So madame pelosi twisted enough limp wristed arms to pass the gigantic boondoggle they are calling health care "reform". The majority of Americans did not want anything to do with this scam being forced down our throats, yet the madame persisted because after all, she and her gang of criminals know so much better than we do what is good for us. This bloated corrupt "plan" will leave more un-insured than there are now, not to mention the hundreds of thousands that will lose employer sponsored health insurance because it will be cheaper for employers to pay the fine for NOT insuring employees than it will be to pay the tax, 40% of the cost of the plan, that will be levied against the plans they provide for their employees now! Yet there are those whom think that "free" government health care is a good idea. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones who said they can't wait for chairman maobama to fill their gas tanks, pay their bills and their mortgages. You know the ones in line in Detroit for a maobama check which they thought came from the almighty maobama's personal cash stash. I really wish these folks would get wise to the scam and see that it is those very programs they love so much that are keeping them in poverty and ignorance.
This isn't nor has it ever been about insuring more people, unless you happen to be a criminal immigrant. This is strictly about the federal government consistently usurping the Constitution to gain more control over the citizens. This plan FORCES citizens to buy health care insurance or face severe fines and JAIL time if one does not comply with BIG BROTHER! Could someone please clue me in to where in the Constitution it mentions the government being allowed to force us to buy health care insurance, and while you are at it, show me where the Constitution mentions our "right" to health care insurance at all, and please where is it mentioned that the federal government is allowed to run it or any other of the corrupt programs they fund with our tax dollars?! The criminals in D.C. have ignored the Constitution for decades, they have chipped away and chipped away while the population has been asleep. Former president gw bush started this nightmare scenario with two wars and the first "economic stimulus" package, which by the way, only benefited wall street, setting the stage for chairman maobama to try to take us on the fast track to marxism. The government now has ownership stakes in automakers, banks, and now it is after our health care system. This is not the way our Founding Fathers set our Nation up folks. Read the Constitution, it VERY clearly LIMITS the federal governments power, it does not in any way shape or form allow the government to be in control of any of our industries!
This has to be stopped folks! Our National debt is so high now that we cannot possibly pay it off in TWO GENERATIONS and that does not include any of the new programs chairman maobama wants to cram down our throats such as the health care scam and the egregious cap and tax plan they want to implement to control the rest of our lives! Have you heard of cap and trade, or tax as it is being called because of the massive tax increases everyone, especially businesses will be saddled with if this passes. Gee, what do you think even more tax increases will do to an already sky high un-employment rate?! Enough is enough! Everyone needs to call and write their supposed elected employees and remind them, #1) They are supposed to work for and listen to US, #2)Not to vote for ANY new programs when we can't pay for current obligations, #3)Do not vote for ANY legislation that does not meet strict Constitutional guidelines!
We have to take our Nation back before these criminals turns it into a third world dictatorship!
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