Feel free to copy and paste any of these letters to send to your elected employees. Just remember to change the names of the Representatives or Senators to match those for your state. Not all of these are letters written by me, some were written by friends, but I sent them to the district of criminals anyway. There should a few here that would work for any legislation by changing the wording. They make it really easy for us to bitch at them by doing so much blatantly Un-Constitutional crap!
Mr. Brown,
I am writing to you to remind that as an United States Senator you swore an oath of office which in part, required you to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
I very strongly demand you to keep this in mind when health care and cap and trade legislation reaches the Senate floor. The Constitution does not give the Federal Government the power to do what either of these bills tries to accomplish. Which many see as only accomplishing more governmental control over the citizens by regulation and taxation. I cannot fathom sir, how you in your lofty position can possibly think passing bills that egregiously raises taxes and increase regulation is a good idea especialy in an economy that is, as Mr. Obama is fond of stating, is the worst since the great depression.
I am fearful that the Constitution means little to you so I would like to also remind you that you are supposed to work for and listen to us, not your party, not the President. There is not one single government program that has been without massive waste and corruption. Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Cash for Clunkers are just the tip of the ice berg for waste and corruption. And you expect We the People to trust you with our health care system and energy policy? I don't think so Mr. Brown.
Again I urgently demand you to not vote for any bill that doesn't meet Constitutional muster!
Ms. Kaptur,
I received your response in the mail today and I must say that I was not surprised by your form letter answer that is filled with party politic talking points. Where have you gone astray Ms. Kaptur? Have you forgotten the oath you swore? You know the one that states that you will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America? Please enlighten me with your "knowledge" exactly where in the Constitution it says that everyone has a right to health care insurance. Don't dare say that the Constitution is a living document, because it is not and never has been.
The health care industry does need reforming, I will agree to that, however, how can the government be trusted to "solve" the very problems it helped to create? And more importantly, how can you expect We the People, your bosses by the way, to trust the government to fix anything it is involved with? All of you in D.C. are part of all the problems with our once great, now failing nation. You folks want us to trust you to fix healthcare and you cannot run Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Cash for Clunkers or none of the other governmental programs that are ripe with waste and corruption. I must say that you did make me laugh when you claimed that our domestic industries can't compete with foreign industries because we don't have socialized medical care. Simple logic tells us that it is the unfair trade policies, and not holding nations responsible for human rights abuses that are the primary causes for our inability to compete on the world stage, because you know as well as I, the folks that do work and produce products in this country are the ones that have health insurance. Yes costs are going up, why don't you look at the reasons why? Folks going to the emergency room for simple procedures that should be taken care of in their doctor's office is a big one. Another is making hospitals responsible for treating anyone and everyone regardless whether they have health insurance or not, or if they are legal citizens or not, again the government trying to fix something that didn't need fixing. In all the debates, I have yet to hear anyone from the pro-socialized medical care side even mention in passing the need for tort reform. Put a cap on lawsuits against doctors and hospitals and their malpractice insurance goes down as well as overall costs. But yet, none of you politicians want to talk about that for fear of upsetting the trail lawyers! You opine about the health insurance companies having too much power yet you want to transfer power to the government!? The federal government already has far more power than our Founding Father's ever intended! Keep your hands off our health care and everything else you politicians are illegally doing to the American people!
I am writing you to express my absolute opposition to any and all criminal immigrant amnesty. The United States is a Nation of laws, and those coming here illegally are breaking many of those laws. Therefore, the criminal immigrants should not and cannot be granted amnesty as a reward for being criminals. Would you reward a pedophile by giving him job in a school? Would you reward a rapist by giving him a job in a womans' shelter? No, you would punish them to the fullest extent of the law, and hope they remain in prison for as long as possible, which is what any sane person would also believe. I implore you to state your opposition to any criminal immigrant amnesty and work towards closing our borders to prevent even more criminal immigrant incursions onto our soil.
Our Nation's umemployment rate is sky high, our hospitals are going broke, our schools are going bankrupt, our prisons are overcrowded and now we have a mexican swine flu outbreak due in large part to the massive criminal immigrant invasion that has spread like a cancer upon our southern border. This criminal immigrant invasion has to be stopped, and it has to be stopped NOW! Take the steps to uphold your oath of office by protecting our great country from the criminal invasion we are currently experiencing!
Dear employee,
I urge you to initiate legislation requiring minimum I.Q. tests for elected officials. I wouldn't have thought this necessary until recently when our elected officials began adopting failed policies from failed states around the world.
I find it immoral that the U.S. Government would flagrantly steal from its citizens through the devaluation of currency.
I find it embarrassing that the U.S. Government would send an envoy to China to beg the Chinese to purchase our debt solely because our elected leaders fail to balance a budget year after year.
I'd find it almost comical that our President would be duped into a propaganda photo op with a communist dictator from Venezuela if it was not for the fact that he exhibits communist tendencies himself.
I find it offensive that Janet Napolitano would issue a report labeling millions of regular Americans as "extremist" and not be chastised by our represenatives for her actions.
I find it delusional for our Government to think that it is in any way the solution to the problems we face today since it can be directly identified as the source of most of them.
I find it encouraging that our Government will soon face the fact that it must shrink in rhythm with the economy it has regulated into oblivion.
I find it encouraging to think that if our nation makes it to the next congressional election we could officially break the cycle of nanny statism that has done nothing in recent history to obey the principles our country was founded on.
I find it encouraging to think that the tyrants in D.C. who ignore their educated constituents in favor of votes for cigarettes will alienate their base when their beloved social programs fail due to the destruction of currency.
Liberals in congress may have what is called "political capital" from election victories but that won't soon change the laws of physics. Right is right and wrong is still wrong. Please make an attempt to review some world history before ruining our fine country.
In light of all this I find it frightening to think that our elected officials would adopt such a slew of legislation that has caused bread and aspirin lines in failed Socialist states elsewhere in the world and again I implore you to make minimum I.Q. testing for elected officials legislation a priority.
Thank you for your time
Mr. Obama,
Why is it that you politicians think intelligent American citizens want you to have anything to do with our health care or any other part of our lives? The government now only exists to serve itself and special intrest lobbies that have NOTHING to do with what We the People really want our government to be nor the way our brillant Founding Father's set it up to be. The Founding Father's placed restrictions upon the government in the Constitution for good reason, they could foresee what has been happening for decades. I thought you were a Constitutional attorney Mr. Obama? Surely you know almost everything you have done and are trying to do is Un-Constitutional?!
We the People know without a doubt, if the government is involved with a program, that program will be wasteful, inefficient, and rapt with corruption. The government has bankrupted Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and you high and mighty politicians think we are dumb enough to let you run our health care? The government could not even run cash for clunkers for goodness sakes! Furthermore, I believe We the People are seeing through your charade. We the People see that it is our own government that creates most of our problems in our great Nation and we will not sit down, we will not shut up, we will continue to call your agenda what it is, MARXISM! Maybe those whom have been brainwashed by your marxist union run public schools won't know any better, but a large percentage of We the People have seen through the tripe and will give you a sound defeat in 2010 just to send you the message the We the People are not going to sit back and allow this over bearing governmental control to be foisted upon us! Then maybe you will see that this Nation does indeed lean CENTER-RIGHT, not anywhere near where you want to take us!
By the way Mr. Obama, you claimed you were going to have the MOST OPEN administration in history, SO, where's your birth certificate, college records, and medical records?
Senator Brown,
I am writing to VERY STRONGLY URGE you to vote AGAINST any "climate change" bill! This legislation would saddle American taxpayers with draconian taxes and rules which give control of our lives to some bureaucrat whom has no legal authority. The "climate change" issue is based on junk "science" and has yet to be proven. Proof lies in the movement's very own wording and how that has changed. If you remember, in the 1970's we were all going to die because of the coming ICE AGE! Then, a few "researchers" about to lose their sweetheart deal grants and actually do real work for a living, decided the problem was 'Global Warming". Well that hasn't worked out now has it? Since 1998 the global temperature has been COOLING. So now they claim "Climate Change". Of course the climate is changing, it's called a natural cyclical process! We the People see the truth Mr. Brown, the government and a few select corporations stand to make trillions of dollars from this issue knowing full well that the only effects of this legislation will be for the government to take more control of our lives and to swell the coffers of the bloated Federal bureaucracy and those corporations that stand with the government against We the People!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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