Thursday, November 5, 2009

Plan to Re-Structure America

I understand that some will see my plan as, Un-Constitutional, facist, and some will obviously call it racist, and maybe some (most) of it is, but I believe that we have to take extreme measures to return our government to some sense of common sense and sanity.I know that many in the public are too afraid to speak to many of the issues I bring up. The current state of affairs has gone on far too long, our elected employees act as though they are kings and queens instead of servants to the PEOPLE, we allow them to serve US, not the other way around! I am not educated enough upon wall streets dealings to specifically speak to all the corruption that goes on there, but suffice it to say, it needs a major overhaul as well, derivitives market comes to mind! Here are a few I've come up with and a few I borrowed from others, mainly Dr. Michael Savage.

1) Only tax paying LEGAL American citizens are to be trusted with the vote. As history has taught us, those on the government dole will only continue to vote themselves a raise, thus poisoning the political process by electing and re-electing politicians that stand against American the principles of working hard and earning your way. Why do you think they want to legalize criminal immigrants?

2) All persons wishing to vote, whom have met the basic requirements above shall submit to a basic citizenship/history, and current events test prior to being able to vote. Ignorance and outright stupidity have led us to where we are currently, un-informed voting must be stopped! It is tragic that legal immigrants taking the citizenship test know more about our Republic's founding than the average citizen does!

3) Those on public assistance shall have to submit to drug and alcohol abuse testing to continue to stay on the public dole. The majority of us whom pay the taxes to fund these welfare programs have to submit to this testing, so shall those receiving benefits through other's hard work.

4) Those on public assistance shall not become pregnant, nor have children until such time that they are able to support themselves without public assistance, period! What sense does it make to allow those whom can't take care of themselves to have children they can't take care of?

5) All serving in Congress shall have to submit to the same drug and alcohol abuse testing as those on the public dole, because after all, our elected representatives are on the public dole as well!

6) Term limits shall be placed upon all Representatives and Senators. Representatives shall be allowed 3 two year terms, Senators and the Chief Executive shall be allowed only 1 six year term. Career politicians do not make for a good Republic!
7) Any attempt on the part of Supreme Court Justices to interpret portions of the Constitution beyond its original intent will be charged as a felony.

8) Any attempt on the part of Congress to vote a piece of legislation into law prior to proving that it meets the letter of the Constitution will be a felony and all found complicit will be subject to immediate dismissal from Congress with the provision that they may never again serve in any publicly elected position for the remainder of their lives.

9) No President will appoint any advisors whatsoever without a thorough investigation of each individual into their background activities and without the approval of the Senate. No person shall be eligible without proving before the FEC the place of their birth and their age. No President shall issue any executive order which in any means or by way of interpretation shall violate any portion of the Constitution or bring injury or harm to any citizen of the United State of America.
10) Supreme Court Justices and all Federal Judges shall be limited to 1 six year term. No more lifetime appointments! Thomas Jefferson warned us about this in 1783.

11) The borders of the United States of American must be closed! The criminal invasion is having devastating effects upon our health care industry, education system, penal system, and our sovereignty, it has to end NOW! Those that do not repatriate on their own when the company they work for is shut down shall be deported by force.

12) Immigration laws must strictly be enforced in the work place! All companies that hire criminal workers shall be fined out of business! If they don't want to play by the rules, then they simply will not be allowed to play!

13) No criminal immigrant children allowed in American public schools!

14) No criminal immigrants allowed in our hospitals unless they can pay for their treatment! Preferably they be arrested on the spot and deported, but hey, I do have a little bit of a heart.

15) End the anchor baby scam! If a child is born to a criminal immigrant then that child becomes a criminal immigrant as well! Read the 14th Amendment carefully.

16) Make English the official language of the United States of America! No pressing 1 for English bullshit! No government forms in 15 different languages! If one does not want to learn English, then stay the hell out!

17) Get the Federal and State governments out of public schools, return them to local control and allow for vouchers so parents have a real choice in their childs education if their local school isn't performing. But, I would take it one step further. For every voucher that is given out, the public school would lose that amount of funding. The tax payer should not be "double dipped" for under-performing schools!

18) Tenure would be abolished! Period! No person shall have any job for life without recourse! If a teacher isn't performing, that teacher should be fired as it is in the rest of society!

19) Year round schooling would be implemented! Our Nation is not agriculturally based anymore so our education system needs to reflect that! The rest of society works year round, so should the education system!

20) Allow for recall elections for all politicians so if they are not performing within Constitutional bounds they can be fired instead of waiting for their term to expire so they can do more damage!

21) All elections shall be held on the first SATURDAY of November.

22) Said first SATURDAY of November shall be a National Holiday with only polling locations remaining open.

23) All polling locations shall remain open from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m..

24) No absentee voting, with the exception for verifiable military personnel, or other governmental type employees who's duties require them to be away from their polling location.

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