Just who in politics represents me? The ultra left wing which has taken control due to voter stupidity, apathy, and republican corruption has mistakenly seen their election as a mandate for uber government control from cradle to grave. If anyone doubts that they have mistakenly seen a mandate which wasn't there, just look at the agenda, (health care takeover, cap and tax legislation, anti Second Amendment legislation) that they still haven't been able to get passed even though they have super majorities in both the house and the senate.
The American people have stood up and told them to shove their communist agenda up their asses. Yet, the left wingers in power still can't believe that "real" American voters are the ones standing up against their communism. The tea party and town hall meeting protesters were just radical right wingers organized by the republican party because republicans are racist and can't tolerate having a black president. This is so typical of left wing libretards. They are losing the argument on the facts so they resort to name calling and playing the race card. I know I saw plenty of democrats, independents, and republicans, whites and blacks, at the town halls and tea parties. There is a tremendous amount of voter remorse by "conservative" blacks, and race guilty white moderate democrats for getting maobama elected.
So folks, is this the kind of change you were hoping for?! Just look at how quickly maobama's poll numbers are crashing! Don't think for a minute that I believe the republicans are any better, because they are not. They were responsible in part for getting maobama elected. Their corruption, their inability to stick to their supposed morals, their uncontrolled government spending, and their growing the size of government and bureaucracy, voter stupidity, acorn voter fraud,and media bias, all were contributing factors to getting maobama elected. Add to this scenario two unpopular wars and the republicans putting up a liberal republican has been to run against maobama and you can see why the communists won last November. We have the uber left wing which wants to control our lives from cradle to grave. Then we have the uber right wing conservatives whom want the very same thing. While typically the right doesn't raise taxes, in this current climate no-one to be elected can honestly say they won't raise taxes because it's inevitable. The deficits that have already been run up will require it, there will be no choice.
For those that don't believe that conservatives want to control our lives, all you have to do is look at smoking bans as a prime example, strip club no contact laws are another example, gay marriage legislation is another one they want to stick their hands into. My views are that do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt others, just don't call it marriage unless you want marriage to be redefined to include a plethora other options. You see, the left wants to control your whole life, while the right wants to legislate our morality. So you see, they both SUCK and the American people are the ones that are paying the price.
So, where does this all leave US, the patriotic, freedom loving American citizen? Up the proverbial shit creek with out a paddle! We cannot get lazy, we have to keep standing up, keep speaking out, keep screaming our message to those in the district of criminals! Our message is this: GET YOUR HANDS OFF OUR LIVES!!!! It is not the government's job to coddle us from cradle to grave. The government does not have the right to disregard our Constitution just because those in charge disagree with what it says. Our Founding Fathers were very smart in their crafting of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, they spelled out VERY clearly what the government is allowed to do and more importantly what the government is NOT allowed to do! So where has the logic disconnect occured? I believe it started way back when Teddy Roosevelt was President, because dear old Teddy was one of the first "progressives" whom believed the government had more power upon citizens lives than it did. From Teddy, government just expanded and got us to the point we are at now with the citizens sitting by and letting it happen. I only pray that it is not too late! I pray our nation can be saved and returned to our founding principles without bloodshed.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson-1787
Thomas Jefferson knew what he was talking about. Our Nation's Tree of Liberty is wilting and brown. We must turn back this tide before it is too late!
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