my interest you piece of crap?! Are you f'ing kidding me?! The Constitution of the United States DOES NOT give these criminals the right to take over ANY segment of our privately held economy! It really is not that hard to understand! The citizens DO have the power to throw off the chains of a tyrannical government and replace it with one of our liking!
That sounds pretty straight forward to me. Let these criminals know that their reign of tyranny is over and that we are taking our government back with them or without them! The time to stand is now!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Will our Nation survive?
Our Nation's elected officials, whom preferred to be called our "leaders", are systematically dismantling our most basic founding principles in the name of the "people". They will say that the "people" just do not understand why we should allow them to do what they are doing, We the People are just not smart enough to understand the workings of the government. Well, I'll give them that, I do not understand the way the are "working" the government to trample individual liberties and freedoms at every level while claiming that they are doing it for us!? To me it is VERY EASY to understand. Our elected officials swore an oath of office which requires them to UPHOLD and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION above all. Yet it is not inconceivable to believe that a large portion of our "leaders" have not read nor understand the very document they swore to uphold! Our founders warned about a governmental authority seizing the power from the people to these ends!
Our elected officials have willingly and egregiously ignored the Constitution at every turn for decades and unfortunately, We the People have stood by and let them do it. I believe We the People really weren't watching them as closely as we should have been because the government's expansion has happened incrementally for decades, slowly growing larger and more powerful even at the hands of the supposed small government "fiscally conservative" republican party. Only in the last 15 years has the train began to pick up speed, heading to the derailment of our once strong free Nation.
For this we owe a debt to our forefathers that we may not be able to repay. You see, our forefathers saw the possibility of all that has been occurring and did try to warn us, read what they wrote. Our great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, and ourselves were not listening. Add to this the decades long indoctrination policies of our education system teaching our children revisionist history, "social justice" policies, tolerance for any and every UN-AMERICAN belief they can espouse and worst of all teaching our kids that holding the AMERICAN belief of working hard to earn your way is just plain wrong. They teach that the government is the answer for all problems in our Nation. What they refuse to tell the children is that, the government is the CAUSE of the majority of problems our Nation faces!
I don't know if I believe that we can turn back the tide of governmental intrusion and control peacefully at the ballot box. We have so many undereducated, ignorant, indoctrinated, socialist people that it is going to be a very large undertaking to return to our Constitutional beginnings. I may be wrong, we may well turn things around in the next election but many "man on the street" interviews tell me a different story. We are a Nation of idiotic marxists! I may be further off base than that. It may already too late and the sheeple will have to be dragged back to the Constitution by force. I pray that is not where we will have to go, but I fear we will have no choice. I know there are many that will not give up their freedoms willingly nor easily! To that end I have to wonder if the government has the stomach for that? We the People do! We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees, subjects of an overbearing government!
Our elected officials have willingly and egregiously ignored the Constitution at every turn for decades and unfortunately, We the People have stood by and let them do it. I believe We the People really weren't watching them as closely as we should have been because the government's expansion has happened incrementally for decades, slowly growing larger and more powerful even at the hands of the supposed small government "fiscally conservative" republican party. Only in the last 15 years has the train began to pick up speed, heading to the derailment of our once strong free Nation.
For this we owe a debt to our forefathers that we may not be able to repay. You see, our forefathers saw the possibility of all that has been occurring and did try to warn us, read what they wrote. Our great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, and ourselves were not listening. Add to this the decades long indoctrination policies of our education system teaching our children revisionist history, "social justice" policies, tolerance for any and every UN-AMERICAN belief they can espouse and worst of all teaching our kids that holding the AMERICAN belief of working hard to earn your way is just plain wrong. They teach that the government is the answer for all problems in our Nation. What they refuse to tell the children is that, the government is the CAUSE of the majority of problems our Nation faces!
I don't know if I believe that we can turn back the tide of governmental intrusion and control peacefully at the ballot box. We have so many undereducated, ignorant, indoctrinated, socialist people that it is going to be a very large undertaking to return to our Constitutional beginnings. I may be wrong, we may well turn things around in the next election but many "man on the street" interviews tell me a different story. We are a Nation of idiotic marxists! I may be further off base than that. It may already too late and the sheeple will have to be dragged back to the Constitution by force. I pray that is not where we will have to go, but I fear we will have no choice. I know there are many that will not give up their freedoms willingly nor easily! To that end I have to wonder if the government has the stomach for that? We the People do! We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees, subjects of an overbearing government!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Remember history "right" wingers!
As freedom loving citizens we have to try to make the "right" stop screaming about chairman maobama not keeping us safe from terrorism. Yes the act of Major Hasan at Fort Hood definitely WAS a terrorist act, yes he is an islamic extremist, yes he has ties to extremist islamic leaders and mosques. However, I have spent the days since the attack hearing "conservative" talkers yelling and screaming about chairman maobama's failure to keep us safe from terrorist attacks after only 9 months in office. Need I remind them that the horrific attacks of 9/11 happened only 8 months into former president gw bush's term. So that argument tends to fall apart when one looks at recent history.
As a side note. The "right" also should shut the hell up about calling Major hasan a suspect. He was called the shooter when it was thought he was killed by the cops during his rampage. However, he survived and thus, HAS to be called a suspect, because in our this country one is considered innocent UNTIL proven guilty. I don't care that there were 100+ witnesses, it doesn't matter, if we just call him a terrorist or the murderer, his lawyer will use that to prove he can't get a fair trial and that's definitely a can of worms we do not want opened. So please, I know he's a murderous terrorist just as well as anyone else does, but, he is also the SUSPECT in the Fort Hood killing rampage. Unless he confesses or until he is proven guilty we have no choice.
Next they have been claiming that chairman maobama's intelligence community and Army failed us because they were supposedly "onto" major hasan yet did nothing to stop the tragedy from happening. Hmm, need I remind anyone of Able Danger? You don't remember what Able Danger was? Able Danger was a military/intelligence group tasked to finding out about terrorist attacks that were being planned. Well, Able Danger identified some of the actual 9/11 hijackers prior to the attacks but lawyers did not allow the information to move through the proper channels to get into the appropriate hands to possibly stop 9/11 from happening. What do both of these acts have in common? Political correctness, not wanting to call a terrorist a terrorist for fear of offending the terrorist. Political correctness has led to innocent people being murdered in our own Nation by muslim extremists bent on destroying our way of life. Ask the families of those murdered if either act was an act of terrorism. I guarantee they will most emphatically agree that they were definitely terrorist acts.
So, to the "right" wing talkers out there, stop with using arguments that could very easily made about former president gw bush's administration as well.
There is plenty of "dirt" to go after chairman maobama about. Socialist medical plans, cap and tax, marxists appointments in his cabinet and administration, and apologizing to the world for America's actions are just the tip of the ice berg of things to chastise chairman maobama about. But criticizing the chairman for the same things that happened with gw bush in charge is ludicrous and only hurts the Patriot movement trying to wake up the sheeple to the "change" maobama wants to implement. So, just knock it off and get on with the business of bringing this marxist revolutionary down based on truth.
As a side note. The "right" also should shut the hell up about calling Major hasan a suspect. He was called the shooter when it was thought he was killed by the cops during his rampage. However, he survived and thus, HAS to be called a suspect, because in our this country one is considered innocent UNTIL proven guilty. I don't care that there were 100+ witnesses, it doesn't matter, if we just call him a terrorist or the murderer, his lawyer will use that to prove he can't get a fair trial and that's definitely a can of worms we do not want opened. So please, I know he's a murderous terrorist just as well as anyone else does, but, he is also the SUSPECT in the Fort Hood killing rampage. Unless he confesses or until he is proven guilty we have no choice.
Next they have been claiming that chairman maobama's intelligence community and Army failed us because they were supposedly "onto" major hasan yet did nothing to stop the tragedy from happening. Hmm, need I remind anyone of Able Danger? You don't remember what Able Danger was? Able Danger was a military/intelligence group tasked to finding out about terrorist attacks that were being planned. Well, Able Danger identified some of the actual 9/11 hijackers prior to the attacks but lawyers did not allow the information to move through the proper channels to get into the appropriate hands to possibly stop 9/11 from happening. What do both of these acts have in common? Political correctness, not wanting to call a terrorist a terrorist for fear of offending the terrorist. Political correctness has led to innocent people being murdered in our own Nation by muslim extremists bent on destroying our way of life. Ask the families of those murdered if either act was an act of terrorism. I guarantee they will most emphatically agree that they were definitely terrorist acts.
So, to the "right" wing talkers out there, stop with using arguments that could very easily made about former president gw bush's administration as well.
There is plenty of "dirt" to go after chairman maobama about. Socialist medical plans, cap and tax, marxists appointments in his cabinet and administration, and apologizing to the world for America's actions are just the tip of the ice berg of things to chastise chairman maobama about. But criticizing the chairman for the same things that happened with gw bush in charge is ludicrous and only hurts the Patriot movement trying to wake up the sheeple to the "change" maobama wants to implement. So, just knock it off and get on with the business of bringing this marxist revolutionary down based on truth.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sample letters to send to congresscritters
Feel free to copy and paste any of these letters to send to your elected employees. Just remember to change the names of the Representatives or Senators to match those for your state. Not all of these are letters written by me, some were written by friends, but I sent them to the district of criminals anyway. There should a few here that would work for any legislation by changing the wording. They make it really easy for us to bitch at them by doing so much blatantly Un-Constitutional crap!
Mr. Brown,
I am writing to you to remind that as an United States Senator you swore an oath of office which in part, required you to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
I very strongly demand you to keep this in mind when health care and cap and trade legislation reaches the Senate floor. The Constitution does not give the Federal Government the power to do what either of these bills tries to accomplish. Which many see as only accomplishing more governmental control over the citizens by regulation and taxation. I cannot fathom sir, how you in your lofty position can possibly think passing bills that egregiously raises taxes and increase regulation is a good idea especialy in an economy that is, as Mr. Obama is fond of stating, is the worst since the great depression.
I am fearful that the Constitution means little to you so I would like to also remind you that you are supposed to work for and listen to us, not your party, not the President. There is not one single government program that has been without massive waste and corruption. Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Cash for Clunkers are just the tip of the ice berg for waste and corruption. And you expect We the People to trust you with our health care system and energy policy? I don't think so Mr. Brown.
Again I urgently demand you to not vote for any bill that doesn't meet Constitutional muster!
Ms. Kaptur,
I received your response in the mail today and I must say that I was not surprised by your form letter answer that is filled with party politic talking points. Where have you gone astray Ms. Kaptur? Have you forgotten the oath you swore? You know the one that states that you will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America? Please enlighten me with your "knowledge" exactly where in the Constitution it says that everyone has a right to health care insurance. Don't dare say that the Constitution is a living document, because it is not and never has been.
The health care industry does need reforming, I will agree to that, however, how can the government be trusted to "solve" the very problems it helped to create? And more importantly, how can you expect We the People, your bosses by the way, to trust the government to fix anything it is involved with? All of you in D.C. are part of all the problems with our once great, now failing nation. You folks want us to trust you to fix healthcare and you cannot run Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Cash for Clunkers or none of the other governmental programs that are ripe with waste and corruption. I must say that you did make me laugh when you claimed that our domestic industries can't compete with foreign industries because we don't have socialized medical care. Simple logic tells us that it is the unfair trade policies, and not holding nations responsible for human rights abuses that are the primary causes for our inability to compete on the world stage, because you know as well as I, the folks that do work and produce products in this country are the ones that have health insurance. Yes costs are going up, why don't you look at the reasons why? Folks going to the emergency room for simple procedures that should be taken care of in their doctor's office is a big one. Another is making hospitals responsible for treating anyone and everyone regardless whether they have health insurance or not, or if they are legal citizens or not, again the government trying to fix something that didn't need fixing. In all the debates, I have yet to hear anyone from the pro-socialized medical care side even mention in passing the need for tort reform. Put a cap on lawsuits against doctors and hospitals and their malpractice insurance goes down as well as overall costs. But yet, none of you politicians want to talk about that for fear of upsetting the trail lawyers! You opine about the health insurance companies having too much power yet you want to transfer power to the government!? The federal government already has far more power than our Founding Father's ever intended! Keep your hands off our health care and everything else you politicians are illegally doing to the American people!
I am writing you to express my absolute opposition to any and all criminal immigrant amnesty. The United States is a Nation of laws, and those coming here illegally are breaking many of those laws. Therefore, the criminal immigrants should not and cannot be granted amnesty as a reward for being criminals. Would you reward a pedophile by giving him job in a school? Would you reward a rapist by giving him a job in a womans' shelter? No, you would punish them to the fullest extent of the law, and hope they remain in prison for as long as possible, which is what any sane person would also believe. I implore you to state your opposition to any criminal immigrant amnesty and work towards closing our borders to prevent even more criminal immigrant incursions onto our soil.
Our Nation's umemployment rate is sky high, our hospitals are going broke, our schools are going bankrupt, our prisons are overcrowded and now we have a mexican swine flu outbreak due in large part to the massive criminal immigrant invasion that has spread like a cancer upon our southern border. This criminal immigrant invasion has to be stopped, and it has to be stopped NOW! Take the steps to uphold your oath of office by protecting our great country from the criminal invasion we are currently experiencing!
Dear employee,
I urge you to initiate legislation requiring minimum I.Q. tests for elected officials. I wouldn't have thought this necessary until recently when our elected officials began adopting failed policies from failed states around the world.
I find it immoral that the U.S. Government would flagrantly steal from its citizens through the devaluation of currency.
I find it embarrassing that the U.S. Government would send an envoy to China to beg the Chinese to purchase our debt solely because our elected leaders fail to balance a budget year after year.
I'd find it almost comical that our President would be duped into a propaganda photo op with a communist dictator from Venezuela if it was not for the fact that he exhibits communist tendencies himself.
I find it offensive that Janet Napolitano would issue a report labeling millions of regular Americans as "extremist" and not be chastised by our represenatives for her actions.
I find it delusional for our Government to think that it is in any way the solution to the problems we face today since it can be directly identified as the source of most of them.
I find it encouraging that our Government will soon face the fact that it must shrink in rhythm with the economy it has regulated into oblivion.
I find it encouraging to think that if our nation makes it to the next congressional election we could officially break the cycle of nanny statism that has done nothing in recent history to obey the principles our country was founded on.
I find it encouraging to think that the tyrants in D.C. who ignore their educated constituents in favor of votes for cigarettes will alienate their base when their beloved social programs fail due to the destruction of currency.
Liberals in congress may have what is called "political capital" from election victories but that won't soon change the laws of physics. Right is right and wrong is still wrong. Please make an attempt to review some world history before ruining our fine country.
In light of all this I find it frightening to think that our elected officials would adopt such a slew of legislation that has caused bread and aspirin lines in failed Socialist states elsewhere in the world and again I implore you to make minimum I.Q. testing for elected officials legislation a priority.
Thank you for your time
Mr. Obama,
Why is it that you politicians think intelligent American citizens want you to have anything to do with our health care or any other part of our lives? The government now only exists to serve itself and special intrest lobbies that have NOTHING to do with what We the People really want our government to be nor the way our brillant Founding Father's set it up to be. The Founding Father's placed restrictions upon the government in the Constitution for good reason, they could foresee what has been happening for decades. I thought you were a Constitutional attorney Mr. Obama? Surely you know almost everything you have done and are trying to do is Un-Constitutional?!
We the People know without a doubt, if the government is involved with a program, that program will be wasteful, inefficient, and rapt with corruption. The government has bankrupted Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and you high and mighty politicians think we are dumb enough to let you run our health care? The government could not even run cash for clunkers for goodness sakes! Furthermore, I believe We the People are seeing through your charade. We the People see that it is our own government that creates most of our problems in our great Nation and we will not sit down, we will not shut up, we will continue to call your agenda what it is, MARXISM! Maybe those whom have been brainwashed by your marxist union run public schools won't know any better, but a large percentage of We the People have seen through the tripe and will give you a sound defeat in 2010 just to send you the message the We the People are not going to sit back and allow this over bearing governmental control to be foisted upon us! Then maybe you will see that this Nation does indeed lean CENTER-RIGHT, not anywhere near where you want to take us!
By the way Mr. Obama, you claimed you were going to have the MOST OPEN administration in history, SO, where's your birth certificate, college records, and medical records?
Senator Brown,
I am writing to VERY STRONGLY URGE you to vote AGAINST any "climate change" bill! This legislation would saddle American taxpayers with draconian taxes and rules which give control of our lives to some bureaucrat whom has no legal authority. The "climate change" issue is based on junk "science" and has yet to be proven. Proof lies in the movement's very own wording and how that has changed. If you remember, in the 1970's we were all going to die because of the coming ICE AGE! Then, a few "researchers" about to lose their sweetheart deal grants and actually do real work for a living, decided the problem was 'Global Warming". Well that hasn't worked out now has it? Since 1998 the global temperature has been COOLING. So now they claim "Climate Change". Of course the climate is changing, it's called a natural cyclical process! We the People see the truth Mr. Brown, the government and a few select corporations stand to make trillions of dollars from this issue knowing full well that the only effects of this legislation will be for the government to take more control of our lives and to swell the coffers of the bloated Federal bureaucracy and those corporations that stand with the government against We the People!
Mr. Brown,
I am writing to you to remind that as an United States Senator you swore an oath of office which in part, required you to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
I very strongly demand you to keep this in mind when health care and cap and trade legislation reaches the Senate floor. The Constitution does not give the Federal Government the power to do what either of these bills tries to accomplish. Which many see as only accomplishing more governmental control over the citizens by regulation and taxation. I cannot fathom sir, how you in your lofty position can possibly think passing bills that egregiously raises taxes and increase regulation is a good idea especialy in an economy that is, as Mr. Obama is fond of stating, is the worst since the great depression.
I am fearful that the Constitution means little to you so I would like to also remind you that you are supposed to work for and listen to us, not your party, not the President. There is not one single government program that has been without massive waste and corruption. Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Cash for Clunkers are just the tip of the ice berg for waste and corruption. And you expect We the People to trust you with our health care system and energy policy? I don't think so Mr. Brown.
Again I urgently demand you to not vote for any bill that doesn't meet Constitutional muster!
Ms. Kaptur,
I received your response in the mail today and I must say that I was not surprised by your form letter answer that is filled with party politic talking points. Where have you gone astray Ms. Kaptur? Have you forgotten the oath you swore? You know the one that states that you will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America? Please enlighten me with your "knowledge" exactly where in the Constitution it says that everyone has a right to health care insurance. Don't dare say that the Constitution is a living document, because it is not and never has been.
The health care industry does need reforming, I will agree to that, however, how can the government be trusted to "solve" the very problems it helped to create? And more importantly, how can you expect We the People, your bosses by the way, to trust the government to fix anything it is involved with? All of you in D.C. are part of all the problems with our once great, now failing nation. You folks want us to trust you to fix healthcare and you cannot run Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Cash for Clunkers or none of the other governmental programs that are ripe with waste and corruption. I must say that you did make me laugh when you claimed that our domestic industries can't compete with foreign industries because we don't have socialized medical care. Simple logic tells us that it is the unfair trade policies, and not holding nations responsible for human rights abuses that are the primary causes for our inability to compete on the world stage, because you know as well as I, the folks that do work and produce products in this country are the ones that have health insurance. Yes costs are going up, why don't you look at the reasons why? Folks going to the emergency room for simple procedures that should be taken care of in their doctor's office is a big one. Another is making hospitals responsible for treating anyone and everyone regardless whether they have health insurance or not, or if they are legal citizens or not, again the government trying to fix something that didn't need fixing. In all the debates, I have yet to hear anyone from the pro-socialized medical care side even mention in passing the need for tort reform. Put a cap on lawsuits against doctors and hospitals and their malpractice insurance goes down as well as overall costs. But yet, none of you politicians want to talk about that for fear of upsetting the trail lawyers! You opine about the health insurance companies having too much power yet you want to transfer power to the government!? The federal government already has far more power than our Founding Father's ever intended! Keep your hands off our health care and everything else you politicians are illegally doing to the American people!
I am writing you to express my absolute opposition to any and all criminal immigrant amnesty. The United States is a Nation of laws, and those coming here illegally are breaking many of those laws. Therefore, the criminal immigrants should not and cannot be granted amnesty as a reward for being criminals. Would you reward a pedophile by giving him job in a school? Would you reward a rapist by giving him a job in a womans' shelter? No, you would punish them to the fullest extent of the law, and hope they remain in prison for as long as possible, which is what any sane person would also believe. I implore you to state your opposition to any criminal immigrant amnesty and work towards closing our borders to prevent even more criminal immigrant incursions onto our soil.
Our Nation's umemployment rate is sky high, our hospitals are going broke, our schools are going bankrupt, our prisons are overcrowded and now we have a mexican swine flu outbreak due in large part to the massive criminal immigrant invasion that has spread like a cancer upon our southern border. This criminal immigrant invasion has to be stopped, and it has to be stopped NOW! Take the steps to uphold your oath of office by protecting our great country from the criminal invasion we are currently experiencing!
Dear employee,
I urge you to initiate legislation requiring minimum I.Q. tests for elected officials. I wouldn't have thought this necessary until recently when our elected officials began adopting failed policies from failed states around the world.
I find it immoral that the U.S. Government would flagrantly steal from its citizens through the devaluation of currency.
I find it embarrassing that the U.S. Government would send an envoy to China to beg the Chinese to purchase our debt solely because our elected leaders fail to balance a budget year after year.
I'd find it almost comical that our President would be duped into a propaganda photo op with a communist dictator from Venezuela if it was not for the fact that he exhibits communist tendencies himself.
I find it offensive that Janet Napolitano would issue a report labeling millions of regular Americans as "extremist" and not be chastised by our represenatives for her actions.
I find it delusional for our Government to think that it is in any way the solution to the problems we face today since it can be directly identified as the source of most of them.
I find it encouraging that our Government will soon face the fact that it must shrink in rhythm with the economy it has regulated into oblivion.
I find it encouraging to think that if our nation makes it to the next congressional election we could officially break the cycle of nanny statism that has done nothing in recent history to obey the principles our country was founded on.
I find it encouraging to think that the tyrants in D.C. who ignore their educated constituents in favor of votes for cigarettes will alienate their base when their beloved social programs fail due to the destruction of currency.
Liberals in congress may have what is called "political capital" from election victories but that won't soon change the laws of physics. Right is right and wrong is still wrong. Please make an attempt to review some world history before ruining our fine country.
In light of all this I find it frightening to think that our elected officials would adopt such a slew of legislation that has caused bread and aspirin lines in failed Socialist states elsewhere in the world and again I implore you to make minimum I.Q. testing for elected officials legislation a priority.
Thank you for your time
Mr. Obama,
Why is it that you politicians think intelligent American citizens want you to have anything to do with our health care or any other part of our lives? The government now only exists to serve itself and special intrest lobbies that have NOTHING to do with what We the People really want our government to be nor the way our brillant Founding Father's set it up to be. The Founding Father's placed restrictions upon the government in the Constitution for good reason, they could foresee what has been happening for decades. I thought you were a Constitutional attorney Mr. Obama? Surely you know almost everything you have done and are trying to do is Un-Constitutional?!
We the People know without a doubt, if the government is involved with a program, that program will be wasteful, inefficient, and rapt with corruption. The government has bankrupted Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and you high and mighty politicians think we are dumb enough to let you run our health care? The government could not even run cash for clunkers for goodness sakes! Furthermore, I believe We the People are seeing through your charade. We the People see that it is our own government that creates most of our problems in our great Nation and we will not sit down, we will not shut up, we will continue to call your agenda what it is, MARXISM! Maybe those whom have been brainwashed by your marxist union run public schools won't know any better, but a large percentage of We the People have seen through the tripe and will give you a sound defeat in 2010 just to send you the message the We the People are not going to sit back and allow this over bearing governmental control to be foisted upon us! Then maybe you will see that this Nation does indeed lean CENTER-RIGHT, not anywhere near where you want to take us!
By the way Mr. Obama, you claimed you were going to have the MOST OPEN administration in history, SO, where's your birth certificate, college records, and medical records?
Senator Brown,
I am writing to VERY STRONGLY URGE you to vote AGAINST any "climate change" bill! This legislation would saddle American taxpayers with draconian taxes and rules which give control of our lives to some bureaucrat whom has no legal authority. The "climate change" issue is based on junk "science" and has yet to be proven. Proof lies in the movement's very own wording and how that has changed. If you remember, in the 1970's we were all going to die because of the coming ICE AGE! Then, a few "researchers" about to lose their sweetheart deal grants and actually do real work for a living, decided the problem was 'Global Warming". Well that hasn't worked out now has it? Since 1998 the global temperature has been COOLING. So now they claim "Climate Change". Of course the climate is changing, it's called a natural cyclical process! We the People see the truth Mr. Brown, the government and a few select corporations stand to make trillions of dollars from this issue knowing full well that the only effects of this legislation will be for the government to take more control of our lives and to swell the coffers of the bloated Federal bureaucracy and those corporations that stand with the government against We the People!
The Constitution means nothing to these libretards!
So madame pelosi twisted enough limp wristed arms to pass the gigantic boondoggle they are calling health care "reform". The majority of Americans did not want anything to do with this scam being forced down our throats, yet the madame persisted because after all, she and her gang of criminals know so much better than we do what is good for us. This bloated corrupt "plan" will leave more un-insured than there are now, not to mention the hundreds of thousands that will lose employer sponsored health insurance because it will be cheaper for employers to pay the fine for NOT insuring employees than it will be to pay the tax, 40% of the cost of the plan, that will be levied against the plans they provide for their employees now! Yet there are those whom think that "free" government health care is a good idea. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones who said they can't wait for chairman maobama to fill their gas tanks, pay their bills and their mortgages. You know the ones in line in Detroit for a maobama check which they thought came from the almighty maobama's personal cash stash. I really wish these folks would get wise to the scam and see that it is those very programs they love so much that are keeping them in poverty and ignorance.
This isn't nor has it ever been about insuring more people, unless you happen to be a criminal immigrant. This is strictly about the federal government consistently usurping the Constitution to gain more control over the citizens. This plan FORCES citizens to buy health care insurance or face severe fines and JAIL time if one does not comply with BIG BROTHER! Could someone please clue me in to where in the Constitution it mentions the government being allowed to force us to buy health care insurance, and while you are at it, show me where the Constitution mentions our "right" to health care insurance at all, and please where is it mentioned that the federal government is allowed to run it or any other of the corrupt programs they fund with our tax dollars?! The criminals in D.C. have ignored the Constitution for decades, they have chipped away and chipped away while the population has been asleep. Former president gw bush started this nightmare scenario with two wars and the first "economic stimulus" package, which by the way, only benefited wall street, setting the stage for chairman maobama to try to take us on the fast track to marxism. The government now has ownership stakes in automakers, banks, and now it is after our health care system. This is not the way our Founding Fathers set our Nation up folks. Read the Constitution, it VERY clearly LIMITS the federal governments power, it does not in any way shape or form allow the government to be in control of any of our industries!
This has to be stopped folks! Our National debt is so high now that we cannot possibly pay it off in TWO GENERATIONS and that does not include any of the new programs chairman maobama wants to cram down our throats such as the health care scam and the egregious cap and tax plan they want to implement to control the rest of our lives! Have you heard of cap and trade, or tax as it is being called because of the massive tax increases everyone, especially businesses will be saddled with if this passes. Gee, what do you think even more tax increases will do to an already sky high un-employment rate?! Enough is enough! Everyone needs to call and write their supposed elected employees and remind them, #1) They are supposed to work for and listen to US, #2)Not to vote for ANY new programs when we can't pay for current obligations, #3)Do not vote for ANY legislation that does not meet strict Constitutional guidelines!
We have to take our Nation back before these criminals turns it into a third world dictatorship!
This isn't nor has it ever been about insuring more people, unless you happen to be a criminal immigrant. This is strictly about the federal government consistently usurping the Constitution to gain more control over the citizens. This plan FORCES citizens to buy health care insurance or face severe fines and JAIL time if one does not comply with BIG BROTHER! Could someone please clue me in to where in the Constitution it mentions the government being allowed to force us to buy health care insurance, and while you are at it, show me where the Constitution mentions our "right" to health care insurance at all, and please where is it mentioned that the federal government is allowed to run it or any other of the corrupt programs they fund with our tax dollars?! The criminals in D.C. have ignored the Constitution for decades, they have chipped away and chipped away while the population has been asleep. Former president gw bush started this nightmare scenario with two wars and the first "economic stimulus" package, which by the way, only benefited wall street, setting the stage for chairman maobama to try to take us on the fast track to marxism. The government now has ownership stakes in automakers, banks, and now it is after our health care system. This is not the way our Founding Fathers set our Nation up folks. Read the Constitution, it VERY clearly LIMITS the federal governments power, it does not in any way shape or form allow the government to be in control of any of our industries!
This has to be stopped folks! Our National debt is so high now that we cannot possibly pay it off in TWO GENERATIONS and that does not include any of the new programs chairman maobama wants to cram down our throats such as the health care scam and the egregious cap and tax plan they want to implement to control the rest of our lives! Have you heard of cap and trade, or tax as it is being called because of the massive tax increases everyone, especially businesses will be saddled with if this passes. Gee, what do you think even more tax increases will do to an already sky high un-employment rate?! Enough is enough! Everyone needs to call and write their supposed elected employees and remind them, #1) They are supposed to work for and listen to US, #2)Not to vote for ANY new programs when we can't pay for current obligations, #3)Do not vote for ANY legislation that does not meet strict Constitutional guidelines!
We have to take our Nation back before these criminals turns it into a third world dictatorship!
Friday, November 6, 2009
The libretards are losing it!
The left is beginning to come unhinged. From the un-named representative (I'm lazy and I'm not looking it up!) that said, referring to the citizens storming the capitol Thursday, "Let them come, let them speak out, let them voice their opinions, it will not change one damn vote!", to madame pelosi's victory claim, the demoncans beat 2 left wing republicrats on election day for the house, to chairman maobama's ridiculous try at consoling a nation that had just experienced the worst act of violence at a Stateside Military Post in history, the pressure of We the People is beginning to get to them. They are baffled and angered that us ordinary citizens have the audacity to stand up to them and against their marxist takeover of our Nation.
Chairman maobama was prepared to speak to a group of Indians, feather not dot, yesterday when all hell broke loose at Fort Hood in Texas. A 39 year old Army Major went nuts and shot up the place. He killed 13, for now, and wounded 38. Speculations abound about why he did it but he was a muslim born to Jordanian parents and he was scheduled to ship out to the sandbox. I'm not speculating, just stating some of the facts.
My heart and prayers go out to all those effected by this horrific tragedy. May the full weight of the law be brought to bear upon this scumbag masquerading as an American Solidier! To my point, chairman maobama decides not to cancel his opening speech at this indian conference. He instead lamely tries to intertwine speaking about the tragedy at Ft. Hood into his opening remarks. To say the chairman failed miserably would be an understatement. He came off as the arrogant pompous ass that he really is. He has no respect or regard for our fighting men and women and that was blatently on display for all to see yesterday.
Let's look at the "victorious" races, especially the New York district 23 race. First I'll start with the california race that was won by a less left demoncan over a far left libretard reublicrat, big deal, if anything, We the People gained a bit more hope for freedom by having a less left politician elected. Next, we'll go to the New Jersey governors race. This race was a massive defeat for chairman maobama as he actually appeared several times to support the corrupt incumbent governor Corzine. Maobama recorded "robocalls" urging the morons of New Jersey to get out the vote to support more corruption and brought the power of the demoncan party to bear in support of an unpopular and very corrupt governor. Well chairman maobama, it didn't work, We the People of New Jersey stood up and said NO MORE! Which, as a side note, I must say this result did surprise me somewhat as New Jersey has been voting for corrupt left wing demoncan's or left leaning republicrats for quite sometime. In Virginia, it was nearly the same story. The demoncan machine went after the republicrat candidate with all their might but We the People of Virginia fought back and said NO! and elected the republicrat.
Now on to the demoncan's and chairman maobama's shining defeat. One may say, but the demoncan won, how is that a defeat? Let's look at the facts, Didi Skuzbucket (I know that isn't her real name, and I don't care) this republicrat is by all arguments a libretard demoncan. She was endorsed by ACORN! This fool is farther left than MOST demoncans. Seems to be a pattern in the libretard states of kalifornia and new york, can anyone say ahnold and rudi? I digress. She was chosen by an election board, not by the people, to run against a libretard demoncan. The republicrat machine decided to back this left wing RINO in the name of party unity, thanks Newt, you idiot!
Mr. Doug Hoffman, just a nobody accountant says to himself, hmm, where's the choice in my representation? These two candidates are essentially the same! So, Mr. Hoffman decides he is going to run as an independent conservative. Thirty days prior to the election, no-one knew who Doug Hoffman was, then Sarah Palin comes on board endorsing Mr. Hoffman as do a host of other actual conservative republicans. Mr. Hoffman's campaign picks up speed and he is invited on many "conservative" talk shows to talk about the race. Let me say this right now. I don't know Mr. Hoffman, he seems like the real deal, a real conservative, but he definitely is not comfortable in the bright lights of big time politics, which to me, is refreshing, but, in the grand scheme of things probably hurt him more than helped him especially in an area so full of libretards whom value flash more than good honest conservative principles.
Ms. Skuzbucket sees her poll numbers plummeting and decides she can't win so she drops out of the race and, big surprise, endorses the demoncan! So, Mr. Hoffman, with virtually no name recognition, very little campaign money, fighting against BOTH republicrat AND demoncan machines soldiers on and only loses by 2 points! So in my book, a true conservative losing in an area that is and has been chock full of libretards is no surprise, no, the surprise and victorious feeling comes because the fact that Mr. Hoffman nearly won in this area where he shouldn't have even came close.
So, madame pelosi, take this election as a warning sign. We the People will not stand idly by while you and your gang destroy our Nation from within! You and your marxist loving gang of criminals will be fired next year and replaced by those whom take their oath to our Constitution seriously! We the People will overcome your left wing libretard government owning the people agenda and send you packing back to your libretard utopia of san franfreako where you belong!
Chairman maobama was prepared to speak to a group of Indians, feather not dot, yesterday when all hell broke loose at Fort Hood in Texas. A 39 year old Army Major went nuts and shot up the place. He killed 13, for now, and wounded 38. Speculations abound about why he did it but he was a muslim born to Jordanian parents and he was scheduled to ship out to the sandbox. I'm not speculating, just stating some of the facts.
My heart and prayers go out to all those effected by this horrific tragedy. May the full weight of the law be brought to bear upon this scumbag masquerading as an American Solidier! To my point, chairman maobama decides not to cancel his opening speech at this indian conference. He instead lamely tries to intertwine speaking about the tragedy at Ft. Hood into his opening remarks. To say the chairman failed miserably would be an understatement. He came off as the arrogant pompous ass that he really is. He has no respect or regard for our fighting men and women and that was blatently on display for all to see yesterday.
Let's look at the "victorious" races, especially the New York district 23 race. First I'll start with the california race that was won by a less left demoncan over a far left libretard reublicrat, big deal, if anything, We the People gained a bit more hope for freedom by having a less left politician elected. Next, we'll go to the New Jersey governors race. This race was a massive defeat for chairman maobama as he actually appeared several times to support the corrupt incumbent governor Corzine. Maobama recorded "robocalls" urging the morons of New Jersey to get out the vote to support more corruption and brought the power of the demoncan party to bear in support of an unpopular and very corrupt governor. Well chairman maobama, it didn't work, We the People of New Jersey stood up and said NO MORE! Which, as a side note, I must say this result did surprise me somewhat as New Jersey has been voting for corrupt left wing demoncan's or left leaning republicrats for quite sometime. In Virginia, it was nearly the same story. The demoncan machine went after the republicrat candidate with all their might but We the People of Virginia fought back and said NO! and elected the republicrat.
Now on to the demoncan's and chairman maobama's shining defeat. One may say, but the demoncan won, how is that a defeat? Let's look at the facts, Didi Skuzbucket (I know that isn't her real name, and I don't care) this republicrat is by all arguments a libretard demoncan. She was endorsed by ACORN! This fool is farther left than MOST demoncans. Seems to be a pattern in the libretard states of kalifornia and new york, can anyone say ahnold and rudi? I digress. She was chosen by an election board, not by the people, to run against a libretard demoncan. The republicrat machine decided to back this left wing RINO in the name of party unity, thanks Newt, you idiot!
Mr. Doug Hoffman, just a nobody accountant says to himself, hmm, where's the choice in my representation? These two candidates are essentially the same! So, Mr. Hoffman decides he is going to run as an independent conservative. Thirty days prior to the election, no-one knew who Doug Hoffman was, then Sarah Palin comes on board endorsing Mr. Hoffman as do a host of other actual conservative republicans. Mr. Hoffman's campaign picks up speed and he is invited on many "conservative" talk shows to talk about the race. Let me say this right now. I don't know Mr. Hoffman, he seems like the real deal, a real conservative, but he definitely is not comfortable in the bright lights of big time politics, which to me, is refreshing, but, in the grand scheme of things probably hurt him more than helped him especially in an area so full of libretards whom value flash more than good honest conservative principles.
Ms. Skuzbucket sees her poll numbers plummeting and decides she can't win so she drops out of the race and, big surprise, endorses the demoncan! So, Mr. Hoffman, with virtually no name recognition, very little campaign money, fighting against BOTH republicrat AND demoncan machines soldiers on and only loses by 2 points! So in my book, a true conservative losing in an area that is and has been chock full of libretards is no surprise, no, the surprise and victorious feeling comes because the fact that Mr. Hoffman nearly won in this area where he shouldn't have even came close.
So, madame pelosi, take this election as a warning sign. We the People will not stand idly by while you and your gang destroy our Nation from within! You and your marxist loving gang of criminals will be fired next year and replaced by those whom take their oath to our Constitution seriously! We the People will overcome your left wing libretard government owning the people agenda and send you packing back to your libretard utopia of san franfreako where you belong!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Plan to Re-Structure America
I understand that some will see my plan as, Un-Constitutional, facist, and some will obviously call it racist, and maybe some (most) of it is, but I believe that we have to take extreme measures to return our government to some sense of common sense and sanity.I know that many in the public are too afraid to speak to many of the issues I bring up. The current state of affairs has gone on far too long, our elected employees act as though they are kings and queens instead of servants to the PEOPLE, we allow them to serve US, not the other way around! I am not educated enough upon wall streets dealings to specifically speak to all the corruption that goes on there, but suffice it to say, it needs a major overhaul as well, derivitives market comes to mind! Here are a few I've come up with and a few I borrowed from others, mainly Dr. Michael Savage.
1) Only tax paying LEGAL American citizens are to be trusted with the vote. As history has taught us, those on the government dole will only continue to vote themselves a raise, thus poisoning the political process by electing and re-electing politicians that stand against American the principles of working hard and earning your way. Why do you think they want to legalize criminal immigrants?
2) All persons wishing to vote, whom have met the basic requirements above shall submit to a basic citizenship/history, and current events test prior to being able to vote. Ignorance and outright stupidity have led us to where we are currently, un-informed voting must be stopped! It is tragic that legal immigrants taking the citizenship test know more about our Republic's founding than the average citizen does!
3) Those on public assistance shall have to submit to drug and alcohol abuse testing to continue to stay on the public dole. The majority of us whom pay the taxes to fund these welfare programs have to submit to this testing, so shall those receiving benefits through other's hard work.
4) Those on public assistance shall not become pregnant, nor have children until such time that they are able to support themselves without public assistance, period! What sense does it make to allow those whom can't take care of themselves to have children they can't take care of?
5) All serving in Congress shall have to submit to the same drug and alcohol abuse testing as those on the public dole, because after all, our elected representatives are on the public dole as well!
6) Term limits shall be placed upon all Representatives and Senators. Representatives shall be allowed 3 two year terms, Senators and the Chief Executive shall be allowed only 1 six year term. Career politicians do not make for a good Republic!
7) Any attempt on the part of Supreme Court Justices to interpret portions of the Constitution beyond its original intent will be charged as a felony.
8) Any attempt on the part of Congress to vote a piece of legislation into law prior to proving that it meets the letter of the Constitution will be a felony and all found complicit will be subject to immediate dismissal from Congress with the provision that they may never again serve in any publicly elected position for the remainder of their lives.
9) No President will appoint any advisors whatsoever without a thorough investigation of each individual into their background activities and without the approval of the Senate. No person shall be eligible without proving before the FEC the place of their birth and their age. No President shall issue any executive order which in any means or by way of interpretation shall violate any portion of the Constitution or bring injury or harm to any citizen of the United State of America.
10) Supreme Court Justices and all Federal Judges shall be limited to 1 six year term. No more lifetime appointments! Thomas Jefferson warned us about this in 1783.
11) The borders of the United States of American must be closed! The criminal invasion is having devastating effects upon our health care industry, education system, penal system, and our sovereignty, it has to end NOW! Those that do not repatriate on their own when the company they work for is shut down shall be deported by force.
12) Immigration laws must strictly be enforced in the work place! All companies that hire criminal workers shall be fined out of business! If they don't want to play by the rules, then they simply will not be allowed to play!
13) No criminal immigrant children allowed in American public schools!
14) No criminal immigrants allowed in our hospitals unless they can pay for their treatment! Preferably they be arrested on the spot and deported, but hey, I do have a little bit of a heart.
15) End the anchor baby scam! If a child is born to a criminal immigrant then that child becomes a criminal immigrant as well! Read the 14th Amendment carefully.
16) Make English the official language of the United States of America! No pressing 1 for English bullshit! No government forms in 15 different languages! If one does not want to learn English, then stay the hell out!
17) Get the Federal and State governments out of public schools, return them to local control and allow for vouchers so parents have a real choice in their childs education if their local school isn't performing. But, I would take it one step further. For every voucher that is given out, the public school would lose that amount of funding. The tax payer should not be "double dipped" for under-performing schools!
18) Tenure would be abolished! Period! No person shall have any job for life without recourse! If a teacher isn't performing, that teacher should be fired as it is in the rest of society!
19) Year round schooling would be implemented! Our Nation is not agriculturally based anymore so our education system needs to reflect that! The rest of society works year round, so should the education system!
20) Allow for recall elections for all politicians so if they are not performing within Constitutional bounds they can be fired instead of waiting for their term to expire so they can do more damage!
21) All elections shall be held on the first SATURDAY of November.
22) Said first SATURDAY of November shall be a National Holiday with only polling locations remaining open.
23) All polling locations shall remain open from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m..
24) No absentee voting, with the exception for verifiable military personnel, or other governmental type employees who's duties require them to be away from their polling location.
1) Only tax paying LEGAL American citizens are to be trusted with the vote. As history has taught us, those on the government dole will only continue to vote themselves a raise, thus poisoning the political process by electing and re-electing politicians that stand against American the principles of working hard and earning your way. Why do you think they want to legalize criminal immigrants?
2) All persons wishing to vote, whom have met the basic requirements above shall submit to a basic citizenship/history, and current events test prior to being able to vote. Ignorance and outright stupidity have led us to where we are currently, un-informed voting must be stopped! It is tragic that legal immigrants taking the citizenship test know more about our Republic's founding than the average citizen does!
3) Those on public assistance shall have to submit to drug and alcohol abuse testing to continue to stay on the public dole. The majority of us whom pay the taxes to fund these welfare programs have to submit to this testing, so shall those receiving benefits through other's hard work.
4) Those on public assistance shall not become pregnant, nor have children until such time that they are able to support themselves without public assistance, period! What sense does it make to allow those whom can't take care of themselves to have children they can't take care of?
5) All serving in Congress shall have to submit to the same drug and alcohol abuse testing as those on the public dole, because after all, our elected representatives are on the public dole as well!
6) Term limits shall be placed upon all Representatives and Senators. Representatives shall be allowed 3 two year terms, Senators and the Chief Executive shall be allowed only 1 six year term. Career politicians do not make for a good Republic!
7) Any attempt on the part of Supreme Court Justices to interpret portions of the Constitution beyond its original intent will be charged as a felony.
8) Any attempt on the part of Congress to vote a piece of legislation into law prior to proving that it meets the letter of the Constitution will be a felony and all found complicit will be subject to immediate dismissal from Congress with the provision that they may never again serve in any publicly elected position for the remainder of their lives.
9) No President will appoint any advisors whatsoever without a thorough investigation of each individual into their background activities and without the approval of the Senate. No person shall be eligible without proving before the FEC the place of their birth and their age. No President shall issue any executive order which in any means or by way of interpretation shall violate any portion of the Constitution or bring injury or harm to any citizen of the United State of America.
10) Supreme Court Justices and all Federal Judges shall be limited to 1 six year term. No more lifetime appointments! Thomas Jefferson warned us about this in 1783.
11) The borders of the United States of American must be closed! The criminal invasion is having devastating effects upon our health care industry, education system, penal system, and our sovereignty, it has to end NOW! Those that do not repatriate on their own when the company they work for is shut down shall be deported by force.
12) Immigration laws must strictly be enforced in the work place! All companies that hire criminal workers shall be fined out of business! If they don't want to play by the rules, then they simply will not be allowed to play!
13) No criminal immigrant children allowed in American public schools!
14) No criminal immigrants allowed in our hospitals unless they can pay for their treatment! Preferably they be arrested on the spot and deported, but hey, I do have a little bit of a heart.
15) End the anchor baby scam! If a child is born to a criminal immigrant then that child becomes a criminal immigrant as well! Read the 14th Amendment carefully.
16) Make English the official language of the United States of America! No pressing 1 for English bullshit! No government forms in 15 different languages! If one does not want to learn English, then stay the hell out!
17) Get the Federal and State governments out of public schools, return them to local control and allow for vouchers so parents have a real choice in their childs education if their local school isn't performing. But, I would take it one step further. For every voucher that is given out, the public school would lose that amount of funding. The tax payer should not be "double dipped" for under-performing schools!
18) Tenure would be abolished! Period! No person shall have any job for life without recourse! If a teacher isn't performing, that teacher should be fired as it is in the rest of society!
19) Year round schooling would be implemented! Our Nation is not agriculturally based anymore so our education system needs to reflect that! The rest of society works year round, so should the education system!
20) Allow for recall elections for all politicians so if they are not performing within Constitutional bounds they can be fired instead of waiting for their term to expire so they can do more damage!
21) All elections shall be held on the first SATURDAY of November.
22) Said first SATURDAY of November shall be a National Holiday with only polling locations remaining open.
23) All polling locations shall remain open from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m..
24) No absentee voting, with the exception for verifiable military personnel, or other governmental type employees who's duties require them to be away from their polling location.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The communist agenda continues!
Now our infamous "leaders" are trying to push through their "climate change" legislation in the senate. This legislation does nothing to protect the environment. This legislation is nothing more than a power and cash grab by the government and primarily GE. Yes other corporations are on board with this massive usurpation of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, but, GE stands to gain the most. Whom do you think makes the most of those "green" light bulbs, "smart" themostats, and "smart" grid electrical delivery systems? Hmm, well, that would be GE. Has anyone ever wondered why the NBC television network and their "news" network MSNBC seems to be in bed with chairman maobama? Hmm, let's see, MSNBC and NBC are owned by...wait for it...GE! Any collusion there?
The "climate change" morons have done a good job of brainwashing the idiot sheeple in the world, however, thinking, rational people can see through the ruse and fight against it. Some of us remember the ruse of the day perpetrated in the 1970's. Remember, we're all going to die in the imminent ice age. Hmm, the climate started warming up and then the "scientists" studying the climate were in fear of losing their grants to research this "climate change" colluded to rename this current change "global warming", so they wouldn't have to actually work for a living. This brings us to their next ruse, "global warming". How could anyone argue? The earth was getting warmer, albeit, tenths of a degree over a century. WOW! We are all going to melt! Then after 1998, the earth actually started to cool, uh oh, here we go again! This time the "scientists" decided on a new strategy, call it "climate change", therefore no-one can argue it either way. What's worse is that these "scientists" are so arrogant that they believe the presence of man is what is causing all this change. Hmm, news flash you over educated idiots! The earth has been warming and cooling for millions of years, LONG BEFORE THE EVIL HUMAN SPECIES WAS CREATED!!! Need proof? Look at the era of the dinosaurs. Does anyone really believe that the climate was as it is now when the dinosaurs were on the earth? Dinosaurs were reptiles, reptiles are cold blooded, thus requiring warmth to live. Now, dinosaur fossils have been found in the far northern reaches of the world, so, wouldn't it make sense then that the climate was considerably WARMER than it is now?! Then, through massive volcanic eruptions or meteor strikes or sun spots, the climate cooled killing the dinosaurs. So do you really want to argue the point that humans have anything to do with our ever changing cyclical climate?!
What this legislation is about is governmental control over the citizens. Doubt that? Why would the legislation give the government the authority to regulate how warm or cool your home can be ("smart thermostats), how much electricity you can use, how much you pay for electricity (smart grids) and how much your employer will have to pay in "fees" to continue to spew out so called carbon pollution into the atmosphere? Does anyone truly believe that employers are not going to A) Pass the cost on to consumers and B) lower the wages of their employees to help pay for these so-called fees imposed by an overbearing government?
Our government has stepped over the line with this recent adminstration policies. The government has been stealing our rights piecemeal for generations, but this current gang of criminals is putting our Nation on the fast track to becoming a marxist nation such as Chavez's Venezuela or Castro's Cuba. Don't believe that? Look at the people chairman maobama has surrounded himself with. Sure seems to be a whole bunch of outwardly communist, socialist, and marxist America hating people saddling up on the maobama wagon train to hell. Wake up people, we just may have to fight to take our Nation back!
The "climate change" morons have done a good job of brainwashing the idiot sheeple in the world, however, thinking, rational people can see through the ruse and fight against it. Some of us remember the ruse of the day perpetrated in the 1970's. Remember, we're all going to die in the imminent ice age. Hmm, the climate started warming up and then the "scientists" studying the climate were in fear of losing their grants to research this "climate change" colluded to rename this current change "global warming", so they wouldn't have to actually work for a living. This brings us to their next ruse, "global warming". How could anyone argue? The earth was getting warmer, albeit, tenths of a degree over a century. WOW! We are all going to melt! Then after 1998, the earth actually started to cool, uh oh, here we go again! This time the "scientists" decided on a new strategy, call it "climate change", therefore no-one can argue it either way. What's worse is that these "scientists" are so arrogant that they believe the presence of man is what is causing all this change. Hmm, news flash you over educated idiots! The earth has been warming and cooling for millions of years, LONG BEFORE THE EVIL HUMAN SPECIES WAS CREATED!!! Need proof? Look at the era of the dinosaurs. Does anyone really believe that the climate was as it is now when the dinosaurs were on the earth? Dinosaurs were reptiles, reptiles are cold blooded, thus requiring warmth to live. Now, dinosaur fossils have been found in the far northern reaches of the world, so, wouldn't it make sense then that the climate was considerably WARMER than it is now?! Then, through massive volcanic eruptions or meteor strikes or sun spots, the climate cooled killing the dinosaurs. So do you really want to argue the point that humans have anything to do with our ever changing cyclical climate?!
What this legislation is about is governmental control over the citizens. Doubt that? Why would the legislation give the government the authority to regulate how warm or cool your home can be ("smart thermostats), how much electricity you can use, how much you pay for electricity (smart grids) and how much your employer will have to pay in "fees" to continue to spew out so called carbon pollution into the atmosphere? Does anyone truly believe that employers are not going to A) Pass the cost on to consumers and B) lower the wages of their employees to help pay for these so-called fees imposed by an overbearing government?
Our government has stepped over the line with this recent adminstration policies. The government has been stealing our rights piecemeal for generations, but this current gang of criminals is putting our Nation on the fast track to becoming a marxist nation such as Chavez's Venezuela or Castro's Cuba. Don't believe that? Look at the people chairman maobama has surrounded himself with. Sure seems to be a whole bunch of outwardly communist, socialist, and marxist America hating people saddling up on the maobama wagon train to hell. Wake up people, we just may have to fight to take our Nation back!
We were warned!
Our genius Founding Fathers warned us about we are heading in this nation. Ben Franklin said; History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened.
So look where we are now. Our government has done it's best to separate us based upon race and economics. Just look at our current political climate, not to say that this is unique to our time, this has been going on for decades, but, in this time with so much is at stake, it is definitely at the forefront of society. If one is to speak out against chairman maobama's marxist policies you are labeled a racist. If one is to speak out against any social programs that give tax money to those whom don't pay any taxes, the dividers say you hate the poor. I don't hate the poor nor am I a racist. I am an equal opportunity offender! I hate everyone whom believes that the tax payer should have to pay for their poor decisions, I hate everyone whom believes the government should take care of them, I hate everyone whom refuses to understand the tyranny the government has been marching toward for decades, I hate everyone whom refuses to educate themselves before voting, I hate everyone whom thinks they have the right to legislate morality, I hate everyone whom uses race or gender to get ahead, I hate everyone whom thinks attaining the American dream should be easy, I hate everyone whom thinks criminals have more rights than their victims, I hate everyone whom thinks criminal immigrants are just here to do jobs Americans don't want to do, I hate everyone whom believes that our Constitution is a living document and should change with the times. I could go on but I think you get the point, so I guess I'm just a bigoted, sexist hate monger, well guess what? I don't care what ANYONE thinks about me because I am secure in my convictions and I know I am right.
Thomas Paine said this;
A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for its support.
And John Adams said;
Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom. Not only has our government allowed our citizens to be uninstructed (educated for the morons out there) but the government has fostered ignorance. Revisionist text books, revisionist lesson plans, placing more emphasis on a child's feelings than that same child actually learning anything, you know a red mark on an assignment is just so degrading to that poor little child, he really tried his best so we will acknowledge that instead of making sure the correct answer is given. Our education system has refused to teach how important our freedom is and our Founding Father's basic principles warning against the tyranny that has been perpetrated upon us. This type of insanity has worked to destroy our nation from within, we are but mere moments from the collapse of the best system of government ever tried.
James Madison said;
There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. Our Founding Father's recognized the fallicies of man, and warned of such as this quote points out,
Thomas Jefferson said;
At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account.
So how do we proceed as a nation? Our government has been out of control for decades. Only now that an administration is in power that has accelerated the pace of tyranny have citizens started to speak out. I only fear it is too late to effectively change course we have allowed ourselves to be subject to by civil methods. Our two party political system is broken, the two parties seem to be equal parts of one larger, more insidious power structure bent on destroying our free nation for their own monetary and political gains. I believe those in power are drunk with it and see themselves as rulers, not as elected representatives of the citizens that elected them. Our individual States have the power to stop the federal government from seizing our nation but as yet have not been willing to exercise the Rights guaranteed by The Constitution since Lincoln put down the Southern States rebellion during the Civil War. I must digress here, Mr. Lincoln is looked up to by many as the man whom held the Union together and ended slavery. I see it a little differently. Yes Mr. Lincoln DID end slavery, however, in the process he also violated the 10th Amendment Rights guaranteed by The Constitution that allowed for the Southern States to do exactly what they tried to do. You see, the Federal Government was NEVER supposed to have this much power. Read the Constitution, read the writings of our Founding Fathers, the States were SUPPOSED to have the ability to rule themselves without Federal intrusion. But, as our Founding Fathers warned, an ignorant citizenry will succumb to tyranny without even knowing they did it until it is too late to reverse peacefully. There are some States that are starting to discuss invoking 10th Amendment protections via pending legislation but it remains to be seen if that legislation can get a foot hold in an era where so many States are dependent upon the Federal Government for funding. I am hopeful that our citizenry will stand against tyranny at the ballot box, otherwise I fear we will have to resort to the ammo box to protect ourseves and our nation from an out of control and abusively intrusive government and that will not end well for anyone involved for I AM WILLING TO DEFEND MY RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE DEATH, ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE TRYING TO TAKE THEM?!
So look where we are now. Our government has done it's best to separate us based upon race and economics. Just look at our current political climate, not to say that this is unique to our time, this has been going on for decades, but, in this time with so much is at stake, it is definitely at the forefront of society. If one is to speak out against chairman maobama's marxist policies you are labeled a racist. If one is to speak out against any social programs that give tax money to those whom don't pay any taxes, the dividers say you hate the poor. I don't hate the poor nor am I a racist. I am an equal opportunity offender! I hate everyone whom believes that the tax payer should have to pay for their poor decisions, I hate everyone whom believes the government should take care of them, I hate everyone whom refuses to understand the tyranny the government has been marching toward for decades, I hate everyone whom refuses to educate themselves before voting, I hate everyone whom thinks they have the right to legislate morality, I hate everyone whom uses race or gender to get ahead, I hate everyone whom thinks attaining the American dream should be easy, I hate everyone whom thinks criminals have more rights than their victims, I hate everyone whom thinks criminal immigrants are just here to do jobs Americans don't want to do, I hate everyone whom believes that our Constitution is a living document and should change with the times. I could go on but I think you get the point, so I guess I'm just a bigoted, sexist hate monger, well guess what? I don't care what ANYONE thinks about me because I am secure in my convictions and I know I am right.
Thomas Paine said this;
A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for its support.
And John Adams said;
Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom. Not only has our government allowed our citizens to be uninstructed (educated for the morons out there) but the government has fostered ignorance. Revisionist text books, revisionist lesson plans, placing more emphasis on a child's feelings than that same child actually learning anything, you know a red mark on an assignment is just so degrading to that poor little child, he really tried his best so we will acknowledge that instead of making sure the correct answer is given. Our education system has refused to teach how important our freedom is and our Founding Father's basic principles warning against the tyranny that has been perpetrated upon us. This type of insanity has worked to destroy our nation from within, we are but mere moments from the collapse of the best system of government ever tried.
James Madison said;
There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. Our Founding Father's recognized the fallicies of man, and warned of such as this quote points out,
Thomas Jefferson said;
At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account.
So how do we proceed as a nation? Our government has been out of control for decades. Only now that an administration is in power that has accelerated the pace of tyranny have citizens started to speak out. I only fear it is too late to effectively change course we have allowed ourselves to be subject to by civil methods. Our two party political system is broken, the two parties seem to be equal parts of one larger, more insidious power structure bent on destroying our free nation for their own monetary and political gains. I believe those in power are drunk with it and see themselves as rulers, not as elected representatives of the citizens that elected them. Our individual States have the power to stop the federal government from seizing our nation but as yet have not been willing to exercise the Rights guaranteed by The Constitution since Lincoln put down the Southern States rebellion during the Civil War. I must digress here, Mr. Lincoln is looked up to by many as the man whom held the Union together and ended slavery. I see it a little differently. Yes Mr. Lincoln DID end slavery, however, in the process he also violated the 10th Amendment Rights guaranteed by The Constitution that allowed for the Southern States to do exactly what they tried to do. You see, the Federal Government was NEVER supposed to have this much power. Read the Constitution, read the writings of our Founding Fathers, the States were SUPPOSED to have the ability to rule themselves without Federal intrusion. But, as our Founding Fathers warned, an ignorant citizenry will succumb to tyranny without even knowing they did it until it is too late to reverse peacefully. There are some States that are starting to discuss invoking 10th Amendment protections via pending legislation but it remains to be seen if that legislation can get a foot hold in an era where so many States are dependent upon the Federal Government for funding. I am hopeful that our citizenry will stand against tyranny at the ballot box, otherwise I fear we will have to resort to the ammo box to protect ourseves and our nation from an out of control and abusively intrusive government and that will not end well for anyone involved for I AM WILLING TO DEFEND MY RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE DEATH, ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE TRYING TO TAKE THEM?!
Who will be our Re-Founding Fathers?
Who will be our Re-Founding Fathers?
As chairman maobama and his ilk continue to drag our great country down the sewer that is communism, socialism, totalitarianism, facism, or whatever ism one wants to call the Un-American, anti-Constitutional direction they are heading, I have to ask; Just who will our re-Founding Fathers be? Whom will stand against this egregious govenmental behavior? Whom will rise to lead We the People from the abyss of Un-Constitutional governmental control and take our great Nation back to her Constitutional Foundings? We the People rallied this summer to let our voices be heard, yet our supposed elected employees are choosing to ignore We the People by trying to cram through chairman maobama's communist agenda any way! I have some questions for those idiots that helped put the communists in power: Are you happy now? Is chairman maobama's agenda what you wanted? Is chairman maobama filling your gas tank and paying your mortgage? Are you even paying attention to the freedoms they are trying to take away?
Chairman maobama stated during the campaign, to see who he was just look at those he surrounded himself with. Well, those of us whom were paying attention saw that he was surrounded by racist, America hating communists and tried to sound the alarm. But ignorance, idiocy, and hatred for anyone republican trumped any common sense among very many Americans. I admit that for a good number of elections We the People merely have had a choice of electing the lesser of 2 evils and what we have now is a direct result of American's not demanding more from our elected representatives, because the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. However, one still should put our Nation first, above all when entering the voting booth. We the People need more Representatives like these below! Our Founding Fathers were incredibly intelligent men whom told us that if we did not participate in our Representative Republic we would lose it. Well, it seems we are well on the way to losing our great Nation if we don't work to keep it. Keep calling and writing those criminals that are supposed to work for us. Keep reminding them that they are there by our will and we will remove them when we have to!
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787
No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!
They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
As chairman maobama and his ilk continue to drag our great country down the sewer that is communism, socialism, totalitarianism, facism, or whatever ism one wants to call the Un-American, anti-Constitutional direction they are heading, I have to ask; Just who will our re-Founding Fathers be? Whom will stand against this egregious govenmental behavior? Whom will rise to lead We the People from the abyss of Un-Constitutional governmental control and take our great Nation back to her Constitutional Foundings? We the People rallied this summer to let our voices be heard, yet our supposed elected employees are choosing to ignore We the People by trying to cram through chairman maobama's communist agenda any way! I have some questions for those idiots that helped put the communists in power: Are you happy now? Is chairman maobama's agenda what you wanted? Is chairman maobama filling your gas tank and paying your mortgage? Are you even paying attention to the freedoms they are trying to take away?
Chairman maobama stated during the campaign, to see who he was just look at those he surrounded himself with. Well, those of us whom were paying attention saw that he was surrounded by racist, America hating communists and tried to sound the alarm. But ignorance, idiocy, and hatred for anyone republican trumped any common sense among very many Americans. I admit that for a good number of elections We the People merely have had a choice of electing the lesser of 2 evils and what we have now is a direct result of American's not demanding more from our elected representatives, because the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. However, one still should put our Nation first, above all when entering the voting booth. We the People need more Representatives like these below! Our Founding Fathers were incredibly intelligent men whom told us that if we did not participate in our Representative Republic we would lose it. Well, it seems we are well on the way to losing our great Nation if we don't work to keep it. Keep calling and writing those criminals that are supposed to work for us. Keep reminding them that they are there by our will and we will remove them when we have to!
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787
No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!
They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
They're at it again folks!
Here we go again folks! This time it's the Southern Poverty Law Center that is singling out us "evil right wing terrorists". http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?pageId=111078It seems the SPLC has taken a page from Janet Napolitano's play book and distributed a document, the Fall 2009 Intelligence Report, to police agencies warning them of us citizens whom happen to believe that the Constitution happens to be the supreme law of the land. Us evil right wingers whom oppose abortion, lax immigration laws and enforcement, Second Amendment restrictions, and the list goes on and on as did Napolitano's list up to and including returning veterans. Now to say that the maobama administration had an evil hand in this would be a stretch without proof coming to light, however, to say that the SPLC supports wholeheartedly maobama's agenda or any other leftist agenda would not be.
It seems the left wingers just don't seem to get it. It's as if the tea parties, the town hall meetings, nor the 9/12 march never occurred. They seem to think we can be scared away from speaking and standing against this evil anti-American regime. Well, again, those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it! You cannot continually kick a dog and not expect the dog to tire of the abuse and bite you! To me, it seems that the left wingers are trying to further divide this great nation. What I believe they truly don't understand though, is that this great nation leans closer to center right than the ultra left direction they are trying to go, and the harder they push, the more Americans, many whom voted against McCain and NOT for maobama, will push back against the rising tide of governmental intrusion/control maobama is aiming for. The 2010 elections will be a political blood bath for the lefties if they continue to ignore their constituents. Keep standing up and speaking out America! Our nation is depending on you to keep her alive as a Representative Republic!
It seems the left wingers just don't seem to get it. It's as if the tea parties, the town hall meetings, nor the 9/12 march never occurred. They seem to think we can be scared away from speaking and standing against this evil anti-American regime. Well, again, those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it! You cannot continually kick a dog and not expect the dog to tire of the abuse and bite you! To me, it seems that the left wingers are trying to further divide this great nation. What I believe they truly don't understand though, is that this great nation leans closer to center right than the ultra left direction they are trying to go, and the harder they push, the more Americans, many whom voted against McCain and NOT for maobama, will push back against the rising tide of governmental intrusion/control maobama is aiming for. The 2010 elections will be a political blood bath for the lefties if they continue to ignore their constituents. Keep standing up and speaking out America! Our nation is depending on you to keep her alive as a Representative Republic!
Where's my representation?
Just who in politics represents me? The ultra left wing which has taken control due to voter stupidity, apathy, and republican corruption has mistakenly seen their election as a mandate for uber government control from cradle to grave. If anyone doubts that they have mistakenly seen a mandate which wasn't there, just look at the agenda, (health care takeover, cap and tax legislation, anti Second Amendment legislation) that they still haven't been able to get passed even though they have super majorities in both the house and the senate.
The American people have stood up and told them to shove their communist agenda up their asses. Yet, the left wingers in power still can't believe that "real" American voters are the ones standing up against their communism. The tea party and town hall meeting protesters were just radical right wingers organized by the republican party because republicans are racist and can't tolerate having a black president. This is so typical of left wing libretards. They are losing the argument on the facts so they resort to name calling and playing the race card. I know I saw plenty of democrats, independents, and republicans, whites and blacks, at the town halls and tea parties. There is a tremendous amount of voter remorse by "conservative" blacks, and race guilty white moderate democrats for getting maobama elected.
So folks, is this the kind of change you were hoping for?! Just look at how quickly maobama's poll numbers are crashing! Don't think for a minute that I believe the republicans are any better, because they are not. They were responsible in part for getting maobama elected. Their corruption, their inability to stick to their supposed morals, their uncontrolled government spending, and their growing the size of government and bureaucracy, voter stupidity, acorn voter fraud,and media bias, all were contributing factors to getting maobama elected. Add to this scenario two unpopular wars and the republicans putting up a liberal republican has been to run against maobama and you can see why the communists won last November. We have the uber left wing which wants to control our lives from cradle to grave. Then we have the uber right wing conservatives whom want the very same thing. While typically the right doesn't raise taxes, in this current climate no-one to be elected can honestly say they won't raise taxes because it's inevitable. The deficits that have already been run up will require it, there will be no choice.
For those that don't believe that conservatives want to control our lives, all you have to do is look at smoking bans as a prime example, strip club no contact laws are another example, gay marriage legislation is another one they want to stick their hands into. My views are that do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt others, just don't call it marriage unless you want marriage to be redefined to include a plethora other options. You see, the left wants to control your whole life, while the right wants to legislate our morality. So you see, they both SUCK and the American people are the ones that are paying the price.
So, where does this all leave US, the patriotic, freedom loving American citizen? Up the proverbial shit creek with out a paddle! We cannot get lazy, we have to keep standing up, keep speaking out, keep screaming our message to those in the district of criminals! Our message is this: GET YOUR HANDS OFF OUR LIVES!!!! It is not the government's job to coddle us from cradle to grave. The government does not have the right to disregard our Constitution just because those in charge disagree with what it says. Our Founding Fathers were very smart in their crafting of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, they spelled out VERY clearly what the government is allowed to do and more importantly what the government is NOT allowed to do! So where has the logic disconnect occured? I believe it started way back when Teddy Roosevelt was President, because dear old Teddy was one of the first "progressives" whom believed the government had more power upon citizens lives than it did. From Teddy, government just expanded and got us to the point we are at now with the citizens sitting by and letting it happen. I only pray that it is not too late! I pray our nation can be saved and returned to our founding principles without bloodshed.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson-1787
Thomas Jefferson knew what he was talking about. Our Nation's Tree of Liberty is wilting and brown. We must turn back this tide before it is too late!
The American people have stood up and told them to shove their communist agenda up their asses. Yet, the left wingers in power still can't believe that "real" American voters are the ones standing up against their communism. The tea party and town hall meeting protesters were just radical right wingers organized by the republican party because republicans are racist and can't tolerate having a black president. This is so typical of left wing libretards. They are losing the argument on the facts so they resort to name calling and playing the race card. I know I saw plenty of democrats, independents, and republicans, whites and blacks, at the town halls and tea parties. There is a tremendous amount of voter remorse by "conservative" blacks, and race guilty white moderate democrats for getting maobama elected.
So folks, is this the kind of change you were hoping for?! Just look at how quickly maobama's poll numbers are crashing! Don't think for a minute that I believe the republicans are any better, because they are not. They were responsible in part for getting maobama elected. Their corruption, their inability to stick to their supposed morals, their uncontrolled government spending, and their growing the size of government and bureaucracy, voter stupidity, acorn voter fraud,and media bias, all were contributing factors to getting maobama elected. Add to this scenario two unpopular wars and the republicans putting up a liberal republican has been to run against maobama and you can see why the communists won last November. We have the uber left wing which wants to control our lives from cradle to grave. Then we have the uber right wing conservatives whom want the very same thing. While typically the right doesn't raise taxes, in this current climate no-one to be elected can honestly say they won't raise taxes because it's inevitable. The deficits that have already been run up will require it, there will be no choice.
For those that don't believe that conservatives want to control our lives, all you have to do is look at smoking bans as a prime example, strip club no contact laws are another example, gay marriage legislation is another one they want to stick their hands into. My views are that do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt others, just don't call it marriage unless you want marriage to be redefined to include a plethora other options. You see, the left wants to control your whole life, while the right wants to legislate our morality. So you see, they both SUCK and the American people are the ones that are paying the price.
So, where does this all leave US, the patriotic, freedom loving American citizen? Up the proverbial shit creek with out a paddle! We cannot get lazy, we have to keep standing up, keep speaking out, keep screaming our message to those in the district of criminals! Our message is this: GET YOUR HANDS OFF OUR LIVES!!!! It is not the government's job to coddle us from cradle to grave. The government does not have the right to disregard our Constitution just because those in charge disagree with what it says. Our Founding Fathers were very smart in their crafting of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, they spelled out VERY clearly what the government is allowed to do and more importantly what the government is NOT allowed to do! So where has the logic disconnect occured? I believe it started way back when Teddy Roosevelt was President, because dear old Teddy was one of the first "progressives" whom believed the government had more power upon citizens lives than it did. From Teddy, government just expanded and got us to the point we are at now with the citizens sitting by and letting it happen. I only pray that it is not too late! I pray our nation can be saved and returned to our founding principles without bloodshed.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson-1787
Thomas Jefferson knew what he was talking about. Our Nation's Tree of Liberty is wilting and brown. We must turn back this tide before it is too late!
Time for Revolution?
So, is it time for revolution in our great country? I say absolutely yes, but not in the way you're thinking. It is time to "revolutionize" the way many Americans think about what it means to be an American. It is time to "revolutionize" the way many Americans think about what our government at all levels should be, what those governments shoud do, and what they are Constitutionally allowed to do. It is time to "revolutionize" the process by which those governments are s/elected, Thomas Jefferson got it right! It is time to "revolutionize" our education system by removing the Federal and State government control and most importantly UNION control from it. It is time to "revolutionize" our tax system. It needs to be much less complicated, and much harder to get away with not paying one's fair share. It is time to "revolutionize" the belief of many Americans of where our RIGHTS come from. Being an American doesn't mean sitting back collecting a government check because there is always someone else out there to work and pay taxes. Being an American means working hard to succeed, always trying, never giving up to let someone else pay your way. Being an American means that sometimes you may fail. That's o.k., because most successful people haved failed at least once in their endeavors and have come back stronger and more successful because of it. It is not anyone's fault but your own if you do not succeed in this country.Our governments' were not put in place to control the citizens. Our governments were put in place merely to prevent anarchy and strict limits were placed upon them by our genius Founding Fathers via the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Now as American citizens we all have to accept responsibility for letting our governments get so out of control. This includes me, you, our parents, our grandparents, and our great-grandparents and on down all family trees. You see, our governments didn't just usurp the Constitution in one fell swoop. No, they have been quite cunning about it, chipping away our rights a little at a time until we have reached the point we are at now. We have almost totally lost our country. Our "elected" officials do not fear us let alone respect us. Why is that? Partly because we, as Americans for generations, have had our heads in the sand thinking if everything in "our little" world was good, then everything else must be good too. Instead of paying attention to those in our capitals, holding them accountable for what they do, we have sat back and just let them take almost total control of our once free country. The other major reason this has happened is because of citizen apathy. It seems our two major political parties have made a deal with the "devil" to make sure they are really not that different so the average citizen feels as though there isn't a difference so why bother being involved in the process? Our REPRESNTATIVE REPUBLIC was based on the average citizen being involved, that is the key tenet for our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC to be successful. And being successful means the CITIZENS having the power over the politicians! We need to get back to the basics that our country was founded upon before we have no nation left!
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