Now our infamous "leaders" are trying to push through their "climate change" legislation in the senate. This legislation does nothing to protect the environment. This legislation is nothing more than a power and cash grab by the government and primarily GE. Yes other corporations are on board with this massive usurpation of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, but, GE stands to gain the most. Whom do you think makes the most of those "green" light bulbs, "smart" themostats, and "smart" grid electrical delivery systems? Hmm, well, that would be GE. Has anyone ever wondered why the NBC television network and their "news" network MSNBC seems to be in bed with chairman maobama? Hmm, let's see, MSNBC and NBC are owned by...wait for it...GE! Any collusion there?
The "climate change" morons have done a good job of brainwashing the idiot sheeple in the world, however, thinking, rational people can see through the ruse and fight against it. Some of us remember the ruse of the day perpetrated in the 1970's. Remember, we're all going to die in the imminent ice age. Hmm, the climate started warming up and then the "scientists" studying the climate were in fear of losing their grants to research this "climate change" colluded to rename this current change "global warming", so they wouldn't have to actually work for a living. This brings us to their next ruse, "global warming". How could anyone argue? The earth was getting warmer, albeit, tenths of a degree over a century. WOW! We are all going to melt! Then after 1998, the earth actually started to cool, uh oh, here we go again! This time the "scientists" decided on a new strategy, call it "climate change", therefore no-one can argue it either way. What's worse is that these "scientists" are so arrogant that they believe the presence of man is what is causing all this change. Hmm, news flash you over educated idiots! The earth has been warming and cooling for millions of years, LONG BEFORE THE EVIL HUMAN SPECIES WAS CREATED!!! Need proof? Look at the era of the dinosaurs. Does anyone really believe that the climate was as it is now when the dinosaurs were on the earth? Dinosaurs were reptiles, reptiles are cold blooded, thus requiring warmth to live. Now, dinosaur fossils have been found in the far northern reaches of the world, so, wouldn't it make sense then that the climate was considerably WARMER than it is now?! Then, through massive volcanic eruptions or meteor strikes or sun spots, the climate cooled killing the dinosaurs. So do you really want to argue the point that humans have anything to do with our ever changing cyclical climate?!
What this legislation is about is governmental control over the citizens. Doubt that? Why would the legislation give the government the authority to regulate how warm or cool your home can be ("smart thermostats), how much electricity you can use, how much you pay for electricity (smart grids) and how much your employer will have to pay in "fees" to continue to spew out so called carbon pollution into the atmosphere? Does anyone truly believe that employers are not going to A) Pass the cost on to consumers and B) lower the wages of their employees to help pay for these so-called fees imposed by an overbearing government?
Our government has stepped over the line with this recent adminstration policies. The government has been stealing our rights piecemeal for generations, but this current gang of criminals is putting our Nation on the fast track to becoming a marxist nation such as Chavez's Venezuela or Castro's Cuba. Don't believe that? Look at the people chairman maobama has surrounded himself with. Sure seems to be a whole bunch of outwardly communist, socialist, and marxist America hating people saddling up on the maobama wagon train to hell. Wake up people, we just may have to fight to take our Nation back!
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